
Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

author:The world of Dilemma

That being said, there is an unidentified creature that has attracted widespread attention worldwide today....

This long snake into a sperm-like thing....

What the hell is it?

Noodles? cordage? Or an improvised version of the Milky Way in the deep sea?

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!
Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

emmm... Neither,

This is an Apolemia (a type of tube jellyfish) that scientists recently photographed.

At that time, they were on a sea expedition in the Ningaloo area on the west coast of Australia.

Remotely controlled submersibles (ROVs) and sonar are mainly used to detect this part of the sea.

And when the behemoth appeared on the screen, everyone was startled.

The scientists on the ship were excited and nervous, and they poured into the control room from various parts of the ship.

Although tube jellyfish are not uncommon, it is the first time I have seen such a big and special shape!

Scientists who go to sea who abide by the rules of social distancing....

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

However, scientists do not have the means to measure its length specifically, and can only estimate it by laser.

The length of this Apolemia is about 47 meters.

What is the concept of 47 meters?

Taking the 2.8 meters high floor of an ordinary house as an example, if this jellyfish stands up, it will be nearly 17 stories tall!

Previously, people's understanding of its length was about 30 meters.

Even the scientists who discovered it said, "We think it's the longest animal on record so far!" ”

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

However, don't care about the appearance of jellyfish is only a long, seemingly unintelligent sub-child,

But if you look closely, there is really no hole in the sky,

It is actually made up of millions of asexually reproducing individuals (zooids) connected to each other, each responsible for a different job.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a tube jellyfish is really a "little galaxy".....

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!
Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

These individuals perform their duties, for example, some of them are red, and they are used as bait to hunt for food.

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!
Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

Some have piercing tentacles

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

Their work does not disturb each other, there are individuals dedicated to predation, there are individuals who are dedicated to digestion,

There are other individuals who are in charge of perception, movement, reproduction, and so on.

They can't survive alone, so they come together in this way, like organs in a large living body,

These individuals are connected by a trunk where nutrients and nerve signals can be transmitted.

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

And such creatures, the life expectancy is likely to exceed human imagination.....

This giant tube jellyfish that has been discovered recently, scientists speculate, it has lived for tens or even hundreds of years,

Just growing so big in icy waters takes a long time.....

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

Growing up takes not only time, but also a lot of food,

Like whales, tube jellyfish are carnivores, and plankton, fish, and even other jellyfish on the ocean floor can be its prey.

Holding small fish to eat and eat....

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

Fireworks in the water....

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

However, although the general public is unfamiliar with tube jellyfish, it does not mean that it is not common.

In the deep sea, there are probably millions, if not billions, of such creatures.

They don't bother with humans,

But as scientific exploration moves closer, perhaps we will get a taste of what they look like....

Such a long strip is just one of them.

In other words, in fact, every tube jellyfish looks so uninhibited,

The monk's hat jellyfish, which has been claimed to contain highly toxicity, is also a branch of the tube jellyfish, and the floating sac that looks like a plastic bag on the top of the head is its symbol.

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

The cannon-like jellyfish is called Marrus orthocanna,

It's much more mini, only three meters long.

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

Give a close-up, a little scary...

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

And this one, on the other hand, has a very poetic name, "floating city",

It was discovered in January this year and is also made up of countless smaller creatures.

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

And in 2015 discovered the Bathyphysa conifera (also a type of tube jellyfish)

Does this screwed figure make you feel familiar? ....

Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!
Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!
Scientists have found 47 meters of jellyfish in the deep sea! Looks like a white line, in fact, there is no hole in the sky!

The bottom of the sea is another world....

Hope it can keep its beauty all the time.....

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