
Eat as you go: A Tale of Lakehead Food

author:Xiamen Zheng Qiwu
Eat as you go: A Tale of Lakehead Food

The town of Hutou in Anxi is said to have had the reputation of "Xiaoquanzhou" in the past, and famous scholars have emerged, the first of which refers to Li Guangdi, the leader of the Min school in the early Qing Dynasty and a scholar of Wenyuange University. His old man was not only brilliant in his studies, but also distinguished in safeguarding the unity of the country, but also had a clean life. When we go up to the lake, we take a tour to see the "New Ya" in his hometown, a red-brick five-entry bungalow. The majesty of this red brick old building is still the same, when the back street faces the mountain, there is a spacious large cheng outside the gate, outside the left guard house, there is a street, and the granite stone door at the entrance of the alley is engraved with the couplet of "Zanyuan Heavy Wanguo, Zhigao Guangdong Eight Districts", a faction of Zaifu house style! I think that there are still two enlightenments that the "new ya" has given to the officials so far, the first is that the officials are clean and honest, the most popular, and then even if they are clean, the salary and silver are enough for you to spend. Greed, in the end, always kills two birds with one stone, and how to say it is also a big fool who can't pay for it.

Near the "Xinya", there is a monument called "Xianliang Ancestral Hall", originally named "Rong Village Villa", which was later changed in recognition of Li Guangdi. Li Guangdi wrote "The Complete Works of Rong Village", which can be imagined as the book fragrance of Rong Village at that time! There are inscriptions, lotus ponds, and linshuixuan in the temple. However, I paid more attention to an old sheep peach tree in the temple, which was full of fruit and fell to the ground in the shade. This is very similar to a plant in the Danan Old House of Xiamen University. This old tree no longer grows tall after it is fixed, so it is difficult to judge its longevity, from spring to autumn, year after year, but always unswervingly blossoming and bearing fruit.

In fact, what is more famous than Li Guangdi in Hutou is Hutou rice noodles, and rice noodles and Li Guangdi complement each other to build a party of spiritual talents! But the food of the lake is not just rice noodles, a table of local snacks on the lake to the rich feast really made me reminisce: that day the temperature was low, the host first served out a haggis hot pot, the soup taste is mellow and sweet, no smell, I don't know what southern ingredients are mixed, even the Beijing guests who often eat lamb are also full of praise, saying that they have never enjoyed such a fresh hot soup.

The soup is appetizing, followed by a "chicken roll" that is fried yellow, the fine minced meat and dried shrimp are crisply entangled with starch, and the fennel and green onions are looming, accompanied by the black vinegar and coriander at the head of the lake. The coriander at the head of the lake is particularly fragrant, unparalleled in the world! The owner proudly recommended that "the particularly fragrant coriander grows in a certain plot of our lake", just like the whisper of love, which is a private conversation between turquoise vegetables and black fertile fields.

The next few snacks swirled around the march of "rice": when the soaked rice grains were slowly ground into a pulp by the slowly turning stone grinding, and then they were squeezed into countless delicacies by the skillful hands of the peasant woman: salty bamboo shoot buns, the appearance was blue-purple, because there was an herb called "purple chrysanthemum" that was ground into powder, and then mixed with the rice milk to form a unique glutinous rice puree, which not only changed the color of the rice milk, but also enriched its taste, wrapped in a variety of fillings such as meat paste and bamboo shoots, and clearly emerged into a turtle shape in the confused steam." Dirt buns"! I really don't know how the ancestors of the lake originally pulled out the strange marriage match between ziju and rice milk, so that there was this "first marriage and then love" endless happy blend!

"Taro bun" seems to be based on the same love model, taro puree plays the role of "purple chrysanthemum", once again associated with rice milk, as for the content of the package is quite loose, minced meat, green onions, fried peanuts can be, fried and steamed, sweet, salty, sweet with salty, multi-flavored. It may be that the lake head was the end of the waterway, and the guests came from all directions, so the taro bun kept pace with the times and performed the live drama of "changing face" on the stage of food.

"Four Fruit Platter" is a phalanx display of the creation of rice milk, (this "fruit" word should be accompanied by the word "rice", which is a Chinese character specially made for the creation of rice milk.) In the center of the platter is a small plate of appetizing sauerkraut sealed meat, allowing diners to enjoy each other's needs with or with or alone!

A table of lake snacks, pressed by the head coach of the rice noodles. Hutou rice noodles have the reputation of "rice noodle king", high-quality white rice, high-quality water sources interpret the "white as crystal ice, fine as green silk, tough as glue springs, shaped like tidbits" food story, has long made the white fine rice noodles become the "golden silk and silver thread" that drills out of the mountains and bravely goes to the sea! Lake snacks are a section of cuibi in the bamboo forest of local cuisine in southern Fujian, swaying the industrious and creative nature of the people of southern Fujian, overflowing with the idyllic words of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and also adding another beautiful footnote to the saying of "earth spirit and people".

Eat as you go: A Tale of Lakehead Food
