
Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve


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How to maintain health in the five poisonous months?

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and we have also entered the fifth month of the lunar calendar. During this time, do you have no appetite for eating? Have you ever felt heavy and weak in your limbs... Because this is the "Five Poison Moon"! Why is it called the "Five Poison Moon"? Where is the "poison"?

The lunar month of May is commonly known as the "poison month", also known as the five poison month or poison may, May is the heaven and earth to the Thai month. So what is Heaven and Earth Jiaotai? The Tai of Heaven and Earth jiaotai refers to Tai Gua and is from the I Ching. Gua Xiang is: Heaven and earth intersect, all things are connected. Tai Gua under Qian Shang Kun, heaven and earth jiaotai is the meaning of the intersection of heaven and earth.

Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve
Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve

Why is it called Poison May?

This is also the key season for the transformation of yin and yang qi in heaven and earth. Heaven and earth blend, all things coexist, all kinds of poisonous insects come out and jump, and all kinds of bacteria and microorganisms also multiply and grow in large quantities, which are called external evils in the eyes of Chinese medicine. Therefore, this stage is particularly easy to hurt the body by external evil, which is why it is called poison May.

Among them, the first five, six and seven days of May; the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth; the 25th, 26th and 27th days are the "Nine Poison Days of Heaven and Earth", and the fourteenth is the "Heaven and Earth Day". In these 10 days, the yin and yang qi of heaven and earth were relatively intense, which had a great impact on the qi and blood of human organs.

Attached: Nine Poison Days 2021:

First Poison Day: May 5 (14 June in the solar calendar) / 6 june in the first month of May (15 June in the solar calendar) / 7 days in the first month of May (16 June in the solar calendar)

Date of poisoning: May 15 (June 24 in the Gregorian calendar) / May 16 (June 25 in the Gregorian calendar) / May 17 (June 26 in the Gregorian calendar)

Last Poison Day: May 25 (4 July in the Gregorian calendar) / 26 May (5 July in the solar calendar) / 27 May (6 July in the Gregorian calendar)

These nine days are the "Nine Poison Days", and May 14 (June 23 in the solar calendar) is the Day of Heaven and Earth.

Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve
Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve

Poison May, what is the "poison"?

In the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the sun rises one moment and the rain falls for a while. The combination of high temperature and rain, hot steaming, this humid and stuffy weather, feel like in a sauna. Coupled with the opening of the sweat hole of the human body at high temperatures, it is particularly easy to let the wet evil invade.

Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve

After the evil of damp heat enters the human body, it blocks the qi and blood meridians, and the body will have poor operation of jin liquid qi and blood, so many people will have heavy physical difficulties, heavy limbs and weakness, swollen faces, swollen eyes, swollen hands and other manifestations.

Therefore, the "poison" of poison May first refers to the poison of damp heat. This kind of damp heat will affect the spleen and stomach function, and there will be symptoms such as bad breath and bitter mouth, bloating, poor appetite, sticky stools on the toilet, and yellow and greasy tongue.

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic: "Sweating out and seeing wetness is acne.". When we sweat, the wind blows and the rain, and the wet evil enters the body when the sweat hole is opened, and accumulates in the skin, so the poison may also be particularly prone to skin acne, eczema, prickly heat and so on.

The temperature and humidity in May are more suitable for the reproduction and growth of various poisonous insects, bacteria, microorganisms, etc. Therefore, the second manifestation of the "poison" of May refers to all kinds of tangible poisons and invisible poisons. Visible poison refers to all kinds of insects and other creatures that we can see with our eyes; invisible poison refers to germs, microorganisms and other evil gases that cannot be seen by the eyes.

The Fifth Dragon Boat Festival at the beginning of the fifth month of the lunar calendar is also a festival to prevent epidemics and dispel diseases, avoid plague and drive away poisons. Many customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as smearing male yellow wine on the forehead and hanging mugwort leaves on the wall, are actually to drive away evil spirits and avoid poisons and protect health.

Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve

Eating Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival is a custom, and in the view of Chinese medicine, the glutinous rice in Zongzi has a good health effect. Glutinous rice is sweet and warm, and has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach. The ingredients of rice dumplings, such as the red adzuki beans in bean paste dumplings, also have the effects of reducing swelling, detoxifying and discharging pus.

Male yellow wine can be used as an antidote, mainly to deal with the visible poison of the five poisonous insects, such as various snakes, scorpions, etc. are more afraid of the taste of male yellow.

Mugwort leaves, warm, cold, dehumidified (Compendium of Materia Medica). Mainly used to deal with invisible poisons, mugwort essential oil is scattered in the air, which can deal with evil gases such as bacteria and viruses in the air.

Do 5 things well to detoxify the heat of dampness

It can be maintained from the following five aspects to detoxify the poison of damp heat.

1, do not stay up late and do not eat late at night

Do not stay up late, to ensure that sleep is very important for damp heat; do not eat supper, let the spleen and stomach rest more at night, but also conducive to reducing spleen and stomach damp heat.

2, light diet, less spicy and greasy

Eat a lighter diet, more vegetarian and less meat, do not eat or eat less spicy and greasy food, eat more green vegetables. It has the effect of nourishing the liver, clearing heat and detoxification, and dampness. For example, eat some spinach, greens, broccoli, celery, green beans, cowpeas, oil wheat vegetables and so on.

Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve

3. Exercise more and insist on walking fast every day

Exercise can generate yang qi, and sweating can help drain moisture. Through jogging, tai chi, brisk walking and other exercises, it can promote qi and blood circulation, which is conducive to water metabolism and accelerates the discharge of moisture from the body.

4. Wear a sachet

Mugwort leaves have an aromatic smell, the general sachet with wormwood as the main raw material, while with stone calamus, baizhi, Cangshu, weed, perrin, gansong, etc., unified into coarse powder, into the sachet, wear it, has the effect of dehumidification and insect repellent, clean air.

5. Moxibustion acupuncture points

Moxibustion has the effect of warming the heart, driving away evil spirits, and reconciling yin and yang, especially in removing dampness. Generally, acupuncture points such as Yin Ling Spring, Fenglong, Sanyin Jiao, and Zu Sanli are generally selected.

Rainy and wet, full of five poisons, where is the "poison" in May? 5 ways to resolve

"Poison May" is actually not mysterious, we just need to grasp and adapt to climate change from the perspective of health and wellness, and make positive protection.

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