
In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

author:Heaven forbid
In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

October is the season when the grapefruit ripens, and now the grapefruit juice is sweet, fresh and delicious. In addition to being able to eat yuzu directly, yuzu can also be made into a delicious honey grapefruit tea, and it can also be used to throw away the grapefruit peel, which can be said to be a lot of work. The following will teach you to make honey grapefruit tea, the taste is sweet and sour, you can also clear the heat to the fire, the formula is collected.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

First of all, let's talk about the basic ratio: 4 pounds of grapefruit, 250 grams of rock sugar, 50 grams of honey. In addition, you need a bowl of water, which can make a jar of honey grapefruit tea, about a pound, sweet and sour, super delicious. Follow the steps, leave it for a year is not bad, you can drink for a long time. Gossip less, let's talk about the practice directly.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

In the first step, soak the grapefruit in light salt water for 15 minutes and scrub the grapefruit peel again. The aim is to wash away the stains and waxy layers on the surface of the grapefruit skin, and this step cannot be lazy. Then cut off the outermost yellow layer of cortex and cut into thin wires for later. The white rice inside is not wanted, the taste is very bitter, and the taste is not good.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

In the second step, prepare a pot of boiling water and blanch the cut grapefruit peel for 3 minutes. Then fish it out and soak it in cool water for 3 hours, changing the water once in between. The aim is to remove most of the bitterness once again. Someone made honey grapefruit tea is very bitter, in fact, this step has not been done. Remember to blanch before soaking.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

The third step is to take another pot and peel off the pulp of the grapefruit just now, put it all in, and the transparent skin and white tendons will be torn off. Then put in the grapefruit peel prepared on it, put all 250 grams of rock sugar in, and pour a bowl of water. It doesn't take much, one bowl is enough, and finally it will evaporate.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

In the fourth step, bring to a boil over high heat, boil the grapefruit pulp and boil out the water. Then turn to medium heat and continue simmering, about half an hour or so, the water evaporates a lot, and the grapefruit meat and grapefruit skin have become translucent. At this time, you should start stirring diligently, and cook for about half an hour, the soup has become very viscous, and the grapefruit meat has become yellow.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

Step 5: Pour in the honey. This should be said more, be sure to boil out the excess water. The grapefruit meat and grapefruit skin and rock sugar are boiled out of the feeling of "glue", so that it can be boiled. Then let it cool naturally to room temperature, pour another 50 grams of honey and stir well. This not only tastes sweet and good, but also prolongs the shelf life.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

Step 6: Seal and save. Prepare a bottle and wash it to ensure that there is no water and no oil. Put the boiled honey grapefruit tea in, tighten the cap of the bottle, put it in the refrigerator and store it, it can be left for a year without bad. After eating and taking as you go, it is very convenient, scoop a spoonful can be flushed and drunk, the taste is sweet and sour, delicious and delicious, and it can also clear the heat and go to the fire.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

Well, the practice of honey grapefruit tea is introduced. In fact, it is very simple, as long as the quality of the grapefruit is good, follow the steps, and the novice can succeed in one go. The taste is even better than what is sold outside, and there are no additives in the whole process, so it is more reassuring to eat. The following is to introduce you to a delicious grapefruit - Fujian red heart grapefruit.

In October, the grapefruit is in season, teach you homemade honey grapefruit tea, sweet and sour, and not bad for a year

This kind of grapefruit is produced in the world's "grapefruit township" - Xiaoxi Town, Heping County, which is known as the "Golden Honey Circle". The grapefruit here is all naturally ripe, juicy and sweet, and the nutrition is also de-fire. If you love grapefruit, don't miss it. Make honey grapefruit tea with red heart grapefruit, which tastes even better. Like this article, welcome to share, thank you!

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