
Would black skin be better? Morgan Freeman, 84, tells you it's not

author:Movies are messed up

In today's era of justice, domestic stars often regard the appearance as more important than business ability.

The medical aesthetic project of small repairs is the foundation, and it is necessary to ensure that the figure and appearance are amazing.

But in fact, for the maintenance of this aspect, the most difficult part is not these small details, but the most important part of the external whole - the skin.

It can be said that the quality of the skin determines the sense of age given by an artist.

Would black skin be better? Morgan Freeman, 84, tells you it's not

And compared to many items that can be adjusted, the skin type problem throughout the body is the most difficult part to solve.

For example, in the entertainment industry, Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo could not be cured for many years, and michael Jackson, the king of fashion, also suffered from this problem.

'Wolverine' Hugh Jackman suffered from skin cancer.

Many so-called small flowers of appearance, in the life map of plain face, sometimes even spell some aunt-level artists who pay attention to health.

And the problem of skin type, even if the face can be covered with cosmetics, once the rest of the body is retained, it is often possible to see the specific skin type.

Would black skin be better? Morgan Freeman, 84, tells you it's not

For example, in a recent interview, Gillian Zhong Xintong said that she needs to spend a huge amount of money every month to maintain her skin.

Even celebrities can't solve these problems, and ordinary people are even more troublesome when they encounter skin problems.

Often, you can only start from the basic life routine and adjust, and optimize this problem through your own functions.

Would black skin be better? Morgan Freeman, 84, tells you it's not

Speaking of the problem of their own physique, the skin quality of our yellow race is relatively good among several human races.

For example, Caucasians face the problem of spotted acne when they are young, and they are more prone to skin sagging when they are older.

Relatively speaking, yellow people seem to have some advantages, but in contrast, black people's skin seems to be more favored.

In terms of health, black people face relatively few skin problems.

Even many theories say that the skin color of the black race is the most smooth and tender.

White skin looks white and tender, but it is actually relatively dry, and the feel is not very good.

And because the skin color is darker, most of the time there are small imperfections and it is not easy to expose.

Would black skin be better? Morgan Freeman, 84, tells you it's not

When it comes to the skin type of black race, many people may think that black people may have this advantage throughout their lives, but this is not the case.

As we age, no matter what kind of skin type we are, we must face the problem of poor skin.

For example, the famous black influence Morgan Freeman, as he grew older.

Many fans have noticed that there are many color patches on his face, and they are worried about whether there is any health problem.

Would black skin be better? Morgan Freeman, 84, tells you it's not

In fact, these color patches are the most common pigmentation spots, which occur normally because of age.

And these stains have appeared as early as he was about fifty years old, but some of them have become more pronounced recently.

In fact, if you are familiar with foreign celebrities, you will find that this is also a common situation.

This is just these stains on ordinary old people, if they appear on black people, they will be more obvious because of their skin color problems, which will cause some friends to misunderstand.

Would black skin be better? Morgan Freeman, 84, tells you it's not

If you usually want to have a good skin condition, it is actually very simple.

As long as you are not mainly exposed to the sun, go to bed early and get up early to maintain your organs, and at the same time reduce the intake of oil and pay attention to endocrine regulation.

Would black skin be better? Morgan Freeman, 84, tells you it's not

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