
In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

author:Small fish private kitchen

After the autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink more for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and nourish the fire.

After the autumn, the day is getting shorter and the night is getting longer, many people may not have noticed, the current is still in the hot three volt day, because the autumn does not mean that the hot weather is over, although the autumn is over, but there is no "summer", the weather is still very hot during the early autumn, do not underestimate the power of the "autumn tiger".

Autumn is dry and easy to catch fire, it is inevitable that people will feel dry mouth, and some people will also have a sore throat. As the saying goes: soup water is the most nourishing, the simplest and most effective way to deal with autumn dryness is to have a bowl of beautiful soup every day, which not only replenishes the water, but also nourishes the body, clears the heat and fire, and is good for the body. The following to share with you 8 delicious soups suitable for autumn drinking, the method is simple, nutritious and delicious, often drink to raise people is good for the body.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

----【Winter melon meatball soup】----

Ingredients: 200 g pork front clip 1 small piece of winter melon 2 tomatoes broccoli green onion ginger

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

1, Peel and cut the winter melon into small pieces, peel the tomatoes and cut into small pieces, chop the broccoli, stalk, flowers separate, chop the green onion, slice the ginger.

2, Cut the meat into small pieces before the pig, put it into the meat grinder, add the ginger slices, stir into the meat filling, then add the broccoli stems, green onions, beat, then beat in 1 egg, add soy sauce, salt, pepper, corn starch, mix well.

3, Heat the pan with oil, add the tomatoes, add 1 spoonful of salt, sauté until the tomatoes are juiced, add water to boil, then add the winter melon and cook for a while.

4, adjust to low heat, spoon a spoonful of meat filling, round, into the pot, in turn all the meatballs into the pot, cook until the meatballs float up, add broccoli, adjust the pepper, start the pot.

The soup cooked in this way is sweet and sour, both the sour and sweet of the tomato, the tenderness of the winter melon, the crispness of the broccoli, and the fresh flavor of the meatballs, the combination of meat and vegetables, nutrition and delicious.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

----【Red Date Pigeon Soup】----

Ingredients: 1 pigeon 20 grams of dates 20 grams of lotus seeds 1 pinch of goji berries 1 small piece of ginger 2 green onions

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

1, the pigeons are cleaned up, the green onion is diced, and the ginger sliced is set aside.

2, pigeon meat under the cold water pot, boiling water and then boil for 5 minutes to fish up, put into the electric pressure cooker, add red dates, lotus seeds, ginger slices, pour in the appropriate amount of water.

3, Cover the pot, simmer for 30 minutes, then add goji berries, salt, pepper, chicken essence, sprinkle with green onions and out of the pot.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

----【Tomato Tofu Egg Soup】----

Ingredients: 1 piece of tofu, 1 egg, 2 eggs, green onion, ginger (to taste)

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

1, Cut the tofu into small cubes, peel the tomatoes, cut into small pieces, green onion, ginger into small pieces. Whisk the eggs.

2, Put the oil in a hot pan, stir-fry the minced ginger, add the tomatoes, add 2 tablespoons of salt, sauté until the tomatoes come out of the juice, add water to boil, add the diced tofu, cook for 5 minutes.

3. Pour water starch into the sauce. Boiling tomato soup, adding some water starch, can increase the consistency of the soup, drink thick and soft, more refreshing. (Water starch: 1/2 tablespoon corn starch: 3 tablespoons water)

4: After the water in the pot is boiled, slowly pour in the egg liquid along the edge of the pot, add pepper, sprinkle with green onions, and start the pot.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

----【Loofah Egg Soup】----

Ingredients: 1 loofah 2 eggs white jade mushrooms Ginger (to taste)

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

1, Peel the loofah and cut into thin slices, cut off the roots of the white jade mushroom, beat the eggs, and cut the ginger into small pieces.

2, Heat the pan with oil, add ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, add loofah and white jade mushrooms and stir-fry a few times.

3, Add water to boil, add soy sauce, salt, pepper, then drizzle into the egg mixture, sprinkle with green onion and stir up the pot.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

----【Yellow bone fish tofu soup】----

Ingredients: 6 pieces of yellow bone fish 1 piece of frozen tofu 1 piece of ginger 2 small pieces of green onion

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

1, the yellow bone fish is cleaned up, the tofu is cut into small cubes, the ginger is shredded, the green onion is cut into white sections, and the green onion is cut into granules.

2: Heat the pan with oil, add the yellow bone fish over medium heat and fry for a minute, turn over the noodles and fry for another minute, then add the ginger shreds and green onion white and stir-fry until fragrant.

3, pour boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes, pour in tofu cubes, add salt, pepper, cook for a while, add 1 spoonful of balsamic vinegar before cooking, sprinkle with green onions, and start cooking.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

----【Kelp corn pork rib soup】----

Ingredients: Pork bones 800 g Corn 1 kelp kelp ginger shallot

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

1, Kelp foam in advance, cut into small pieces. Cut the corn into sections, chop the pork bones into pieces, and wash them clean.

2, pork bones under cold water pot blanched water, boil the water after boiling for 5 minutes, fish up and rinse, put into the electric pressure cooker, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer for 30 minutes.

3, Add corn, kelp, salt, pepper, chicken juice, cook for another 10 minutes, ready to pan.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

----【White Ear Red Jujube Lotus Seed Soup】----

Ingredients: 1/2 small white fungus 30 grams of purple potatoes 20 grams of lotus seeds 5 red dates

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

1, peel the purple potato and cut into small pieces, tear the white fungus foam into small pieces, and pit the red dates. Put all the ingredients together in the soy milk machine, pour in water, and start the "soy milk" program.

2, it only takes 20 minutes, the white ear red date lotus seed soup is ready, delicate and smooth, fragrant and delicious.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

----【Sydney silver ear soup】----

Ingredients: 1 sydney pear 1 silver ear 1/2 rock sugar 15 g

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

1, white fungus foam hair, Sydney peeled and pitted, cut into small pieces.

2, put The Sydney pear, white fungus, rock sugar together into the soybean milk machine, add water, start the "soy milk" program.

3, The beaten Sydney silver ear soup is delicate and smooth, sweet and delicious, super delicious.

In autumn, these 8 soups remember to drink often for the family, moisturize the lungs to go to the autumn dryness, and smoothly enter the autumn

Autumn is dry and easy to fire, remember to give your family more to drink these 8 soups, clear the heat under the fire, moisturize the lungs to go to autumn dryness, and eat smoothly into autumn in season.