
Leave no exotic land as a floating gull: Weng Wenhao's long way back home

Leave no exotic land as a floating gull: Weng Wenhao's long way back home

Weng Wenhao (1889-1971), zi Yongnian, yongni, wushi, joined the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee in 1956, successively served as a member of the Third Central Committee of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, the fourth central standing committee.

On April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army soldiers approached the city of Nanjing, and in the rumbling of artillery, Weng Wenhao went to Shanghai, and then spent nearly two years in Taiwan, Hong Kong, France and other places. Why did he leave and why did he return to his homeland? It all starts with the politics of this world-renowned scientist.

Weng Wenhao, born on July 26, 1889 (June 29, 1889) in Yinxian County, Zhejiang Province, is the founder of Chinese geology, the first doctor of geology in China, the author of China's first "Geology" lecture notes, the author of the first monograph on Chinese mineralogy "Chinese Minerals", the compiler of China's first color Chinese geological survey map, one of the first authors of China's first examination of earthquake disasters and the publication of monographs, one of the founders of China's first "China Mining Minutes"; He is one of the main leaders of academic groups such as the Chinese Society of Engineers and the Geological Society of China, served as the vice chairman of the International Geological Congress, and was one of the most internationally influential scientists in China during the Republic of China period. In order to defend the country and the nation, Weng Wenhao abandoned his studies to engage in politics and became the supreme person in charge of the wartime economy of the Nationalist government. Before the war, he made a series of plans for the Nationalist government's wartime economic construction guidelines and economic policies. During the war, he organized the construction of industrial and mining enterprises in the rear areas, providing reliable material support for persisting in the War of Resistance. In 1949, he worked hard to achieve peace in the country. After the collapse of the peace talks between the Kuomintang and the Republic of China, he refused to go to Taiwan and went to Europe for a while. He returned to his homeland in March 1951.

Shusheng shows talent in politics

Leave no exotic land as a floating gull: Weng Wenhao's long way back home

Weng Wenhao served as the secretary general of the Executive Yuan of the National Government and officially entered his career

Weng Wenhao studied at the University of Leuven in Belgium in 1908 and received his doctorate in geoscience. After returning to China in 1912, he worked at the Beijing Institute of Geology, and later served as a professor at Peking University and Tsinghua University and the director of the Institute of Geological Surveys. Weng Wenhao advocates science, is serious and responsible for things, and is gentle and kind to people. Weng's good friend and superior Ding Wenjiang once commented on him, Weng is a person with a strong personality but advocates moderation, is a very discerning person but treats people very kindly, is a very clean person but behaves very easily.

If there was no impact of the War of Resistance Against Japan, perhaps Weng would have been just a scientist. But the torrent of the times involved him and many equally patriotic intellectuals. Weng Wenhao once said that he was originally a small people with no great ambitions, and his family was frugal and frugal, and he only wanted to do some efforts within his own scope and do some small work that was in line with his own interests and harmless to society. However, reality did not develop according to Weng Wenhao's own expectations, and on September 18, 1931, the Japanese army launched the Wicker Lake Incident in the northeast, officially opening the prelude to the war of aggression against China. In the spring of 1932, on the recommendation of Chiang Kai-shek's secretary Qian Changzhao, Weng Wenhao, as one of several experts and scholars, went to Lushan to give a lecture to Chiang Kai-shek.

Weng Wenhao and Chiang Kai-shek were both from Ningbo, and they saw each other as they were. From the perspective of geology, Weng talked about China's resources and the construction of the country. According to Qian Shixiang (Qian Changzhao's son), Chiang Kai-shek said to Weng Wenhao in a careless manner: I want to set up a national defense design committee, and I am also the chairman of the committee. Weng Wenhao said, all my colleagues in geology, their lives and funds are very difficult, you let me become an official I can't bear it. Chiang Kai-shek said no problem, give you fifty thousand yuan, give the geological survey fifty thousand yuan. Weng did not want to be an official, but Chiang Kai-shek repeatedly asked him to come, and in the end he reluctantly came to the bureau, saying that he could not resign from the post of director of the Geological Survey Institute, and that he was also the director of the Institute and the secretary general of the National Defense Design Commission in Nanjing.

