
How to survive menopause safely? These 4 diets can help a lot, and menopausal women can eat something when they are fine

author:Healthy Little Classroom

Women's menopause will experience hot sweating, irritability, palpitations, insomnia or depression and forgetfulness. Due to the troubles of the above many diseases, menopausal women are miserable. To this end, the following four medicinal diets that can improve menopausal symptoms are given to women to alleviate their distress.

How to survive menopause safely? These 4 diets can help a lot, and menopausal women can eat something when they are fine

White fruit pulp tea

Ingredients and Preparations: Prepare 2 bowls of soy milk and 5 white fruits. Wash, chop, put the white fruit in a pot, pour in the soy milk, and cook over low heat until ready to eat.

Scope of application: can make up for the deficiency of the stop belt, suitable for women with waist acid, vaginal discharge.

How to survive menopause safely? These 4 diets can help a lot, and menopausal women can eat something when they are fine

Lily jujube kernel soup

Ingredients and Preparations: Prepare 50 grams of fresh lilies and 15 grams of sour dates. Put the sour dates in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook, then add lilies until cooked to remove the dregs.

Scope of application: it can nourish the yin and lower the fire, nourish the heart and calm the spirit, and is suitable for women with false fire in the body such as hot sweating, palpitations and insomnia.

How to survive menopause safely? These 4 diets can help a lot, and menopausal women can eat something when they are fine

Lean shredded goji berries

Ingredients and methods: 30 grams of goji berries, 100 grams of lean meat, 30 grams of bamboo shoots, soy sauce, vegetable oil. Wash and cut the lean meat and bamboo shoots into strips, pour vegetable oil in a wok, then add the lean meat, bamboo shoots and goji berries and fry until cooked, and finally sprinkle some soy sauce to eat.

Scope of application: it can nourish the liver and kidneys, and is suitable for women with liver and kidney deficiency such as hot sweating, irritability or depression and forgetfulness

How to survive menopause safely? These 4 diets can help a lot, and menopausal women can eat something when they are fine

Wheat red date tea

Ingredients and Preparations: 30 grams of floating wheat, 6 red dates, 6 grams of licorice, 5 longan meats. Wash these Chinese herbs and put them in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook until cooked.

Scope of application: it can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, replenish the spleen and qi, and is suitable for women with insufficient temper and blood such as emotional instability or mental trance

How to survive menopause safely? These 4 diets can help a lot, and menopausal women can eat something when they are fine

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