
"Star Cowboy" live-action version of the official trailer After a day, count it as a day


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"Star Cowboy" live-action version of the official trailer After a day, count it as a day

Time Network News Starring John Zhao, Daniela Pineda and other Hollywood live-action "Star Cowboy" episodes exposed the official Chinese word trailer, will be launched on Netflix on November 19, the first season of a total of 10 episodes. The style of the trailer is close to the phrase "count the day a day", revealing a stream of debauchery and seeing through the red dust.

"Star Cowboy" is based on the original Japanese TV anime of the same name, set in the universe of 2071, the governments of various planets allow individuals to catch criminals to obtain bonuses, so the bounty hunters began to come alive, and the male protagonist Spike is a bounty hunter who travels through the universe.

Each episode is an independent plot, in addition to the wonderful action scenes and science fiction settings, the animation also integrates the forms of various civilizations of the 20th century with space scenes, and adds many bridges that pay tribute to classic movies, which are regarded as a generation of classics by science fiction fans.

"Star Cowboy" live-action version of the official trailer After a day, count it as a day

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