
Although her face is ruined, she still flies The 12-year-old girl is calm and strong in the crowd

author:China Jiangxi Net

This is a pair of agile eyes, if you ignore the cheeks that are black and tight due to burns, through these eyes, you must be able to feel the cuteness of the owner more. Unfortunately, the accident on the night of May 6, 2014, seriously burned the little girl named Mu Ran. At the age of 12, she suffered extensive deep burns on her upper body.

Today, her face, although badly damaged, is able to live a normal life. For more than 1 year, in the eyes of everyone, she has gone from introverted inferiority to shyness and avoidance, and then to the current generous face. No matter who was watching, she could face it calmly: I am also an ordinary person like you. Now, 12-year-old Mu Ran is definitely a little girl full of positive energy, talkative. Her biggest wish now is to return to school as soon as possible and see her former classmates again.

Today, Mougins is a small volunteer. She painted this picture at a winter camp held by the 9958 Accidental Injury Fund for children with burns. "May each of us have a good heart, it will fly, fly with your dreams; it will laugh, it will tender your heart with its smile, it will take you out of the darkness." This heart is like my heart, and I want to use this flying heart to help a lot of people. ”

A tragic memory

Toy airplane charging leads to tragedy

In September 2003, Mu Ran was born in Zunyi, Guizhou Province, to an ordinary rural family. Her arrival did not bring a turning point to the marriage of her parents on the verge of breaking down, when the daughter was more than 1 year old, Mu Xiaojin and his wife chose to divorce due to personality incompatibility, and the children were raised by their fathers. As the eldest son in the family, The burden on Mu Xiaojin's shoulders is not light. In order to support the whole family, he entrusted Mu Ran, who was waiting to be fed, to his parents to raise, and he went to Fujian and other places to work.

10 years of time are fleeting, looking at the growing Mu Ran, Mu Xiaojin realized that his elderly parents were no longer able to take care of their granddaughter. "I also want to give my children a better environment to grow up in." Mu Xiaojin said. Thinking that his sister was doing a small business in Guangzhou's Huadu District and had become a family, he took his daughter to defect during the Spring Festival of 2014. Subsequently, Mu Ran, who was fostered at his aunt's house, was transferred to a local private primary school for the third grade.

In early May 2014, Mr. Mu quit his job in Beijing and planned to return to Guangzhou to find a job to take care of his daughter nearby. "It's a shame to say, for so many years our father and daughter have gathered less and left more." After returning to Huadu, Mu Xiaojin accompanied his daughter to climb Baiyun Mountain, and along the way, the father and daughter looked forward to the future reunion of life.

An accident, but let the beautiful vision become a bubble. At about 11:00 p.m. on May 6, 2014, Mu Xiaojin was still in the stall run by his sister, when a person suddenly ran to a person and shouted: "Your daughter has an accident." Without much time to think about it, Mu Xiaojin rushed towards the temporary rental house. It turned out that the two neighbors who lived next door to Mu Ran that night vaguely heard the cry for help, ran out to take a look, and found that billowing smoke was coming out of the crack in the door of Mu Ran's room. Because the iron door was locked, it took the two men more than 10 minutes to find a hammer to smash the door and rescue Mu Ran, who had fallen into a coma.

"It was the charging of the toy airplane that caused the fire." After the incident, Mu Xiaojin blamed himself. The toy remote-controlled airplane was a gift he gave to his daughter in the summer of 2013. "I haven't played for a long time, but recently I thought about playing but found that the battery is insufficient." Mu Xiaojin said that at about 8 o'clock that night, he plugged the toy plane into the socket to charge and went out the door.

A brave metamorphosis

I'm no different from other people

Since then, with the help of well-wishers, Mu Ran has undergone 3 surgeries on his neck alone. Still, the marks of Mourin's injuries were very obvious. As long as the collar is open a little, you can see the slightly vicious burn on the neck.

Compared with Mu Ran's previous photos, in the face of his daughter who is now unrecognizable, Mu Xiaojin often feels heartache and feels that he owes too much to his daughter. At the beginning of the discharge, worried that his daughter could not accept the fact that he was burned, Mu Xiaojin chose a secluded place to recuperate, but still could not completely avoid the eyes of others.

