
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?


When it comes to the Great Han God of War, many people will think of Huo's disease, and there are countless words about his praise in ancient poems.

Li Bai once wrote: "There are 300,000 generals in the Han family, and the general also leads Huo Yanyao", "Gongcheng Painting Lin Pavilion, unique Huo Yanyao".

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

On the other hand, Wei Qing, who fought with Huo Qi's illness against the Xiongnu, did not have this treatment.

Wang Wei commented on him this way: "Wei Qing is undefeated by Tianxing, and Li Guang has no merit. ”

General Fei innocently lay down his gun, so we will not discuss the old general, but is it unfair for Wang Wei to evaluate Wei Qing in this way?

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

Speaking of the military capabilities of Wei Qing and Huo Qi, could Huo Go Sick really be able to crush Wei Qing with absolute superiority?


Killing people is naturally a knife fast

On this issue, some fans believe that it is natural for Huo to go to the disease.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

They also used data to speak, comparing the two men's records:

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

On the merits of the battle, they divided the autumn colors equally, and the history records that Zhongwei Qing attacked the Xiongnu seven times, killing more than 50,000 to 60,000 Xiongnu enemy troops;

Huo went to the sick six times to suppress the Xiongnu, but on two occasions he went with Wei Qing and went out on a campaign four times, killing more than 100,000 enemy troops.

Judging from the data, Huo went to the disease slightly better.

But many fans also believe that this is because the two have different fighting styles:

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

Fans mean that Huo Fu is like a sharp knife, and Wei Qing is more like a hammer.

The knife stabs people fiercely, the lethality is large, often killed by a knife, sharp and sharp.

And this style of play, assuming it is made into a TV series, there is no doubt that it is more enjoyable to watch.


Hammers are more useful than knives

Fighting a war to kill people, killing people naturally uses a knife, but the hammer can also smash people, and the hammer is useful, can it also smash walnuts, can the knife be?

So, most of the fans stand guard Qing:

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

In general, he still thinks that Wei Qing has a calm personality and is a handsome talent; Huo went to the disease and played a relatively wave!

In fact, no matter whether Xiao Huo raided or pushed, whether it was unpredictable, or whether it was calling the wind and rain, he wei Qing would do it.

Wei Qing was just old, and he thought he had been young!

However, when he was young, Wei Qing only raced Li Guang and others down, and Xiao Huo directly drove the car to the sky.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

If you look at the year when Huo Went to the disease, with more than 800 people, he dared to rush into the Xiongnu-controlled area and burst out of people everywhere, and you know what kind of character and ability Huo Wentai was.

I really don't know how those eight hundred people felt when they were pulled into the Xiongnu's house by Huo's disease...

Huo went to the sick year to make the Huns run back and forth, and it is estimated that the Huns will scold: Who is the nomad in the end?!

On the other hand, Wei Qing, he must be based on undefeated in order to release himself, which will make people feel that it is not as good as Huo's disease to attract attention.


Hammer vs. knife, which is more powerful

However, the question of who is more powerful with a hammer or a knife is still answered by our fans.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

That Wei Qing finished beating Huo on the front foot to get sick, and the back foot Huo went to the disease and got a haircut in the first month, what to do?

There are other ways to argue:

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?
Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

Let's not talk about personality issues, we are discussing who can play more.

If you are Emperor Wu of Han, you have received the year-end debriefing report of Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi.

Wei Qing: I am loyal to the Great Han, loyal to His Majesty, high in kung fu, good at treating others, loving soldiers and afraid of enemies;

Huo's disease: XX years, 8000 enemies

XX years, 70,000 enemies

XX years, killed 100,000 enemies

XX years, sealed wolf Juxu

In this case, someone told you: Don't look at Huo to go to the disease and fight a fierce battle, but the people Wei Qing has good moral character and is deeply loved by the soldiers, otherwise, we will give This year's year-end award to Wei Qing.

Wouldn't you want to laugh?


Who is the strongest in the Wei Huo controversy?

Wei Qing has so many fans, thanks to the fact that everyone thinks that Wei Qing is a handsome man who commands the whole army; Huo Fuyi is more like a special operations captain.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

However, Huo's illness also led the army independently in the later period.

Wei Qing did have a strategic mind to consider the material aspects of fighting wars; but Huo Wentai was lightly armed and obedient every time, and although he took risks, he was not reckless, because he was "feeding the war with war" in the territory of the Xiongnu.

If we have to divide and conquer, we can imagine them fighting a war.

If there were few troops and ten thousand people, then Huo would be able to play with flowers, and Wei Qing would not be able to play so beautifully.

