
The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

author:Read at ten o'clock

Text | Lin Juexia

Ten o'clock invited authors

People in this life, but just a few decades, come and go in a hurry.

Many people spend their entire lives searching for the best.

But what kind of state is the best state?

In fact, the best state of life is hidden in these three sentences.

The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

I saw a story online.

Vanessa and Niro met while filming the film, and Nero soon fell in love with Vanessa.

At that time, Vanessa was a divorced mother with two children, and Nero was a promising young man.

Such a gap, in the eyes of everyone, is not enough.

But Nero didn't care, and he gave all his tenderness to Vanessa and her two children.

It's not that Vanessa doesn't want to be with Nero, it's just that she was hurt too much by her first marriage, and she was really afraid in the face of Nero's proposed marriage.

Nero was extremely eager for marriage, and in the face of a fruitless relationship, Nero was a little disappointed and decided to let go.

But in the years that followed, neither of them forgot each other.

As the saying goes: "If you don't forget it, there will be an echo." ”

Years later, at Vanessa's daughter's wedding, the two of them met again.

It was this encounter that allowed Nero to see his heart clearly and no longer let go easily.

Later, Nero used his love and tenderness to make Vanessa completely let go of her guard against marriage.

After 12 years, two old ladies and grandfathers who added up to more than a hundred years old finally entered the palace of marriage.

The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

In this life, people are destined to meet many people and say goodbye to many people.

Perhaps, you will be sad because of a certain parting; you will also feel sorry for missing someone.

As everyone knows, every encounter and parting is an arrangement of fate, and when the fate comes, it gathers, and the fate goes and disperses.

Those who pass by may disappear into the sea of people and may never be seen again.

But fate can sometimes be wonderful, like dozing off and taking a nap, so that those who have said goodbye will meet again.

Such surprises may not be too many, but there will be exceptions.

Destined people, even across thousands of rivers and mountains, will always one day be reunited in a certain place.

I once read a passage: "In life, there will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope." ”

Therefore, even if the four seasons change, and the spring goes back to the spring, we will always meet the person who is destined in a certain cycle.

Then, with hope in your arms, warm your life.

The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

Once upon a time, there was a man who was proficient in the art of the piano and was very famous in the local area.

But even though everyone praised him for his piano skills, he didn't feel very happy. On the contrary, I feel that it is a pity that I have not met someone who really understands the sound of his piano and understands his own meaning.

This spiritual loneliness made him depressed.

Until he met a person who knew his piano sound and knew his heart.

When he played the piano, he thought of the mountain in his heart, and this person exclaimed from the side: "This piano is like a mountain, majestic and high-pitched, and majestic." ”

He played another song, thinking of the flowing water, and the man continued to exclaim: "The sound of the piano is as clear and pure as the flowing water." ”

He was so surprised that finally someone could understand his piano. He couldn't help but sigh at this person: he had finally met a real confidant.

The two are very close, and even if they are righteous, they will marry Jinlan.

This is the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Zi period alpine flowing water meets Zhiyin.

The world is big, it is difficult to meet the voice, and it is a rare luck to meet people who understand themselves.

The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

The friendship between Zhou Ruchang and Zhang Boju is also enviable.

Zhang Boju's family had countless books, and Zhou Ruchang often went to his place to read books.

Zhou Ruchang said: "When I arrived at Zhang Boju, he ignored me, and I ignored him. I'm going back to school, I don't say goodbye, I just go out, no one can understand our relationship. ”

This is the tacit understanding of two people, even if they do not speak, their hearts and minds are also the same, outsiders can not understand, but they can speak to each other.

There is a saying in "Dream of the Red Chamber": "Gold is easy to get, and it is difficult to find a confidant"

In this life, most people are just passers-by in your life, hurrying by, leaving no trace, and only a few people can really enter your world.

In the vast sea of people, if you can meet a confidant who understands your heart and knows your sorrow and joy, it is not changed in gold.

In front of this person, as long as you have a look, the other party can read your mind; a movement, the other party can understand your needs.

There is no need to explain anything, and there is no need to deliberately disguise anything.

Only those who really understand you can achieve this spiritual fit, spiritual coherence.

Many things have long been self-evident among you.

If the heart is near, everything will not be far away. Understand, more important than anything.

The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

In Ji Xianlin's collection of essays, "Sorrow and Joy Self-Crossing", an experience is recorded.

When he was six years old, he left his hometown, left his parents, and went to school with his uncle in Jinan.

It was the first time he had been so far away from home, and since then he had lived a life under the fence.

Although his uncle's family took good care of him, there was too much bitterness in his heart for a child who was only six years old.

Just like Ji Xianlin said in the text: "Although I have a mother, I seem to have no mother, and I feel this pain very deeply." ”

He often hid in the bed and secretly cried.

However, this was not what made him most sad, what made him most sad was that his hometown later became another place, and he rarely went back.

Two of them returned to their hometowns, one for the funeral of their father and one for their mother.

His loneliness is also particularly desolate in the distance from his hometown again and again.

And in this process, he clearly knew that no one could bear it for him, and he could only survive it on his own.

He devoted all his energy to academic research to soothe the loneliness of his heart far away from his hometown and relatives.

The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

On the road to growth, we will encounter all kinds of difficulties, all the way to run, all the way to fall; all the way to gain, and all the way to lose.

Maybe many people, in the crowd, pretended to be happy and smiled. But when there was no one around, he tore off his seemingly strong appearance, revealed the most real vulnerability, and covered his face and cried.

In this mixed life of joy and sorrow, no one is your panacea.

Even time can't be your best antidote.

Just like the belief conveyed to us by Ji Xianlin in the book: all the sorrows and joys are separated, others are difficult to understand, and the sorrows and joys are self-transcendent.

Therefore, you have to learn to face those life problems alone and find your own answers.

You have to do it, even if there is no antidote, to be able to heal itself.

The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

I once read such a question on the Internet: "What moment makes you feel that the world is worth it, and life is very good?" ”

There is a high praise below who replied: "I hope that someone understands my sad spring and sorrow, and understands my insincerity." If you can meet the person with the white head on the occasion of the first snow of winter, it is perfect!

If it doesn't happen, it's great to be able to taste all kinds of ice cream in the summer and give yourself a healing feeling that goes up the corner of your mouth! ”

The three best states of life: unexpected encounters, self-evident, and healing without medicine

In this lifetime, people must live so calmly and transparently, they should come from the self, they should understand, there is no need to be in a hurry, there is no need to force. No matter how bad it is, we will always have our own company and understanding.

May we, and the destined people meet unexpectedly, accompany each other, and warm a lifetime;

And the people who really understand you are self-evident, mutual understanding, tacit understanding for a lifetime;

In this life of mixed sorrow and joy, you must heal without medicine and be strong for a lifetime.

In this way, it is the best state of life.

Author | Lin Juexia, not to argue about life, quietly write articles

Image | Visual China

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