
Forbidden Love - To Ren Woo (XIII)

author:Baby 521

Hearts apes

His mother's boyfriend didn't go to the car show with us, the car I drove, Ren Woo sat in the co-driver, his mother sat behind Ren Woo, several times I watched from the rearview mirror to see his mother was closing her eyes, as if it was a little motion sickness. It is also possible that he is still angry with RenYu. I helped Renyu solve the problem of money, so that his dream wish could be realized, and renyu's gratitude to me was simply amazing.

Forbidden Love - To Ren Woo (XIII)

He knew my habits, so his way of expressing gratitude was to toss me hard, I was driving a manual gear, and I was walking slowly in the car, and I didn't dare to be distracted, so that I was like an ant on a hot pot, so anxious that my nosebleeds came out. He was still laughing and happy, completely forgetting the face of the quarrel with his mother just now. However, from this, it can be seen that Renyu is really a child with a very immature mind, and he is also very selfish, and today I am here for the first time to evaluate him with "selfishness", which is really not excessive.

15 kilometers away, 75 minutes of live driving, the main thing is that traffic is controlled everywhere, and the nearest parking lot from the entrance to the exhibition hall is 2 kilometers away. It was about a 40-minute walk, and the weather was so hot that it was worse than death. Fortunately, neither I nor his mother complained, and he was very happy to bounce all the way.

Forbidden Love - To Ren Woo (XIII)

Before reaching the entrance of the exhibition hall, I heard a very loud noise, walked to see, a large piece of black pressure, all crowds, I was nervous at the time, I was particularly afraid of such an occasion, hot, smelly, and sometimes encounter some improper people to touch, a few little brothers and sisters wearing work cards and yellow clothes are trying to maintain order, but the scene is too chaotic, they can not stop the crowded crowd.

Ren Yu took my hand, and also wanted to join in the fun, I couldn't stand the way he saw him sharpening his knife and going to crowd, I refused, I didn't want to squeeze a stinky sweat and be greased. I told him not to hurry, wait for me to find a way. This may be the benefit of reading more books, reading does not necessarily make people smarter, but it will certainly make people prefer to find a way. I took them to a high place on the side and began to observe the regularity of the flow of the crowd, to observe the entry and exit of the various entrances, and to observe which place could be my breakthrough.

Forbidden Love - To Ren Woo (XIII)

I actually found it, there is a small door on the west side, it says "Employee Passage", and those with cards can enter and exit. Suspected violations are not described here, anyway, I lost a little bit with them to go in, and it was easy to go in, his mother praised my head straight, there is a way, in fact, where does she know her son and my relationship, I estimate that if she knows, she may think that I should, it is possible that I paid Renyu fifteen thousand yuan to buy a car, and she will also tell Renyu not to pay me back. It's just that for me, it's worth it to pay for the person next to my pillow, if Renyu also feels that he can not pay it back, then I don't care, not to mention that Renyu not only won't do that, but also a handsome guy who is so likable and so close to me!

I do participate in the auto show every year, the purpose is known to everyone (to see the car model), but then all the auto shows have not been with Ren Yu when the novelty and surprise, even with Ya Xuan also watched a few times, but his too professional explanation made me lose the curiosity of the mind, the more I look at the more tasteless, so that the next two years have not been there.

Forbidden Love - To Ren Woo (XIII)

We all the way to find the exhibition area where he wants to buy a car, all the way to talk about which car model is good-looking, which one has a large discount, and also enjoyed some dances, talent shows, in fact, it can be seen that in order to sell, these OEMs are also fighting. Only the unthinkable, nothing can not be done.

(To be continued, please inform the deletion of netmap infringement!) )

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