"If someone is staring at me, I get angry and sometimes scold them. They also scolded me for this, thinking that I was inexplicably cursing. In fact, I didn't want them to stare at me, but then I scolded and felt that it was unnecessary, and slowly I didn't care what people thought of me, and ignored them. Mougins said.

During the winter camp, the reporter also noticed Mu Ran's attitude towards the eyes of others, and at first, she would be uncomfortable because she cared about the eyes of others. But after getting involved in the game, she quickly let go and had a lot of fun. On January 16, volunteers led Mu Ran to play in the Yunnan Nationalities Village. When watching the Jingpo dance performance, everyone asked Mu Ran to perform on stage, called twice, and she bravely stepped on the stage. Later, she recorded the incident in her diary: "Slowly I became familiar with this law, and we had a lot of fun. ”

At the same time, Mu Xiaojin also benefited, "You can't indulge your children because you feel guilty." When Mougin is mischievous, he will also criticize seriously.

As a single father, he has also been doing his best to give his daughter the best learning conditions. Before the accident, Mu Ran was still insisting on learning to draw. When he was discharged from the hospital to recuperate, Mu Xiaojin bought a learning machine for his daughter and let her teach her primary school courses by herself.

For more than a year, Mu Ran has relied on the learning machine his father bought to teach himself the fourth grade course, and also learned half of the fifth grade course. "She's always been a sensible child. Once at an event in Guangzhou, volunteers arranged for her to help accompany a child. During the meal, she first gave the dish to the child who was older than her from beginning to end, and then ate it herself. ”

On the day of the end of the winter camp, the reporter saw a strong reluctance in Mu Ran's eyes. She hugged her new friend Gao Yan tightly and said goodbye again and again. She was also very reluctant to the volunteers, insisting on giving her beloved things to the volunteer sister.

Since his injury, Mourin has not returned to campus, and his former classmates have temporarily cut off contact. "Do you worry about your classmates' opinions after school?" The reporter asked. Mu Ran shook his head, "If you care about their opinions, you will give up school, I look in the mirror now, and I don't feel anything different." ”


Kids who are changed by the game

In fact, during the 7 days of the winter camp, it was not only Mourin who was changed, but also 43 other burned children.

The most impressive is Zhou Tao, a "mask boy" from Suichuan County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, who was his first winter vacation after entering junior high school. In March 2014, Zhou Tao's face, hands, feet and other parts were seriously burned in an accident and he had to wear a stretch sleeve like a mask. His story of facing ups and downs and optimistic life has received widespread attention from the society, the family has received a total of more than 100,000 yuan of love donations, and Zhou Tao has also won the title of "Self-Improvement Teenager" of Jiangxi Shisanyou.

This family, who had been at a loss in the face of disasters, strongly crossed the hurdles under the attention of society and re-entered the right track. He was also one of the most active children for 7 days. Zhou Tao said that when he grows up, he wants to become a doctor to help and repay those who are in pain and who have helped him.

Over the course of seven days, 44 burned children and volunteers played a variety of games.

Huang Yimei, a volunteer at Taiwan University of the Arts, said that art is life-like, through art, music can release pressure, we met this group of children, know that they live very hard, parents are also very stressed. So we hope to bring these lesson plans, after gamification, fun, children can learn systematically. By learning these things, they can have a way to release their stress when they encounter difficulties in the future.

The 9958 Accidental Injury Fund's winter camp for children with burns can provide more care and support to children and families with burns, help them solve their problems, face challenges healthier, braver and more independently, and integrate into society with more confidence. At the event, Muran said she had three wishes: to live happily every day; to go to college; and to be filial to her parents.

How are burned children treated? The famous movie star Tao Hong also came to Kunming as a volunteer and accompanied the children for a day. Tao Hong liked Mu Ran's paintings very much and asked her if she had any special gifts she wanted. Unexpectedly, Mu Ran only needed her to sign her own painting. Tao Hong was very happy and praised Mu Ran for his understanding. Later, she said in an interview with this reporter: "We must treat these children as very normal children, and we must also believe in their ability, which is a kind of respect." ”

Reporter Tan Jiang Huawen Zhou Mingjia Liu Xiaoqing (Spring City Evening News)

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