
"Tea Encyclopedia" Why is the tea soup of Liangdu Silver Needle Tea the most obvious?

author:Tea ceremony small pot fairy

Liangdu silver needle tea is produced in The round straight fried green tea of Liangjiadu in Nanchang, Jiangxi. Since 1969, the Jiangxi Silkworm Tea Research Institute has started from absorbing the characteristics of domestic famous tea, exerting a unique style, and after repeated trial production, it has created the Liangdu Silver Needle. The tea has won the Provincial Excellent Famous Tea Award five times, and in 1987 it also won the "Quality Product Award" issued by the People's Government of Jiangxi Province, and in 1988 it won the Bronze Medal Award of the First China Food Expo, and was entered into the "1988 China Quality Product Yearbook".

"Tea Encyclopedia" Why is the tea soup of Liangdu Silver Needle Tea the most obvious?

Introduction: Liangdu silver needle production area is located in the west bank of the Fuhe River, the hilly, fertile soil, mild climate, abundant rainfall, the average annual temperature of 17.6 °C, annual rainfall of 1523.3mm, relative humidity of 80%, grown here tea buds and leaves are fat and soft, full of fur, strong tenderness, rich in substances.

"Tea Encyclopedia" Why is the tea soup of Liangdu Silver Needle Tea the most obvious?

Production process:

1. Liangdu silver needles were picked two or three days before and after the Qingming Dynasty, taking the first development of one bud and two leaves as the standard, and collected in the fine seed government and large white tea.

2. The initial process of Liangdu silver needle is divided into four steps: greening, kneading, baking, and drying.

3. The main feature of the process is that the billet is special, and the conventional billet processing method is combined with the rolling action of the Longjing tea strip, which lays the unique style of the Liangdu silver needle.

"Tea Encyclopedia" Why is the tea soup of Liangdu Silver Needle Tea the most obvious?

Quality characteristics: Liangdu silver needle contains rich nutrients, Liangdu silver needle cord tight and straight, sharp seedlings beautiful, pekoe revealed dense, color oil green symmetrical, tender and long-lasting, taste mellow, soup color clear irrigation bright, leaf bottom tender green uniform.

"Tea Encyclopedia" Why is the tea soup of Liangdu Silver Needle Tea the most obvious?

Brewing steps:

Step 1 "Warm Cup Sanitary Ware"

After pouring the tea set with boiling water (cover the bowl→ the fair cup → tasting cup), this process has two functions: the first is to clean the tea set, and the second is to increase the temperature of the tea set, so that the aroma of the tea leaves is better stimulated.

"Tea Encyclopedia" Why is the tea soup of Liangdu Silver Needle Tea the most obvious?

Step 2 "Tea Throwing"

Place the prepared silver needle tea into a lidded bowl

Step 3 "Shake the Incense"

The temperature left by the tea set in the first step of warming the cup will stimulate a part of the aroma of the tea leaves. Pick up the lid bowl and shake it up and down three times to open the lid and feel the unique honey charm of the white silver needle.

"Tea Encyclopedia" Why is the tea soup of Liangdu Silver Needle Tea the most obvious?

Step 4 "Tea Washing"

Inject 90-95 degrees of hot water along the wall of the bowl, pay attention not to impact the tea leaves, so that it will not damage the tea bud phase, and will not make the tea soup turbid because of a large number of tea buds, which affects the beauty of its soup color, and the tea soup that washes the tea needs to be poured out quickly.

Step 5 "Brewing"

Fill with water along the edge of the lid bowl and wait about 15 seconds for the soup to come out, after which each brew is extended for 5 seconds.

Cup brewing method

Cup brewing method is suitable for one person to drink alone, with 200ml of transparent glass, put 3-5g of tea leaves, with about 90 degrees of boiling water, first wash the tea warm and smell the fragrance, and then brew, brewing time according to the personal taste freely mastered.

"Tea Encyclopedia" Why is the tea soup of Liangdu Silver Needle Tea the most obvious?

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