
Were Roosevelt's acts of kindness to China glamorous or dark? Chairman Mao's words were broken

author:Qing historical figures

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States. He always presented himself as a strong and healthy person, and after entering the White House, he took friends and even cabinet officials on a field trek and paramilitary exercise. He also liked boxing in the White House, and although he was permanently blind in his left eye during an exercise in 1908, Roosevelt was still full of energy, like an old naughty boy. Roosevelt's display of American power was loved by the people, but his real situation was that the asthma he had as a child had never been cured.

Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York on October 27, 1858, into a Dutch immigrant family. After the American Revolution of Independence, the family began to do business, making a lot of money in the import and export trade. Since then, he has entered the rich class, and his father is a winner. Roosevelt was frail and sick with asthma, in order not to be bullied by children, his father forced him to exercise, from a young age to practice boxing, Roosevelt also fell in love with outdoor activities. Before college, Roosevelt studied at home. He was admitted to Harvard University in 1876, during which he read a lot of books, had an amazing memory, enjoyed various sports activities, and was a super active. Before graduation, the doctor told Roosevelt that his heart was not good and needed to be more quiet and less moving, but Roosevelt liked to exercise and enjoy the feeling of being sought after, and continued to do his own thing.

Were Roosevelt's acts of kindness to China glamorous or dark? Chairman Mao's words were broken

When Roosevelt was in college, he didn't like to live in a dormitory, and the school wouldn't provide private rooms. So he rented a house near the school and lived until graduation. Roosevelt paid close attention to gathering contacts, and the accumulated friends were all used when he later entered politics. At that time, Harvard University was divided into two factions: the children of aristocrats and tycoons, and the newly rising business elites such as Roosevelt. Roosevelt was not short of money, he chose to move closer to the aristocratic elite, with good qualities and strong sports, Roosevelt entered the small circle of aristocratic high society. After graduating from Harvard University in 1880, Roosevelt attended Columbia Law School. He first entered politics in the New York State House of Commons in 1881. Roosevelt was a representative of the Republican Party, and after his unsuccessful bid for mayor of New York in 1886, he went to London to relax. Later, he devoted his energies to the study of history, published many works, and achieved great success in the field of historiography, and the writing fees for the magazine alone were quite rich. As an intellectual, Roosevelt was suddenly famous at home and abroad.

Were Roosevelt's acts of kindness to China glamorous or dark? Chairman Mao's words were broken

In 1895, Roosevelt became the chief of police in New York City, and in his two years in office, he carried out a drastic and drastic change in the entire New York police community, completely solving the problem of corruption. Seeing that Roosevelt was so accomplished and obsessed with naval and naval warfare history, President William McKinley was transferred to Roosevelt as deputy secretary of the Navy in 1897. The Secretary of the Navy did not act, and President McKinley was not familiar with the Navy, and Roosevelt just took care of the big package and developed the modernization of the Navy. Spain had fleets in Cuba and the Philippines, Roosevelt issued a war readiness order without permission, and the Spanish-American War broke out on April 25, 1898. The U.S. Navy had two main fleets, and with all of them achieved great victories, the Spanish fleet was completely annihilated, and Spain became a second- and third-rate power. With this achievement, Roosevelt returned to politics and became governor. When McKinley was re-elected in 1900, Roosevelt entered the White House as vice president. In one speech, Roosevelt used the metaphor of "gentle words in the mouth, big sticks in the hand" as a metaphor for his own style.

When President McKinley was assassinated in September 1901, Roosevelt took the presidency as president, the only president who did not swear an oath to the Bible. Roosevelt, who took office, launched an offensive against a number of monopolies, and the anti-monopoly struggle he launched was praised by the people, but offended those in power such as railroads, oil, and tobacco. Wall Street was cursing Roosevelt, and the party was divided by his reforms, and Roosevelt simply quit the Republican Party and formed a progressive party on his own to participate in the presidential election. In 1904, Roosevelt won the election and was re-elected president of the United States. In addition to the death of the main Republican opponent, roosevelt was mainly able to complete a major diplomatic event, support panama independence, help establish the Republic of Panama, and dig the famous Panama Canal.