In the Spring Festival of 1934, Weng Wenhao investigated the exploitation of oil from Wukang, Zhejiang Province, but unexpectedly encountered a car accident, and it was this incident that made Weng Wenhao's life undergo a huge reversal. According to Zhang Ying (Weng Wenhao's grandson), Chiang Kai-shek found many good doctors, including sending German experts and the best doctors of the Union Hospital to rescue him. Due to Chiang Kai-shek's life-saving grace in the car accident, at this time, Weng Wenhao decided to relocate from Beiping to Nanjing and officially sit in the Resources Committee.

In October 1935, Weng Wenhao became the secretary general of the Executive Yuan of the National Government, and since then he has interrupted the research work of geological science. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as minister of economy, chairman of the Resources Committee, and director of the Industrial and Mining Adjustment Department; he presided over the relocation of factories and mines to the southwest and northwest to resume production, and developed mineral deposits and set up factories in Gansu, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Gansu, and Shaanxi, thus doing a great deal of work for the development of military supplies and rear industries in the war of resistance.

After Weng became the secretary general of the Executive Yuan of the Nanjing government, Hu Shi deliberately put Ding Wenjiang's posthumous poem: "Red and yellow trees and grasses compete for autumn beauty, and turquoise glass shines in the evening; for the Yumagu Bridge to go into the water, it is better to go out of the mountain than to be in the mountain." He copied it to his old friend Weng Wenhao and said: "I absolutely believe that you should go out of the mountain better than in the mountains and qing", but I hope that Weng Wenhao will be a slanderous courtier who dares to "face the court and argue", "treat yourself as a guest teacher, dare to speak out when you have to, and fight when you have to go."

Weng Wenhao was worried about the fate of the country and encouraged Aiko to kill the enemy heroically and be a hero who defended his family and the country. After the sacrifice of his son, Weng Wenhao came from it. He wrote a poem to comfort the heroic soul: "Life has been dead since ancient times, and it is enough to die for the family." I regret the youth of the native soldiers, and I am proud to donate my life. Sadness is the most painful, and sorrow is shocked to see the building fall. The son has died and defended the land, and Qianjun is heavily responsible for who is the history of Qing?" His feelings of concern for the country are overflowing with words.

May peace live forever

Weng Wenhao longed for the country's long-term peace and stability. On August 10, 1945, the Japanese government expressed its willingness to accept the unconditional surrender of the Potsdam Proclamation. When the news came, Weng Wenhao was full of sorrow and joy, full of emotions, and wrote a poem: "Hundred battles Guan Shan is full of spirit, and the alliance is white horses to support Sang." Lu Gou Mingyue three more fire, Shanghai reading Jinge eight years of frost. It is rare that Ezo will eventually sweep away, and it will collect yalu into the feudal territory. When the wind and waves are stable now, may peace last forever. "Expressed a longing for peace.

At the beginning of 1946, Weng Wenhao, tired of his life of eunuchs and seas, wrote to Chiang Kai-shek five times, stating that he "originally participated in government work for the War of Resistance against Japan and retired for the victory of the War of Resistance," resolutely requested to resign from the Ministry of Economy and the Resources Committee, and wanted to travel to Europe and the United States to investigate the state of science and technology. However, Chiang Kai-shek was reluctant to resign from his post as vice president of the Executive Yuan, although he reluctantly agreed to his resignation as minister of the Ministry of Economy and chairman of the Resources Committee.

