
Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

author:Peak tired guest

In his article "Chongqing Wartime Production Bureau and THE US Economic Aid To China Policy," Weng Wenhao talked about some of the US China policy. As for me, according to Weng Wenhao's statement that in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the United States supported Japan's invasion of China, and added some of Wang Yaowu's talks about the Soviet Union's participation in the defense of Nanjing, as well as Zhang Lingfu's discovery of the American characters on bombs dropped by the Japanese army.

Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

Weng Wenhao

Weng Wenhao said that at the beginning of World War II, President Roosevelt of the United States only wanted to work with Britain to resist Hitler's Germany, and did not mean to help our country and attack Japan. In fact, the U.S. government let Japan buy a lot of American oil and steel to attack China.

It was not until Japan's Tojo cabinet decided not to attack the Soviet Union for the time being, but to expand to the seas first, storm Hawaii, and occupy the Philippines, and the United States was surprised. It was only then that Roosevelt decided to crush Japan and force it to surrender unconditionally; at the same time, he advocated that, with the assistance of the United States, China, which was large in the vast area, be built into a "great power" in the Far East.

Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

Chiang Kai-shek, Roosevelt, Churchill, Soong Mei-ling

What is the true meaning of this policy? The United States has always had the ambition to invade and occupy China alone, only because the European, American, and Japanese imperialist countries have contradicted and competed with each other in their methods of aggression against China, so that the United States has not yet been able to fully achieve its original intention. When it came time to fight against Japan, Roosevelt saw that after the war, the fascist forces in Germany, Italy and Japan would be swept away, britain, France, and the Soviet powers would be impoverished and exhausted by the fierce war, and only the United States would be richer and stronger because of the war. He believes that this is an excellent opportunity to turn China into a dependent country of the United States in the name of helping China, follow the United States, and enable the United States to dominate the world. Using a tame China to replace a tough Japan is naturally good for the United States. Whitewashing his ambitions with friendly rhetoric was Roosevelt's method at that time.

Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

At the same time, it should be noted that the United States has always hated the Soviet Union, the birthplace of communist power. The United States used to think that Japan was enough to block the Soviet Union and secretly sympathized with Japan's occupation of the mainland; now that it is determined to defeat Japan, it needs to control China and use China as a base for the United States on the Asian continent. This policy, of course, has no ill intentions toward the Soviet Union.

Peak Weary added a little bit about the Soviet Air Force's assistance to the Kuomintang troops in the 1937 Defense War of Nanjing, and Zhang Lingfu's discovery of the American words on the bombs dropped by the Japanese army:

Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Yaowu

Looking at the historical materials of the defense of Nanjing, I saw a recollection of Wang Yaowu, who said: On December 7 (1937), while rushing to repair the fortifications, he reported that the enemy was advancing towards me through Jurong, only 30 miles away from the town of Chunhua; by 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy's small troops had made contact with our guard troops.

At dawn on the 8th, the enemy infantry, under the cover of artillery fire and aircraft, violently attacked the positions of our Chunhua Town. At this time, the Fifty-eighth Division at Niushoushan was also engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy. The bombers and fighters of our air force and the volunteer brigade of the Soviet Air Force bravely counterattacked the enemy planes that came to attack, and the air battle was fierce, and the enemy planes were shot down by our planes twice, and our planes were also shot down by the enemy.

Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin

During the Battle of Nanking, the Soviet Air Force Volunteer Brigade showed extraordinary bravery and did its best to defend Nanjing. Officers and men greatly admired the spirit of the Volunteer Brigade of the Soviet Air Force in fighting for justice. Zhou Zhidao, commander of the 151st Brigade of our division, said to me (Wang Yaowu) on the phone: "The Soviet Air Force is really brave, and I have great admiration. Cheng Zhi, the commander of the 302nd Regiment, also said on the phone: "I only saw Soviet planes to help us resist the invading army, and I didn't see planes from other countries to help us." I was so excited and happy to see the Soviet Air Force personnel so heroic, and I wished that the Japanese aircraft should be shot down a few more times to relieve my hatred. ”

However, at this time, Japanese aircraft were still superior, and they often bombed and strafed at us. According to a report by Zhang Lingfu, commander of the 305th Regiment, the bombs dropped by the Japanese planes were found to have the words Made in the United States.

Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

What does this historical data say more about together?

By the way, I will add some interesting historical materials for you to see how the United States bribed Chinese capitalists in the first place in order to serve the United States.

When Weng Wenhao spoke about the Chongqing Wartime Production Bureau, he made the following remarks:

The weight of the specific work of the Chongqing Wartime Production Bureau is not much, and its actual role is that the United States takes this opportunity to establish an economic institution controlled by the United States in our country, and the United States advisers and experts are really dedicated to the United States. Through the production bureau as an institution, the United States has obtained a lot of economic information from China, and through the loan orders of the production bureau, it has co-opted some leading figures among the national capitalists and increased their feelings for the United States. What is more noteworthy is that important employees of the Production Bureau, such as Yan Jiagan, Yang Jizeng, Zhang Zmin, etc., have all become pro-US elements serving US imperialism.

Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement
Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

Although there are not many words in this historical material, it is of great cautionary significance. Nowadays, although there is no so-called production bureau, this kind of thing of co-opting Chinese capitalists and attracting politicians should also be vigilant from this historical data.

The Chongqing Wartime Production Bureau opened in November 1944 and stopped aiding production in August 1945, which lasted less than 10 months, and the director was Weng Wenhao, who was also the Minister of Economy of the National Government.

In terms of Chiang Kai-shek's performance in the face of the Americans, we can look at Chiang Kai-shek's American slave nature. Below, I will add a little more historical data.

Weng Wenhao once said one thing, which can let everyone see Chiang Kai-shek's performance in front of the Americans and the great fools of the Americans.

Weng Wenhao recorded, but my work had an unexpected end. Roosevelt died, Truman took office, Nelson immediately stepped down to become chairman of a private film company, and the situation changed completely. However, Nelson's secretary, Locke, flew to Chongqing in early September 1945 as the Special Representative of the President of the United States to discuss post-war aid. Locke's attitude was extremely arrogant.

Song Ziwen was the president of the Executive Yuan at the time and was monopolizing the financial and economic power, so the two could not negotiate. At that time, I was in Shanghai, and Chiang Kai-shek called back to Chongqing and asked me to be kind enough to receive talks for the receptionist. At the behest of Jiang, I accompanied Locke to Qingdao, Tianjin, and Beijing for a hasty trip, and I looked at the situation in North China.

Weng Wenhao, the chief executive of the late Republic of China, talked about the true face of the United States' aid to China: hegemony and enslavement

Back in Chongqing, I accompanied him to see Jiang. He stressed that China's economy is very bad, and the US Government believes that post-war assistance must be presided over by Chiang Kai-shek himself. To this end, he proposed that China immediately establish a Supreme Economic Council (equal in nature to a military commission), with Chiang Kai-shek as its chairman.

Song Ziwen fundamentally opposed this measure, and it can be said that he will strive for it with the status of president of the Executive Yuan. Chiang's method was to mediate perfunctorily, and he summoned a small number of senior members of the Supreme National Defense Commission and said that in order to respect the opinions of the United States, a Supreme Economic Commission would be set up and chaired by him, but in fact, Song appointed me as secretary general.

Locke was sitting in another room waiting. After the meeting, Chiang told Locke that his proposal had been approved by the Supreme National Defense Council. Locke expressed his satisfaction and asked China to publish this information quickly, and he would immediately return to the United States to agree on an aid solution. Sure enough, he flew back quickly. This famous Supreme Economic Council is such a thing. When Locke went, there was no news, and I didn't correspond to him. Soon he quit the White House and went into his private business.

It is speculated that Locke's dramatic action this time was his personal short buying and selling, and swindling. It can be seen from this that the so-called US aid actually includes this completely deceptive trick.

Later, under the supreme economic council under the administration of Zhang Qun, the practice of the political science department against the CC faction at that time had nothing to do with the United States.

This piece of historical data is also very interesting.