
Your burden will become a gift, and your suffering will illuminate your way

author:Ke Yun Road

The twists and turns of the road are only the more abundant beauty shown by fate; without getting sick, there will be no such a deep understanding of the world and oneself; this is what really tastes life. - Ke Yun Road

Your burden will become a gift, and your suffering will illuminate your way

Hello, Mr. Ke. I've been reading two of your books lately, Out of the Hell of the Mind and Breaking the Code of Disease, which my graduate supervisor recommended me to read, and he said I'll find the answer out of it.

When I read About Angel's suspicion of "myocarditis", "tuberculosis", and "aplastic anemia", tears could not help but gush out, which is also what I was experiencing. I am currently in the hospital every day because the doctor gave me a predisposition diagnosis, severe aplastic anemia, and now also asked me to learn about bone marrow transplantation. And my family has never experienced blood diseases. After so many bone marrow biopsies and punctures, the doctor did not say that it must be, but it was very consistent with the disease.

I have spent every moment of the past year in the temptation and fear of death. I am 26 years old, and many girls around me are healthy and happy, married and have children, and these are things I dare not think about. Seeing your book, I have been reflecting on myself, and I have found that your views in the book, especially the benefits of illness, 20 points, are in line with each article, I feel understood and recognized, and I feel very afraid. I feel that I have seen the dawn, hope, and I feel afraid and afraid, but this entanglement finally can't resist my willingness to get better, see your WeChat can't wait to add you, look forward to your help, but I also know that too many readers will add you, your work is very heavy... It would be a great honor for me to be able to communicate with you.

In short, thank you for getting me to know myself, thank you for bringing us hope and inspiration.

Your burden will become a gift, and your suffering will illuminate your way

26 year old girl: Hello!

I am glad that my book has brought you "dawn".

You are in graduate school, and you are such a good age, of course you have to live optimistically.

I'm not a doctor, and I can't say anything about your illness. If you read my book, you must understand that even if you really get sick, under the same physical conditions, spiritual cheerfulness and optimism will have a positive effect on treatment and rehabilitation.

You can read my book, you can identify with the ideas in the book, and it shows your "enlightenment." The biggest mistake of people is to refuse to "understand". With enlightenment, with understanding, there is one more weapon to defeat disease.

Last year I also published Talking to Your Body, which introduces some simple and easy ways to buy them online, hoping to help you.

There is no need to envy others, the twists and turns of the road are just the more abundant beauty shown by fate, and if you are not sick, you will not have such a deep understanding of the world and yourself, which is really tasting life.

Reading my book is the best and deepest communication with Mr. Ke.

Teacher Ke bless you!

Say hello to your mentor and thank him for his understanding!

Teacher Ke May 19, 2021

Your burden will become a gift, and your suffering will illuminate your way

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