
Taste in the Eight Min | Conquer your taste buds with the fresh aroma of fish cakes

author:Kintarong Media Center

Fuqing is located on the coast of the southeast coast, on the 2430 square kilometer map, 1.39 million Fuqing people use local materials and cook food that makes Yurong's children's souls dream. If beauty is the appearance of a city, food must be the soul of a city; every delicacy carries a story.

The four seasons change, the rapid changes, the memory of food is always long, the people of Fuqing are always walking non-stop, running in an orderly manner in the tide of life, and finally, with a simple "Fuqing taste" to make up for the trivialities of the world.

Taste in the Eight Min | Conquer your taste buds with the fresh aroma of fish cakes

Source: Fuqing Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Taste in the Eight Min | Conquer your taste buds with the fresh aroma of fish cakes

The taste of the world is pure joy, and the steaming water vapor of food exudes a love for food. Every dish is the temperature of the home, and every bowl of "Fuqing taste" is a sweet memory.

Taste in the Eight Min | Conquer your taste buds with the fresh aroma of fish cakes

Fuqing fish cake

Fish cake originally originated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Fuqing fish cake deduces the taste of Fuqing.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the fishermen of Fuqing Mountain (place name) worked hard to catch fish but there was little left due to the oppression of the fishing bully. The mother of a fisherman couple in the village is seriously ill and needs to eat moray eels to nourish her body, but she is unable to bring the fish home due to the search of the fisherman. The fisherman couple beheaded and tailed the large eel, cut it into pieces and chopped it, and hid it at the bottom of the basket containing shrimp to escape the search of the fishermen. In order to prevent the fish flavor from floating out of the boil, the couple chopped the fish into surimi, added salt, and stirred with sweet potato flour to make fish balls without fishy smell. After the old man ate it, he gradually recovered his health. This is the origin of Fuqing fish cake. Later, they added flour to the fish pulp, kneaded it into balls with diced water chestnuts, and fried them into fish cakes in a frying pan, which became a special dish.

Taste in the Eight Min | Conquer your taste buds with the fresh aroma of fish cakes

How to make fish cakes

Fish balls are mixed with fish meat mixed with sweet potato powder stirred into a white paste, wrapped with meat filling into balls boiled, while fish cakes are mixed with fish meat and flour and then added ginger, green onion, diced water chestnuts, duck eggs and salt, monosodium glutamate, and then add some crab yellow stirred into a colorful paste wrapped in meat filling into balls and fried warmly. Fish balls are eaten in soup, and the fish cakes are fried and ready to be served on the plate.

How to make fish cakes:

Ingredients: pork, fish (eel), diced carrots, green onions, flour, eggs. Seasoning: salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, ginger juice, old wine.

1. First make fish syrup, boneless and puree fresh fish (eels, sharks are preferred), add water, salt, egg white and an appropriate amount of MSG.

2. Pour into the dish and stir for about 15 minutes, stir until the fish soup can float on the water, add dry starch and stir vigorously into a sticky paste. Beat the viscosity in one direction until it becomes gelatinous, add a small amount of corn starch to it, and then add the diced radish.

3. Mince the pork into minced meat, add shallots, soy sauce, salt, MONOS glutamate and other spices for a while, and rub into small meatballs for later.

4. Pour in the appropriate amount of oil and heat until small bubbles rise. The oil temperature should not be too high, 50% hot on the line.

5. Take an appropriate amount of fish syrup in your left hand, spread it out on the palm, take a small round spoon in your right hand to take the filling in the middle of the fish syrup, close the five fingers of your left hand to wrap the filling in the middle, and then squeeze the fish soup out of the round hole made of thumb and index finger, and then fry the wrapped fish cake in the frying pan for a few minutes, in fact, the method of wrapping the fish cake is similar to the fish ball.

6. Watch the fish cake in the oil pan fry to a golden brown and then you can fish it out of the pan.

Taste in the Eight Min | Conquer your taste buds with the fresh aroma of fish cakes
Taste in the Eight Min | Conquer your taste buds with the fresh aroma of fish cakes

The fish cake has a unique tender and sweet taste, and the fresh aroma fills the mouth. Fuqing fish cake, not only is the delicacy on the table, but also becomes the food of the Fuqing people who work hard outside to resolve their nostalgia, the next meal will eat fish cake, with its authentic fresh flavor to conquer your taste buds.

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