
Lecture | How to cross correctly - dimensionality reduction strikes the ancients? inexistent

author:The Paper

Zhao Dongmei × parrot Shi Hang

In China's top 100 network IP valuation list, the "crossing" setting occupies half of the country. The ip development around the crossing has formed an industrial chain, from online novels, to radio dramas, web dramas, script killings, official setting sets... When we look at "crossing", we are not only sketching the various playful dreams of modern people about ancient life, but also a special way to get close to history to some extent.

If you could cross, which dynasty would you most like to go back to? What career do you choose to make ends meet after crossing? How do you prepare for the crossing and maximize the skills acquired in modern society?

Lecture | How to cross correctly - dimensionality reduction strikes the ancients? inexistent

Event poster

Regarding these questions, in the online activity of "how to cross correctly" on the evening of March 29, Zhao Dongmei, a professor of the History Department of Peking University, and Shi Hang, a famous screenwriter, gave a set of "answers". The event was broadcast simultaneously on 31 online platforms, attracting nearly 1.4 million netizens to watch online, and this article is excerpted and compiled from the on-site shorthand provided by the organizers, and released by The Paper with the authorization of CITIC Publishing Group.

There are not many modern skills that are still valuable after traveling back to ancient times

Zhao Dongmei: I was once interviewed for a documentary, and the director asked me which dynasty I would like to travel back to, and I did not hesitate to talk about the Song Dynasty. But now my own idea about crossing has actually changed. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to travel back in time to any of the dynasties, because I think that modern and only modern is the era when Women's Status is the highest in China, we are the freest, and we have the most convenient life, we have flush toilets, showers, washing machines, refrigerators, all kinds of household appliances. But the key is freedom. So, at this stage, I personally don't want to cross back. But if, who wants to cross, as a historian, I can provide you with all the relevant knowledge I know without reservation. Although this does not ensure that you will be successful after crossing the past, it will at least make you fall less and in this sense, I am willing to help you cross.

Except for "Step by Step", I rarely watch crossover dramas. If I can play any auxiliary role in the crossing, it will only help people avoid some life-threatening mistakes, but if you want to succeed, I can't help you succeed, because there is a very big difference between ancient and modern times. The biggest difference is not in material life and technology, I think it is the system, it is culture. When modern man enters a social system that cannot be changed in practice with a modern brain, the first priority is to adapt, enter, and be accepted in order to seek development. As a historian, all I can do with my expertise is to tell you about the big thunder. As for success, it depends on individual creation.

Lecture | How to cross correctly - dimensionality reduction strikes the ancients? inexistent

At the scene of the event, from left: Shi Hang, Zhao Dongmei and host Yu Lisha

When the original intention of modern people collides with the system and culture of that time, how can they not be swallowed up and destroyed? First of all, it seems to be regulated, protecting your original intention, and then you can contribute some wisdom. But honestly, I have a pessimistic idea, that is, the technical means and capabilities mastered by modern people must rely on the existing environment and location to play a role, so the crosser must not think too high of himself, and always keep in mind that there are not many valuable skills that exist alone in ancient times without modern society.

For example, do you know how the devices of this era are made? I will use it, but I will not make it. Assuming that today with a mobile phone to travel through the past, there is no electricity, how to use this modern device is also quite a difficult thing. I personally feel that crossing is risky and should be cautious.

As long as you can write five words, you can write a cross-over novel

Shi Hang: Many cross-over novels are already too pampered, for example, there is a film called "Take a Supermarket to the Qing Dynasty". The crosser in this novel is omnipotent. The philosopher's classic question – can God make a stone that he can't move? This is difficult for God of death and believers in God. Crossing at this point, always open the plug-in for yourself, what is missing, but whether you can survive or not, it is particularly simple. If you go back to before you don't have a smartphone, you will be miserable, you can't take out food, you have to queue up to buy movie tickets, let alone run out of electricity. In the past, when I told my students about crossing novels, you only need to be able to write five words to write crossover novels - "Young master, you are awake." All the crossings are routines such as "The young master is awake, there is a very good girl in the neighbor's house, I already have an identity". So "Young master, you are awake" this is the first sentence of the crossover novel. In fact, why do people write cross-over stories and watch cross-over stories, that is, my life is not happy, and I need to format and re-live. If you go back to ancient times to achieve dimensionality reduction strikes, for example, I went to a person named Li Longji and said to him: "Pay attention to An Lushan, he will rebel, you kill him." "This is a mysterious historical event that anyone who has taken a junior high school history class knows. But it is quite possible that in the end the emperor killed you. The emperor would think: I don't know if An Lushan will not rebel, but now you let me kill the loyalists. If you know a lot of historical mysteries, but spoilers for the sake of dimensionality reduction strikes - spoilers to kill the whole family, first of all, you yourself are unlucky. In this way, it is difficult if you want to prevent any event.

