
"Turandot", which was spat out as a bad film, is really not as bad as you think

author:Film and television word-of-mouth list

#电影图兰朵 The origin of the spell #

"I really want to go to the cinema to see how bad this Turandot really is!" A movie wants to arouse the audience's interest, and it is one way to be of high quality to rave reviews, and it seems to be more attractive to everyone if it is so bad that it can get a thousand strange complaints.

Unfortunately, Turandot: The Origin of the Spell, released in October, belongs to the latter. Nowadays, its Douban score has dropped to 3.4, and the release time is only about half a month, but there are very few films. The reputation and box office of "Turandot" are so dismal, but is it really so bad?

"Turandot", which was spat out as a bad film, is really not as bad as you think

The points of its spitting are nothing more than these: first, Guan Xiaotong's acting skills are bad and her makeup is too strange; second, the plot is too ugly. But what I want to say is that these two points that have been complained about cannot be called "failures", and they can be explained.

Let's take Guan Xiaotong, who plays the heroine Turandot. Everyone says her acting skills are bad, but I have some doubts that some of the critics who came out of their mouths have actually seen Guan Xiaotong in this movie.

The princess played by Guan Xiaotong has a contrast change, when the three-color bracelet is still in hand, she is extremely gloomy, cold, and difficult to approach, but when the male protagonist unlocks her three mysteries and the bracelet falls off, the contrast of the princess returning to innocence is really performed by Guan Xiaotong, and it has surprised me. She is also a child actress, and there is nothing to say in several crying scenes, and the scene at the end that died in the arms of the male protagonist makes the audience feel sad: Why is this a bad ending!

"Turandot", which was spat out as a bad film, is really not as bad as you think

Speaking of her makeup problems, blue eyeshadow purple lipstick, yes, this combination is very strange, everyone does not like it and wants to complain. But what I want to say is that Princess Turandot was cursed in the early stages, she could not see the color of everything in the world, and she would be sick on the fifteenth of a month, she was like a strange person before the curse was lifted, and the big heroine had to change her lipstick number, and such a demon-like person would not let her use some exaggerated makeup? Besides, Guan Xiaotong's figure and appearance are very suitable for playing this princess, but cold and warm, salty and sweet, and her several sets of shapes in the movie are also very eye-catching.

"Turandot", which was spat out as a bad film, is really not as bad as you think

Then the most complained about is the plot. Everyone says ah this plot, boring, boring, no logic, not worth it! But what we need to know is that the plot of the film is not original, but comes from the opera adapted by italian composer Giacomo Puccini based on the fairy tale "The Three Mysteries of Durandor". In fact, after watching the whole movie, we will find that this movie restores the original story to almost the same, so to say that this plot is ugly is to say that the classic fairy tale is ugly.

"Turandot", which was spat out as a bad film, is really not as bad as you think

The original story is that the prince solves the mystery set by the princess in order to gamble with his father and the emperor, and then lives happily together, which is a classic fairy tale routine. But the movie is far more complicated than this: the prince's country is destroyed by the country where the princess is located, the prince has lost his memory and falls in love with the daughter of the enemy family, but after solving the mystery of the daughter of the enemy family, he remembers everything, loves and can't help but choose to leave, but finally finds that the big boss has another person, he and the princess are just a misunderstanding, thinking that he can be with the princess forever when the princess and the big boss are dead.

Although such a story seems a bit cheesy, the plot is simple but not monotonous, it is expected, there are ups and downs, there are suspense, and the degree of entanglement is just right.

"Turandot", which was spat out as a bad film, is really not as bad as you think

After refuting the two spit points back, I would like to say one more bright spot. That is, the excellent Chinese culture shown from the beautiful special effects has finally achieved the purpose of cultural dissemination.

The fireworks in "Turandot" are simply a visual feast, and the fireworks are flashing with brilliant shapes such as fire trees, silver flowers, phoenixes, dragons and so on. The manufacture of fireworks is an ancient Chinese art, and the objects displayed in fireworks are also very representative of Chinese history.

Remembering that there are Easter eggs after the end of the film, Caraf returns to his small Western country, saying that he has passed on the technology of making fireworks learned in China to the West. The author was about to leave close to the curtain, and the last fireworks bloomed when I looked up, and it felt like I was watching a real fireworks show.

"Turandot", which was spat out as a bad film, is really not as bad as you think

Turandot: The Origin of the Spell is indeed imperfect, but it has amazing special effects, it elevates the points of the theme (love and peace, cultural exchange), it has just the right plot that people can understand... I think it's going to be a bad movie, it shouldn't be enough!

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