
Efficacy and function of cloves


Today, Xiaobian brings you the efficacy and role of cloves, cloves have a lot of efficacy and effect, not only can treat vomiting and nausea, hernia, ringworm have a certain effect, and cloves are also good for the digestive system, below, Xiaobian will introduce you to the efficacy and role of cloves.


Lilac flower is a deciduous shrub of the genus Lilac of the family Rhinoceros, which belongs to the famous garden flowers, with large inflorescences, luxuriant flowers, light and elegant flowers, aromatic flowers, strong habits, and simple cultivation, so they are widely cultivated and applied in gardens. Cloves are native to the northeast and southwest of China, and there are still many wild species, such as small-leaf cloves, hairy-leaf cloves, split-leaf cloves, red cloves, Liaodong cloves, etc., which can be transplanted and cultivated. Cloves are ornamental plants that are appreciated by both customs and customs, and when they bloom, they are full of fragrant and fragrant fragrance. Exposed plants in courtyards, gardens, potted plants in the study room, hall, or as a cut flower arrangement bottle, will make people feel beautiful, beautiful and pleasant.

Cloves are used as medicinal herbs mainly to treat nausea, vomiting, nausea, etc., cloves can be used in addition to medicinal use, but also as a cooking of food, as an excipient.

In terms of consumption, cloves are often used in food (especially meat and bread) to taste due to their rich aroma and spicy taste, which is a unique flavoring agent for Christmas food in Europe and the United States, and is often used as an accessory for cooking flavored dishes, brines and pickles in China.

Efficacy of cloves

There are many varieties of cloves, and the real medicinal cloves are myrtles (the general ornamental flower lilac is a plant of the family Xylariaceae, which should be distinguished), and the buds and fruits are used in medicine.

Efficacy and function of cloves

The buds of people's cloves are called male lilacs, and those with ripe fruits are called female lilacs. The usage is also different between the two.

Male cloves are usually used. Male lilac buds begin to appear white, gradually turn green, and finally appear bright red when they are collected. Remove the harvested buds from the stems and dry them. It is preferable to have large flowers that are not blooming, have a strong aroma, and can sink into the water.

Chinese medicine believes that the spicy flavor of cloves and the temperature of the sex have the effect of reducing the reversal in temperature, replenishing the kidneys and helping the yang. It is also a very good stomach warming medicine, which has a good effect on stomach pain, vomiting, hiccups, abdominal pain, diarrhea and women's cold dysmenorrhea caused by cold evil.

It also relieves abdominal flatulence, enhances digestion, and relieves nausea and vomiting, especially in pregnant women.

The clove oil contained in cloves has an inhibitory effect on some fungi, etc., and cloves can also be used externally, and have a certain effect on skin diseases such as tinea pedis.

In ancient times, cloves were often used as a medicine for incense. In order to cover up his bad breath, the Tang Dynasty court poet Song Zhiqing often had cloves in his mouth, hoping to please Wu Zetian's jokes. Take 1-2 cloves in the mouth to treat bad breath methods are still available today, and the effect is very good, bad breath people may wish to try.

Efficacy and function of cloves

It mainly contains volatile oil clove oil and other ingredients.

The role of cloves

(a) the impact on the digestive system

Anti-gastric ulcer: Cloves inhibit the formation of experimental gastric ulcers in rats. Clove volatile oil and eugenol can cause a significant increase in gastric mucus secretion without an increase in acidity. Eugenol may be an active ingredient in the fight against ulcers.

Stomach: Cloves relieve abdominal flatulence, enhance digestion, reduce nausea and vomiting.

Inhibit intestinal excitement: Clove decoction can inhibit the spontaneous contraction of the isolated rabbit intestine, and can resist the excitatory effect of acetylcholine, histamine and other excitatory effects on the ex vivo intestinal tract.

Antidiarrhoea: Clove extract and eugenol can antagonize coliform diarrhea and intestinal effusion caused by senna or castor oil.

(2) Anesthesia analgesia, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory

Anesthesia: Eugenol has an anesthetic effect on juvenile shrimp, carp, etc. Eugenol inhibits the compound action potentials of rat vagus nerve A, B, and c fibers, which may be one of the mechanisms by which cloves stop teeth. Eugenol can block the sciatic nerve transmission of bullfrogs, but does not affect the post-synaptic membrane response of muscle, showing the effect of selective anesthesia of nerve fibers.

Although intravenous injection of eugenol in rabbits can produce anesthetic effect and anticonvulsant effect, it can inhibit breathing and lower blood pressure. Therefore, in clinical practice, eugenol is only used for local anesthesia, not for general anesthesia.

Analgesia: Mice administered with their decoction have analgesic effect.