Once Huo went to the disease throttle, Wei Qing would be a parking space behind and bite, of course, Huo went to the disease and could not shake off Wei Qing behind his ass.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

But if there are more troops, or a longer duration, it will be different.

However, although Wei Qing was a down-to-earth person, he was also a general with progressive ideas for the era at that time, very thoughtful, quite changeable and eclectic, completely different from Li Guang and other Shoucheng generals.

Huo's illness is even more imaginative, and he does not play cards according to common sense at all. It is often said that the art of war is dead, that fighting a war is alive, and that we must react to changes at random, so huo went to war and went to war is the kind of enemy who does not move and I move, and if the enemy moves, I move in a disorderly manner.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

It is not difficult to see that although Huo's illness was greatly affected by Wei Qing, Huo's illness was not taught by Wei Qing, who can teach such a person as Huo Toyi to come out?

But the same thing is that the uncle and nephew are actually hawkish generals, and they are fierce enough to fight.

In the last battle between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu, Huo's troops were stronger than Wei Qing's troops, and Huo's troops were the main force.

Wei Qingdu went to huo to be sick as an assistant, although Wei Qing was the commander of the whole army.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

Originally, it was to let Huo go to the disease to destroy the main force of the Xiongnu, but Huo went to the sick to lead the troops to go deep and did not encounter the main force of the Xiongnu, so he killed all the way in, anyway, there was a dear uncle blocking behind.

This was good, but Wei Qing's troops bumped into the main Xiongnu troops. A vicious battle was fought, and Wei Qing was able to win.

Main Xiongnu Force: ???

I can still play with my mother, let go of a Huo Yan King at home, ran out to try to do something, and ended up bumping into Wei Qing, and I couldn't beat it.

And Huo Fuyi had already led the main army, but he did not meet the main force of the Xiongnu, and the result was to effortlessly penetrate the Xiongnu and directly pound the Yellow Dragon, and his name was thousands of years.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

Wei Qing's uncle has provided great help to Huo's illness, really, this is his uncle.

You must know that when he bumped into the main force of the Xiongnu at that time, Wei Qing was also panicked, I had fewer soldiers and more soldiers, or deliberately blocked me. Then buried his head in a beating, Wei Qing did not catch anything, Huo went to the disease all the way to abuse the dish abuse, where to find such a good uncle?

If this time Wei Qing and Huo went to the disease to translocate, is the real test of whether Huo to go to the disease is a handsome touchstone, but Huo to go to the disease did not make friends with the main force of the Xiongnu, and later died young.

This makes Huo's record of huo go to the disease a flaw, and also makes us think, if Huo go to the disease does not die, where is the upper limit of his potential?


If Huo does not die, what will happen to him?

As our fans said, Wei Qing is more comprehensive, because in addition to fighting, Wei Qing will also have a relationship with thin mud, understand politics, and pull relations.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

Huo Fuyi was a pure warrior.

Therefore, Emperor Wu of Han used Wei Qing as the commander and Huo Toyi as the general.

But looking at the last time, the Battle of Han and Hungary, Huo Wentai led the main force of the Han army, and Emperor Wu of Han was already cultivating Huo to go sick.

At this time, Huo's illness is not a lack of ability, but a lack of qualifications.

You know, Huo was only 24 years old when he died of illness.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

At such a young age, he led the main force of the imperial army, which is unique in ancient times.

So he is fierce and proud.

If Huo can live to 30, he will definitely be a handsome talent, there is no doubt about it.

But his personality is like this, and it will not change much. Therefore, if Huo Huo did not die of illness, he might become Yue Fei.

The head is iron, proud like a big rooster, the kind that will not bow its head when it dies.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

The result? What Emperor Wudi of han in his later years looked like, everyone has a number in mind. He could not have tolerated such a big rooster and still had military power.

The emperor was ruthless, and when peace was made, such a powerful warrior was no longer needed, and Huo Went sick probably did not have a good end.

Emperor Wu of Han changed the chancellor at every turn, and changed more than a dozen, not because he was too strong to allow others to touch the power.

Debut is the peak of Huo's disease, military ability really hangs his uncle Wei Qing? Which of them is more powerful?

Wei Qing can be a low-key person, and a person like Huo Fuyi will not give in at all.

The head can be cut off and the blood can flow, and the hairstyle cannot be messed up.

For the 24-year-old Huo, he is a general.

If there is a 34-year-old Huo to get sick, he is a handsome man.

If 44-year-old Huo went to the disease, he would die unjustly.

In this way, the untimely death of the "God of War" is the best result.

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