Everything is done by adding a filter and retouching the picture according to your preference

Shi Hang: The crossing text I like is not for personal breakthroughs to pick up treasures and fight monsters to upgrade scores, just like Lu Xun said" to "get the beauty" and "get the treasure", not for the sake of coolness, to make up for regrets, "we must save the Qiankun force", for example, whether I can let the Opium War not happen, can I let General Yue not die in the wind and wave pavilion, this needs to be saved with my own mind. There are a lot of cross-over texts that are not made in film and television dramas now, a large number of them are blood and tears, and it is precisely these authors who have read a lot of history books, and even some of them are from history professionals. After studying history, they will care about history, they will cherish it, they will have regrets, and they will want to recover it before they write something.

If you say that the crossing is a bit of a chicken thief, some people experience the winning method, some people experience the gameplay, looking for excitement, and some people experience the salvation method - changing the direction of history and creating a parallel universe. Many authors of the cross-text love history very much, in order to know all the regrets of history.

There are many successful cases such as "saving the law". The Golden Finger of the Great Song Dynasty, some are education to save the country, some are to cultivate fields to save the country, some are to help Wang Anshi, you know that after Wang Anshi resigned, Su Shi looked at him and wrote "Ten years late from the public consciousness." In fact, many of the authors and readers of the cross-cutting text are "from the public to the millennium late". Among the late sense of recovery are the introduction of the "parliamentary system" and the introduction of "gunpowder firearms", and these people are doing what they can to "restore the hundred days".

Zhao Dongmei: According to my limited knowledge, if I really go back in time, if there is a relatively large disturbance in the past, in fact, it does not exist now.

Shi Hang: You're talking about the Terminator story, the Schwarzenegger-like story, once it changes, there is no me, there is a sense of responsibility through. But a large number of crossover novels do not have a sense of responsibility for crossing, they are not light-hearted about history, and he does not feel that he must go to this step at this moment.

Zhao Dongmei: The worldview in the world does not care about cause and effect.

Shi Hang: There is an old saying that "sentient beings fear fruits, but bodhisattvas fear causes." Ordinary people only look at the results, and if history is messed up by you, there is no present. I agree that the creation of the novel lies in the cause, and the effect is not concerned. What was the regret of wanting to create in the first place? Because we want to change all that, I love the Song Dynasty very much, because I love the Song Dynasty too much, so I hope that there is no Southern Song In the world, that is, the Northern Song Dynasty to the end.

Zhao Dongmei: This statement is actually a kind of big cool text.

Shi Hang: The real coolness is to let history not push tens of millions of people into the sea of blood, which is what everyone cares about. Of course, the preference is different, some people like everything that the imperial examination system brings us, and some people say that to prevent the birth of the imperial examination system, it will always be the nine-pin Zhongzheng system. In other words, everything that traverses is a filter that retouchs as you like.

Lecture | How to cross correctly - dimensionality reduction strikes the ancients? inexistent

Zhao Dongmei's new books "Law and People's Hearts" and "Fireworks in the World"

Zhao Dongmei: I have written a book called "Martial Arts and Martial Arts in Ancient China", which is about the cultivation of the ancient Chinese military system, and this book is currently preparing for republishment, and I want to write a very special preface, which is a preface that serious historians will not write. I want to give an idea to the Song Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, or even the Qing Dynasty. We have had martial arts and martial arts for a long time, but why can't we go down the road of cultivating military talents in peacetime? If I wrote this question out, I might also be close to the "salvation method" that Teacher Shi Hang said.

Editor-in-Charge: Fang Xiaoyan

Proofreader: Zhang Liangliang