
Kelp is rich in nutrients, but it can't be eaten much! Regarding eating kelp, you still need to understand that it is obviously a healthy food, why can't you eat more? What to pay attention to when eating kelp?

author:Wellness Guide Jun

Kelp is still very common in life, it often appears in some soup drinks, dark green color with clear soup, let people appetite double.

In addition to soup, kelp has many other ways to eat, such as stir-frying directly after foaming, or cutting into shredded cold mixes, the crispy taste and the inner tissue of the jelly texture make eating more interesting.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > is obviously a health food, why can't you eat more? </h1>

Kelp is rich in nutrients, but it can't be eaten much! Regarding eating kelp, you still need to understand that it is obviously a healthy food, why can't you eat more? What to pay attention to when eating kelp?

In addition to various minerals, the content of vitamins, alginic acid and polysaccharides is very good, which is a healthy food, especially the content of iodine, which is much higher than other seafood. If properly ingested in life, the internal environment will be purified, which has a certain effect on the maintenance of health.

However, in life we often hear the saying "Kelp can't eat too much!" Why can't kelp, as a healthy food, eat more?

If the human body wants to maintain health, various elements in the body need to maintain a state of balance, if we often eat kelp, then the intake of iodine will increase, the body's iodine exceeds the standard, but does not meet the needs of the body, and will eventually affect health.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" what to pay attention to when eating kelp >? </h1>

Kelp is rich in nutrients, but it can't be eaten much! Regarding eating kelp, you still need to understand that it is obviously a healthy food, why can't you eat more? What to pay attention to when eating kelp?

1, the foaming time should not be too long

In life, most of the kelp we buy on the market is processed semi-finished dried kelp, after buying home we need to clean it, remove excess salt, and soak in water to restore kelp to a full state of moisture, kelp after absorbing water and then cooking, eating will taste better.

It should be noted that the time of foaming kelp must not be too long, and the foaming can be in a state with sufficient water content, and generally it can be bubbled to the ideal state in about 3 hours. If soaked overnight, some of the nutrients in kelp will be lost with the soaking water, and the edible value will be reduced.

2, kelp can not be eaten every day

Kelp is rich in nutrients, but it can't be eaten much! Regarding eating kelp, you still need to understand that it is obviously a healthy food, why can't you eat more? What to pay attention to when eating kelp?

As we mentioned earlier, the human body needs to maintain balance to be more conducive to health, if we eat kelp every day, it will cause excessive intake of certain nutrients, but it is not conducive to health.

Kelp is not only high in iodine content, silicon content is not low, if everyone eats kelp every day, then the silicon into the human body will cause some adverse reactions, and then affect health. If you want to eat kelp, it is recommended that you eat 1 to 2 times a week at the frequency of eating, such a frequency of eating, not only is not easy to over-intake of nutrients, but also to meet the needs of the human body.

3. People with cold should eat less or not eat

Kelp is rich in nutrients, but it can't be eaten much! Regarding eating kelp, you still need to understand that it is obviously a healthy food, why can't you eat more? What to pay attention to when eating kelp?

Different people have differences in physique, and if it is a cold person, it is not recommended to eat kelp. Kelp is a cold food, if the cold people eat, it will undoubtedly amplify the cold stimulation caused by the food to the body, and then adversely affect health, and even cause some uncomfortable symptoms.

If this type of population must eat kelp, you can consider pairing it with other warm foods, which can not only neutralize the cold of kelp, but also make the content of the dish more abundant, and the nutrients will be relatively comprehensive.

4, do not drink tea and eat fruit after eating kelp

Kelp is rich in nutrients, but it can't be eaten much! Regarding eating kelp, you still need to understand that it is obviously a healthy food, why can't you eat more? What to pay attention to when eating kelp?

Kelp in the plant protein, as well as iron content are more abundant, if you eat fruit or drink tea immediately after eating, then the vitamin C in the fruit and acidic substances in the tea, will and kelp plant protein and iron mutual resistance, not only is not conducive to health, but also cause some adverse reactions.

Seeing this, everyone should understand that in fact, kelp can not eat more is a certain reason, even if it is rich in nutrients, but eating too much will exceed the human body's ability to bear. Excessive intake of substances, the burden on the human body is larger, but it is not conducive to health, only by following a certain law and reasonable intake, it is more in line with the needs of the human body.

Friends, do you usually like to eat kelp? How often do you usually eat it?

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