
In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

author:Hong Kong film nostalgia

Following the "Shaolin Temple" trilogy, in 1988, director Zhang Xinyan once again gathered his team to create "Yellow River Hero". At that time, Jet Li had become famous and was no longer suitable for playing the second male lead, because of Jet Li's "absence", Chun Yu Shanshan took over the role that originally belonged to him.

The two-handed sword master Yu Chenghui, the golden villain Ji Chunhua, the master Yu Hai, Hu Jianqiang, Xiong Xinxin, Sun Jiankui, Wan Qiong and others jointly created the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland in the 80s, which truly explains what it is: the great hero, for the country and the people.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >1, arsenal of martial arts films of the five dynasties of the late Tang Dynasty</h1>

"The Yellow River Hero" is a typical martial arts film, but it has a real historical background. The three kings of Duan, Liu, and Li fought for supremacy, and the historical prototype is the war between Later Liang and Later Tang in the early five dynasties of the late Tang Dynasty.

The historical prototype of Duan Wangye, who was saved by the Yellow River hero Yu Chenghui, was Li Cunxun of the Later Tang Dynasty.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Ji Chunhua plays the murderous Liu Wangye, whose historical prototype is Zhu Wen, the taizu of Later Liang, who is the terminator of the Li Tang Dynasty and the old enemy of Li Cunxun. Later, Hou Liang was destroyed by Li Cunxun.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

The historical prototype of Prince Li is Liu Shouguang, the founder of the Yan regime, whose father and Li Cunxun's father are brothers, and in the movie, Duan Wangye and Li Wangye were once brothers.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

"Yellow River Hero" is jointly produced by Hong Kong Zhongyuan Film Company and Xi'an Film Studio, which is greatly influenced by Hong Kong's new martial arts films, so the costumes, makeup, hair, and weapons are based on the needs of the plot and the situation of funds, and are not restored historically. One of the highlights of this film is the weapons of the villains, most of which are not ordinary knives, swords, and guns, but can be called the arsenal of martial arts films.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

The first to promote the Yellow River hero Yu Chenghui's two-handed sword. The sword is three feet and three inches long, about 1 meter 25-1 meter 3. The two-handed sword does have its martial arts genre, it is a real sword, not a thin sword for performance. The double-stranded sword against Yu Chenghui also has a chic side groove.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Liu Wangye used a double-headed knife drill. Note the drill behind its long-handled large knife.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

It is a double-headed weapon, which can be used as a temporary gun or as a small hammer, and "gun pick drilling" refers to this type of weapon. The so-called double-stranded sword when fighting with Yu Chenghui above is suspected of disassembling this weapon and using it with both ends and left and right hands.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Li Wangye used a three-section stick with a hammer on his head, or a chain hammer.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

The dark weapon aspect is also very rich, Liu Wangye's flying claws.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Duan Wangye's meteor hammer.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Before "The Yellow River Hero", no mainland martial arts film would bring so many complicated ancient weapons to the screen at the same time. There are also very detailed action designs for the weapons of Duan Wangye, Liu Wangye, and Li Wangye.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, "Yellow River Hero" has the texture of an early martial arts film</h1>

In addition to weapons, this film is a typical 80s martial arts film with tragic overtones. Cruelty and violence are unabashedly displayed on a large scale, which is quite inappropriate for children. Yu Chenghui's Yellow River hero is cold and melancholy, stoic and fearless, and heavy on righteousness and lightness, which is in line with the creative concept of early Chinese martial arts films.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Since the 1950s, due to the popularity of works by new martial arts novelists such as Jin Yong and Gu Long in Hong Kong and other places, Chinese martial arts films have a basis for adaptation of the original works of wuxia novel authors and are gradually revived. In the 1960s and 1970s, the early martial arts films of Hong Kong and Taiwan were carried by Zhang Che of the Shaw family, and directors Hu Jinquan, Liu Jialiang, Yuan Heping, who promoted the martial arts style of hard bridges and hard horses, hoping that the film could convey the realism of martial arts. In the 1980s, the new martial arts began to pursue the novelty and ornamentation of the action.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts
In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