On December 26, 1948, the Liberation Daily published a message in which the leaders of the Communist Party of China made a speech in northern Shaanxi, listing 43 people including Chiang Kai-shek as the top war criminals, of which Weng Wenhao ranked 12th. Chiang Kai-shek began to arrange for the evacuation of Taiwan, ordering the families of government officials to retreat first, and Weng Wenhao had to send his family to Taiwan, while his sons remained on the mainland. At this time, Weng Wenhao's heart wandered endlessly. When he went to Taiwan, he did not want to leave, and he stayed, and his status as a war criminal made him hesitate.

On January 14, 1949, Mao Zedong issued a "Statement on the Current Situation", which expressed the willingness of the Communist Party of China to hold peace talks with the Kuomintang government to avoid the suffering of the people of the country. Weng Wenhao was invited by Li Zongren to serve as secretary general of the Presidential Office and worked hard for the peace talks between the Kuomintang and the Republic. He once said, "As long as it is conducive to the peace talks between the Kuomintang and the Republic, I am willing to do anything." However, the Kuomintang authorities refused to sign the peace agreement. After Weng Wenhao's hopes were completely dashed, he resigned as secretary general of the Presidential Office and prepared to go to Taiwan.

Leave no exotic gulls as floating gulls

Leave no exotic land as a floating gull: Weng Wenhao's long way back home

Weng Wenhao after returning to China

On the third day after the liberation of Shanghai, Chen Yi inspected the building of the Resources Committee, and the veteran employees of the Senior Management Committee took the opportunity to inquire about the news, saying that Qian Changzhao sun Yueqi was now staying on the mainland, and Weng Wenhao was still overseas, and there was no possibility of returning. Chen Yi said: "Weng Wenhao is a student and does not understand politics, even if he stays in China, we will not embarrass him." Soon, these words spread through his son Weng Xinyuan to Weng Wenhao, who was in Hong Kong.

On August 10, 1949, Weng Wenhao wrote in a letter to Weng Xinyuan in Hong Kong: "I often remember the mainland in my heart, and I would like to have the opportunity to come to Shanghai as soon as possible and meet you again." My hope is that the first step is to have the opportunity to travel safely, entrust people to accompany my grandfather and mother back to Shanghai first, entrust you to take care of you first, and then I myself deeply hope that I can return to China safely and be a stable and law-abiding people. "Expressed the idea of looking forward to returning to the motherland."

This letter showing the traces of the heart was submitted to the relevant departments. In late September, East China's Minister of Industry Wang Daohan and Vice Minister Sun Yefang told Weng Xinyuan that the central government had instructed weng to return to China and that a statement should be issued when he returned. On October 25, Weng Xinyuan arrived in Hong Kong and told his father about the instructions of the central government. Weng Wenhao wrote two confessions in which he said: "The Northern Expedition is complete. Another opportunity to establish a new regime. Fu was confused by the corruption of key Kuomintang members. Self-shaking political situation. And it failed. At this time the Communist Party was in charge of democratic groups. Establish a people's government and practice new democracy to gradually advance socialism. The spirit is invigorated, the life is simple, and it is a great opportunity for the nation to move forward. Yu Yuanzhi's academics, because of the War of Resistance Against Japan, reluctantly participated in the center, and sincerely hoped to make contributions to the national economy and people's livelihood. However, due to the environment, the actual result is contrary to the original wish, so it has repeatedly asked for retreat. During his political career, due to the accumulated habits of the political circles, he was often blamed, prepared for hardships, and deeply regretted. Therefore, it is also a hard experience, and I am more convinced that it is not easy to implement improvements without thorough innovation. Fortunately, with this opportunity for improvement, all Chinese people are united in the task of joint effort. Although Yu was over sixty years old, he should also try his best to follow, and did not dare to go outside. Yu himself volunteered, and he was not a talent for politics, let alone a desire to do politics. Previously, the scope of study, outside of geology, and geography. Over the years, there have been many practices and dabbles. I would love to have more time to read the record, for this new era one of the good people. If you can do it, you can really hope. ”

One was taken by Sun Yueqi, and the other was taken by Weng Xinyuan and returned to the mainland with his grandfather and mother. In order not to be victimized by the secret agents, Weng himself first went to Paris, France, to take refuge.