Were Roosevelt's acts of kindness to China glamorous or dark? Chairman Mao's words were broken

1905 was a very special year, the War between Japan and Russia in the northeast of china, Roosevelt paid attention to the world situation, and he was full of ambition to let go of his hands and feet to do something big. So on July 1 of that year, Roosevelt sent a huge government delegation to Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, China and other countries and regions, with William Howard Taft, minister of war, as the head of the delegation, and the eldest daughter Alice Roosevelt as the image ambassador. Alice lived up to her father's expectations and attracted the attention of all the media and people, when the delegation went to China, Empress Dowager Cixi personally received Alice, and in 1906, when Alice was married in the United States, Empress Dowager Cixi gave a generous gift. The "pro-China" delegation left a good impression on the Qing government and people, but Roosevelt was most concerned about Pacific hegemony, and the China he wanted to eat could not be swallowed up by Tsarist Russia or Japan first.

Roosevelt was inexplicably confident in his Aryan ancestry and discriminated against non-Caucasians. He looked up only to the Japanese, classifying them as "obedient Aryans" and Chinese "racial enemies." Soon, Roosevelt intervened to mediate in the Russo-Japanese War, and the Japanese-Russian representatives quarreled in the United States for 25 days, and finally signed the Treaty of Portsmouth on September 5, 1905, officially ending the war in China. Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906, becoming the first American to receive it. On December 16, 1907, as roosevelt was nearing the end of his second term, he continued a political show, sending a fleet of 16 state-of-the-art warships to circumnavigate the world, which ended on February 22, 1909. The reaffirmation of its control of the Pacific region objectively suppressed Japan's ambitions and suppressed its rapidly growing combined fleet.

Were Roosevelt's acts of kindness to China glamorous or dark? Chairman Mao's words were broken

In December 1907, Roosevelt asked Congress to reduce Gengzi's reparations, that is, the "Xinugu Treaty" signed by the Qing government forced by the Eight-Power Alliance to invade China, and the reparations plus interest were about 1 billion taels of silver. Roosevelt also placed special emphasis on funding education in China. In 1908, the United States returned about half of the gengzi reparations to China, and part of the money was used to run a tsinghua preparatory school for studying in the United States, which was the predecessor of Tsinghua University. Later, there was a gymnasium in the school called the Roosevelt Memorial Gymnasium. In addition, it also helped run the Jialianhe Hospital to improve China's medical strength. Roosevelt's various "acts of kindness" made Empress Dowager Cixi and the people of china see hope, thinking that they had the protection of the United States from then on. But Chairman Mao saw it thoroughly, and this was a very secretive spiritual aggression in order to cultivate one pro-American elite after another. For a long time after that, the United States was engaged in this spiritual infiltration, including religious, charitable, and cultural undertakings.

Roosevelt's glamorous and dark side of China is what Chairman Mao said: "In the mouth, in the official documents, full of benevolent morality, or it must be carried with a little benevolence and morality." In 1908 Roosevelt was so pleased with Defense Secretary William Taft that he tried to groom himself as his successor. But Taft had his own set of theories of progress and did not want to follow Roosevelt's approach. At the end of 1911, the two broke up and Roosevelt prepared to run for president again. In October 1912, Roosevelt was assassinated at the scene of a lecture, and the bullet hit the transcript of the speech into his chest, but Roosevelt refused to be healed immediately, insisting on completing the 90-minute speech. Afterwards, the doctor concluded that the bullet could not be removed, which could lead to heavy bleeding, and the bullet "accompanied" Roosevelt for life.

Were Roosevelt's acts of kindness to China glamorous or dark? Chairman Mao's words were broken

In that year's election, Roosevelt won 27% of the vote, Taft only 23%, and The Democratic "democracy fighter" Woodrow Wilson had 42% of the vote, becoming the president of the United States. After the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Roosevelt wanted to join the Anglo-French League immediately, but he criticized Wilson for being too weak. When the United States entered the war in a cooperative manner in 1917, Roosevelt organized an army of volunteers and strongly demanded to participate in World War I. Congress agreed to Roosevelt's request, but Wilson was determined not to let his political enemy Roosevelt gain the limelight and forcefully suppressed Roosevelt's application for battle. Roosevelt, who had been a lifelong aggressive man, could not swallow this breath, he still had prestige among voters, and when he wanted to start a new round of running for president, his health did not allow him to do so. On January 6, 1919, Roosevelt died of illness at the age of 61.

In honor of Roosevelt, the U.S. Navy built the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier in the 1980s. The aircraft carrier participated in many battles such as the Gulf War, and also carried out exercises in the South China Sea, and this kind of "American power" is very similar to Theodore Roosevelt.

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