
A selection of Paintings by Ma Huan in the Yuan Dynasty

Ma Wan, painter of the late Yuan Dynasty. Good at painting landscapes, far from Dong Yuan, JuRan and Mi Fu, close to the teacher Huang Gongwang, the painting method is mostly shallow, the pen and ink are clear, and the composition is dense. Quite acclaim.

A selection of Paintings by Ma Huan in the Yuan Dynasty

Ma Wan was good at poetry, especially in ancient poetry, good at calligraphy and painting, and was known as the "Three Absolutes" at that time.

A selection of Paintings by Ma Huan in the Yuan Dynasty

His poetic works include the Collection of Irrigation Gardens.

A selection of Paintings by Ma Huan in the Yuan Dynasty

His works include the volume "Spring Mountain Qingji Tu" in the 26th year of Zhizheng (1366), which is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, and the axis of "Poetic Intentions of The Clouds" in the ninth year of Zhizheng (1349), which is in the Shanghai Museum;

A selection of Paintings by Ma Huan in the Yuan Dynasty

"Yukioka Crossing Pass Map" is in the Palace Museum; "Aoyama Red Apricot Map" album, tianjin Art Museum; "Summer Mountain Desires Rain" is collected in the Osaka Municipal Museum of Art, Japan; "Xishan Travel Map" axis, tibet is collected by Mr. Gao Juhan of the United States Mr. Jing Yuanzhai .

A selection of Paintings by Ma Huan in the Yuan Dynasty