
Warm condolences and donation of materials, concerted efforts to fight the epidemic - caring enterprises donated materials to the county medical and health system

author:Jingtai Media

Epidemic prevention and control, everyone has the responsibility, and everyone is united in the fight against the epidemic. On October 26, China Telecom Jingtai Branch, Jingtai Yijian, Pingao Food Co., Ltd., and Western Yinrun Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. donated materials to the county medical and health system to ensure the county's epidemic prevention and control work and work together to make a contribution to the fight against the epidemic. Gao Zhengxuan, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and deputy county governor, participated in the donation activity.

Warm condolences and donation of materials, concerted efforts to fight the epidemic - caring enterprises donated materials to the county medical and health system

This donation donated masks, disinfectants, instant noodles, fresh pork and other epidemic prevention materials and food for the medical staff of the county, practicing corporate social responsibility and responsibility with practical actions, and effectively supporting the epidemic prevention and control work in our county.

Warm condolences and donation of materials, concerted efforts to fight the epidemic - caring enterprises donated materials to the county medical and health system

Zhang Meichun, deputy secretary of the Health and Health Working Committee of the County Party Committee: During the critical period of epidemic prevention and control in the county, China Telecom Jingtai Branch, Jingtai Yijian, and our Pingao Food Co., Ltd., Western Yinrun Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises and institutions have extended a helping hand and donated food, masks and other materials for our medical staff in the county.

Warm condolences and donation of materials, concerted efforts to fight the epidemic - caring enterprises donated materials to the county medical and health system
Warm condolences and donation of materials, concerted efforts to fight the epidemic - caring enterprises donated materials to the county medical and health system

Loving enterprises have sent care to medical staff with practical actions, passed on the anti-epidemic spirit of unity of purpose, and contributed corporate strength to help fight the epidemic.

Warm condolences and donation of materials, concerted efforts to fight the epidemic - caring enterprises donated materials to the county medical and health system

Wang Xiangcheng, general manager of Gansu Pingao Food Co., Ltd.: In the past eight years since we settled in Jingtai, we have received strong support and care from provincial, municipal and county government departments at all levels, we are grateful, the current epidemic situation is grim, we also want to contribute a little of our meager efforts, to Jingtai County fighting in the front line of the fight against the epidemic of the vast number of medical workers, condolences worth of 200,000 yuan of pork, let us work together, the fight against the epidemic will win.

(Reporter: Guo Changhao)

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