Antipyretic: Rabbit oral eugenol has a antipyretic effect and is stronger than acetaminophen. Its mechanism of action is to produce antipyretic effect through the synthesis of PG in the brain.

Anti-inflammatory: mice administering both sylaniste and water extracts inhibited ear shell swelling and increased capillary permeability. Rat irrigation inhibits experimental plantar swelling.

The mechanisms of clove analgesia, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory may be related to antioxidants, scavenging free radicals, inhibiting the activity of cyclooxygenase and lipoxidase.

Efficacy and function of cloves

(3) Anti-aggregation, anticoagulation and anti-thrombosis

Antipolymerization : Eugenol and acetylseumol inhibit arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation and whole blood aggregation in rabbits and humans, and inhibit ATP release. Its antipolymerization mechanism is to inhibit the synthesis of TXB within platelets.

Anticoagulation: Mice receiving their aqueous extracts can prolong plasma prothrombin time, thrombin time, factor VIII time, and shorten prothrombin consumption time and V factor time.

Antithrombosis: Mice administering their aqueous extract prolongs the time of electrical stimulation of carotid artery thrombosis.

(4) Resistance to pathogens

Antibacterial, antiviral: Clove oil and eugenol have a broad spectrum of antibacterial effects. Tannins in cloves have anti-herpes simplex virus effects.

Efficacy and function of cloves

Antifungal: its decoction or ethanol leaching solution has a broad spectrum of antifungal effects, or killing effects. Eugenol has a significant killing effect on Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformis.

Kills parasites: Its water extract kills dogs and pig roundworms. The effect of clove oil is stronger than that of decoction.

Killing trichomoniasis: Clove oil, eugenol and acetylseumol have a strong killing effect on trichomonas.

(5) Decanting

The aroma of lilac flowers is striking and has the effect of decanting wine. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains: "Clove killing wine poison". The Qing Dynasty poet Zou Shengheng also had a sentence in "Lilacs and Rhymes": "The eaves are difficult to fold, and the incense and wine are easy to wake up." "It is said that the lilac tree is tall and dense, soft branches, and difficult to split; The rich aroma blows across the face, making those who drink more wine sober up.

(6) Temperature inversion

Cloves are warm, into the spleen and stomach two meridians, can warm in the cold, good at reducing the reverse, the mole treatment camp cold vomiting, hiccups of the medicine.

(7) Warm kidney aphrodisiac

This product is warm and enters the kidney meridian. "Rihuazi Materia Medica" contains: "Healing kidney qi, aphrodisiac, warm waist and knees." Therefore, it has the effect of warming the kidneys and aphrodisiac, and is often used for impotence, coldness, running dolphins, cold pain in the waist and legs, and so on.

(8) Qi relieves pain

This taste is spicy, qi is aromatic, xin can perform qi to relieve pain, commonly used chest pain, abdominal pain, less abdominal pain, hernia pain. Cloves are a good herbal medicine for anesthesia and pain relief.

(9) Awaken god and enlighten the know-how

Cloves spicy, warm. Xin can scatter, warm wins cold and wet, aromatic open, wet and dirty. "Materia Medica Renewed" said: "Open the nine tricks, soothe the depressed qi." "Therefore, there is the work of awakening God and enlightening the gods."

Cloves can be used for the evil of wetness, blocking the clearance, disturbing the gods to cause delirium, phlegm, nausea and vomiting, white tongue, and slippery pulses.

Efficacy and function of cloves

(10) Others

(1) Inhibit smooth muscle: clove oil, eugenol and acetylseunar and eugenol aqueous solution can inhibit the contraction of vascular smooth muscle, intestinal smooth muscle, guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle, and ex vivo uterine smooth muscle.

(2) Its ammonia extract can enhance insulin activity.

(3) The tannins in it can reduce the concentration of urea in the blood.

(4) Eugenol is a testosterone-5α-reductase inhibitor that can be used to prevent hair loss.

Cure sudden heartache: clove powder, take 3 grams with wine, immediate effect.

Efficacy and function of cloves

Cure women's collapse: 62 grams of cloves, add two liters of wine, fry into one liter, and take in divided doses.

Treat nasal polyps: Wrap the ground clove powder in cotton and stuff it in the nose.

Lip and tongue sores: cloves are ground into fine powders, wrapped in cotton and contained in the mouth.

For breast swelling and pain: Take a spoonful of cloves with water.

Conclusion: After reading this article, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding and understanding of the efficacy and role of cloves, in fact, cloves as medicinal materials have many good effects and effects, and cloves can dispel bad breath, and also have an effect on awakening the gods, cloves can also warm the kidneys, and it is also helpful for decanting, and everyone can usually use cloves into medicine when needed.

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