
After learning the home-cooked food, the family can feast on the food, and the guests do not need to go to the restaurant

author:Basketball burns years

Burn the ribs

After learning the home-cooked food, the family can feast on the food, and the guests do not need to go to the restaurant

Production steps

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients you need

Step 2: Wash the beans and break them into small pieces

Step 3: Peel and cut the carrots into hob pieces

Step 4: Chop the corn into small pieces

Step 5: Cut the ginger into small slices and the green onion into sections and set aside

Step 6: Bring boiling water to a boil in the ribs, skim off the surface foam and drain the water

Step 7: Stir fry the ribs in another frying pan

Step 8: Add the shallots, sliced ginger and rock sugar

Step 9: Stir-fry the soy sauce, soy sauce and cooking wine until the ribs are colored

Step 10: Add an appropriate amount of water over the ribs, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes

Step 11: Add salt to your taste

Step 12: Stir-fry evenly and change to high heat to collect the juice.

Stir-fry diced chicken with chopped pepper

After learning the home-cooked food, the family can feast on the food, and the guests do not need to go to the restaurant

Ingredients: whole chicken thighs, minced pepper, ginger, garlic, shallots, cooking wine, sugar, soy sauce;


1. Chicken whole leg boneless knife cut into small cubes;

2. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, add ginger slices, after the cooking wine is boiled, pour in the diced chicken, and when it is boiled again, fish out the diced chicken and drain the water for later;

3. Heat the pan with oil, heat the oil and then fry the ginger and garlic, pour in the minced pepper and fry until fragrant;

4. Stir-fry the chicken evenly, add sugar, soy sauce, dry the juice on high heat, sprinkle with green onions, and start the pot;

Dried sautéed fish

After learning the home-cooked food, the family can feast on the food, and the guests do not need to go to the restaurant

Ingredients: Fish, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, ginger, garlic, green onion, cooking wine, watercress

1、 Wash the fish, add salt, cooking wine, ginger, garlic, minced, marinate for 15 minutes to remove fishy

2: Fry the marinated fish in the pan to make a golden brown

3, pour a little oil into the pot onion, ginger, garlic, dried pepper, peppercorns, watercress a little slowly stir-fry until fragrant, under the frying of the fish stir-fried into the flavor and sprinkle with green onions

Potato goulash

After learning the home-cooked food, the family can feast on the food, and the guests do not need to go to the restaurant

Ingredients: Beef (beef brisket) 1 kg Potatoes 2 tomatoes 4 onions 2 carrots 1 ginger, green onion 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp cooking wine 1 tsp vinegar tomato sauce, black pepper to taste oil, salt


1: Blanch the beef in cold water for 2 minutes, then wash it with hot water

2: Wash and cut the ingredients into cubes, (potato cubes soaked in water) and set aside

3: Heat the pan with oil, sauté the beef, add soy sauce, cooking wine and a small spoonful of vinegar

4: Continue stir-frying the onion and tomatoes

5: Squeeze the tomato sauce, then grind some black pepper and stir-fry well

6: Add green onion and ginger, pour in hot water and cook for 20 minutes on medium and high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for about 1.5 hours

7: Cook the carrots and potatoes before cooking

8, wait until the meat is rotten and the soup is viscous, you can add salt to taste the pot.

【Scrambled eggs with spinach】?

After learning the home-cooked food, the family can feast on the food, and the guests do not need to go to the restaurant

Ingredients: 400 g spinach, 3 eggs, oil and salt to taste, 1 green onion

1. Prepare the required ingredients and rinse off the spinach leaves

2. Bring water to a boil in the pot, add a little salt, and blanch the roots of the spinach in boiling water first

3. After the leaves are put together, cook for 1-2 minutes, when the spinach color becomes dark green, fish out the spinach, first put the root of the spinach into the blanching water, and then down into the leaves, so that the maturity of the blanched water is consistent, will not blanch the leaves over the fire, put in cold water to cool

4. Scoop out the water, cut off the spinach root, and then cut the spinach into inches

5. Beat the eggs into a bowl and beat them, heat the pot with oil, pour in the egg liquid, wait for the egg liquid to solidify, stir-fry the eggs into pieces, and put them out for use

6. Add a little oil to the pot, add green onion and stir-fry until fragrant, add spinach and stir-fry evenly, add egg cubes, salt, quickly stir-fry evenly, put out the plate

Rattan pepper fish

After learning the home-cooked food, the family can feast on the food, and the guests do not need to go to the restaurant

Ingredients: 1 grass carp, 1 egg, 1000-1500 grams of salad oil, 1250 grams of sugar, 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of chicken essence, 15 grams of cooking wine, 4 grams of pepper noodles, 3 grams of ginger slices, 7 grams of garlic cloves, 8 grams of green onion, soybean sprouts, rattan peppers, dried peppers.

1. Wash the grass carp, remove two pieces of fish meat with a knife, and make the fish head and money bone into pieces.

2: Cut the fish into thin slices, add salt, chicken essence, cooking wine and egg white and mix well, so that the fish fillets are evenly coated with a layer of egg paste.

3: Add broth and salt to the pot and bring to a boil, then boil the fish head and fish bones over high heat; skim off the foam of the soup noodles and drip into the cooking wine to remove the fishy.

4: Put soybean sprouts in the soup pot at the bottom, and when the fish bones are cooked, fish them up and put them into the soup pot.

4: Shake the fillets into the pot, pick them up when the fillets are just broken, put them on the fish bones, and add the shallots, pepper noodles and chicken essence.

5: Heat up another pot, pour oil and add ginger slices, garlic cloves, rattan peppers, dried chili peppers, cook until 70% heat, then pour into the soup pot and serve.

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