In the early 1980s, a large number of martial arts films began to be created, cooperating with Hong Kong film companies, such as Zhang Xinyan's "Shaolin Temple" series, Zhang Zien's "Yellow River Hero", Zhang Huaxun's "Cast Sword", "Wulin Zhi" and so on. In the past 20 years, martial arts films have gradually declined, but mainland martial arts films have still left many films worth watching in such a short creative window.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Most of the martial arts films created by the mainland, such as this film, are not as entertaining as Hong Kong, but with the feelings of the heroes in the early martial arts films, they are basically based on the story of the dust master to eliminate violence and anliang. Yu Chenghui's image of wearing a bucket hat and fighting a sword and a royal horse on the glacier is exactly the temperament of early martial arts films, which is easy to get the recognition of the audience.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

"Yellow River Hero" is the most typical realistic martial arts film. There are numerous bloody shots. When the Yellow River Hero and Che Tian went to deliver the battle book, they saw the murderous demon Liu Wangye hanging the fragments of the human body of the divided corpse randomly outside the city wall and swaying with the wind.

Ma Yi and Che Tian escaped from the city wall and had to climb down with the corpse. The brutality of these shots is staggering.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts
In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

The Yellow River hero is a widowed hero, meet the beauty is really in the back of the film, at this time he is blind, but also with a scar, such an adventure is not romantic at all, the first thing the beauty did for him, is to repair his deceased daughter's relic rattle.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

But Zhenzhen has unconditional trust in the Yellow River Hero, always repeating "You are a good person", even after witnessing the Yellow River Hero kill his father Li Wangye, he still let go of the Hero, and even died under the arrows of Duan Wangye's defenders. She is probably the only romantic bright color in this film.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

The eccentric jianghu selling entertainer Che Tian, who insisted on righteousness, saved the Yellow River Hero from being shot by random arrows. Brotherhood cannot be preserved in a troubled world.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

At the end, Ma Yi, the hero of the Yellow River, finally killed Duan Wangye by the Yellow River, and threw his body into the Yellow River. Looking at the water of the Yellow River, which did not give up day and night, it immediately fell into emptiness. People in the chaos of war are like falling into the Yellow River, struggling in the whirlpool of the chaotic era, and they cannot save themselves. Trying to escape into the empty door but being rejected by the abbot, the hero had to go back on the road, probably going through such pain again.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

"Returning to the countryside, the people groan bitterly, looking at the earth, the wanderer is terrified. The scorched earth could not bear to look, and smoke and dust rose on both sides of the great river. A heart of blood spilled on the end of the world, the three-foot dragon spring hates unevenness, how many bitter things in the world, when can we get peace! The ending song is also the temperament of a realistic martial arts film.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts</h1>

Yu Chenghui is a very special actor, even in the early martial arts films in the mainland where martial arts masters are gathered - he is a master, martial artist, and even a hero with great achievements in two-handed swords. He is the only actor who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Born in 1939 in Penglai, Shandong Province, Yu Chenghui became a two-handed sword mantis gate descendant since childhood, except for serving as a swordplay instructor in the provincial martial arts team, there was no stage to perform swordplay, until the revival of martial arts movies in the 1980s, which allowed the three-dimensional hero to be born. At the beginning, Yu Chenghui often appeared as an action director for martial arts films, and after starting to participate in the film, he successively starred in the villains Wang Renze, Bao Shengfeng, and Herso Wangye in the trilogy of "Shaolin Temple", "Shaolin Kid" and "North and South Shaolin", which left a deep impression on the audience.

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

"Yellow River Hero" is Yu Chenghui's first starring role, when he was 49 years old, and his self-created two-handed sword (mantis sword) was vividly displayed in the film. Yu Chenghui's image temperament in his prime is completely in line with the public's imagination of "martial arts masters".

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

The image temperament after old age is the "martial arts master" himself in the minds of the public. The picture shows Yu Chenghui in the movie "Arrow Warrior Willow White Ape".

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

Therefore, as written on the poster of this film, "real fight, real fall, tension, thrilling", Yu Chenghui's two-handed sword is not a flower frame, but a practical weapon in actual combat. It is said that during the filming of the movie "The Trail of Wokou", there were young actors who approached Yu Seung-hye to challenge their sword skills, and they were all balanced. Unfortunately, Yu Chenghui's treacherous and evil plan Chunhua is no longer there, the master is gradually withering, it is difficult for future generations to continue, the hero plays the hero, and there is no one after that. (Reported by: Mankei Wu)

In 1988, the 49-year-old Yu Chenghui became the protagonist for the first time, making the most authentic martial arts film in the mainland 1, the arsenal of martial arts films of the five generations of the late Tang Dynasty 2, "The Yellow River Hero" with the texture of early martial arts films 3, Yu Chenghui: a hero who can act, not an actor who can do martial arts

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