On December 21, 1949, Weng Wenhao, who lived in Paris, wrote to Shao Lizi again, expressing his desire to return to China as a civilian. To the new regime: "At this time, the situation is renewed, the regime is changing, and the anti-feudal, anti-bureaucratic and anti-imperialist essentials advocated are, according to the facts of the past, sincerely prescribe the right medicine for the symptoms, and have deeply grasped the essentials." He also said that "born as a Chinese, he should return to his home country as soon as possible." With a small surplus, it is not advisable to visit other countries for a long time" wish.

In April 1950, Zhou Enlai informed Shao Lizi that the central authorities would allow Weng Wenhao to return from Switzerland to the Soviet Union first, and then agree to issue a statement after returning to China. Shao Lizi wrote to Weng on April 29, saying: "You can go to Beijing, talk sincerely, and then finalize the draft." ”

In France, Weng Wenhao is wandering between the wrong roads. On the one hand, relatives and friends on the mainland advised him to return to China for reunion, and on the other hand, friends in Taiwan and overseas invited him to go to Taiwan and the United States. In early June 1950, Weng Wenhao received a letter from his old friend and old subordinate Zhang Zimin from the United States, informing him that Zhang Pengchun had been entrusted to teach at the University of Honolulu for his contact. In October, the secretary of the U.S. Embassy in France also visited and invited Weng Wenhao to the United States. Before and after this, the American Renault Company also sent a letter asking Weng Wenhao to serve as a consultant for the company. The American Geological Survey, the American Institute of Mining Engineering, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineering also sent letters to Weng Wenhao, inviting them, an honorary member, to the United States and saying that they would welcome the meeting. It is said that When Hu Shi, who was in the United States at that time, heard that Weng Wenhao was going to the United States, he happily said to everyone: "When Mr. Weng comes to the United States, I will welcome him in New York." Soon, Hu Shi received news that Weng Wenhao had returned to Chinese mainland amid the gunfire of the Korean War.

On February 28, 1951, Weng Wenhao finally had to fly to Hong Kong, and on March 7, he arrived in Beijing, where Weng Xinyuan and Sun Yueqi greeted Weng Wenhao at the station.

During his stay in Beijing, Weng Wenhao wrote a poem called "Lonely Yin", which contained two sentences: "I wish to return to the motherland as a commoner, and leave no foreign lands as floating gulls." Previously, Weng Wenhao had entrusted his eldest son to take his husband and wife to his home, and this poem expressed his longing for his home country.

In December 1954, Weng Wenhao's "Those Still in Taiwan Should Quickly Abandon the Dark and Turn to the Light, Respond to the Liberation of Taiwan" and "Declare Their Rejection of the Honorary Contact of American Academic Groups to Protest the Arrogant Acts of US Imperialism in Taiwan" was published in the People's Daily. Upon the nomination of Premier Zhou, Weng Wenhao was elected as a member of the Second National Committee of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference, and spoke at the conference about the "ideological process of returning to China". During the meeting, he was cordially met by Chairman Mao Zedong, who shook hands with him and said, "Mr. Weng has returned, good, good." ”

After Weng Wenhao returned to China, he actively threw himself into the work of the CPPCC and showed a strong ability to discuss state affairs, which was well received by relevant departments. In February 1956, on the recommendation of Shao Lizi, Weng Wenhao joined the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang and was elected as a member of the Central Committee, and was immediately elected as a member of the Central Committee Standing Committee. In 1956, Chairman Mao Zedong specifically mentioned in "On the Relations of the Ten Congresses" that "we should continue to mobilize the enthusiasm of patriotic Kuomintang military and political personnel like Weng Wenhao." Since then, Weng Wenhao has actively participated in the construction of new China and done a lot of useful work for the cause of socialism and the great cause of the reunification of the motherland.

On January 27, 1971, Weng Wenhao died at the age of 82. In accordance with his will, the family donated all his savings, property and books to the country.