
Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"


In 2014, "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping was diagnosed with rectal cancer.

In China, there are few people who do not know about "chess saint" Nie Weiping. With his brilliant achievements in the Sino-Japanese ring, he was awarded the title of "Chess Saint" by the Chinese Weiqi Association in 1988.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping</h1>

Nie Weiping immersed himself in the world of Go all his life, interpreted the "myths" that still amaze the world, and served as a "hero of the times" worshipped by the whole people, and was called "a person who can enjoy incense".

He has never won a world championship, and is the only chess player in the history of Chinese Go to be awarded the title of "Chess Saint", creating countless brilliant moments.

In the 1980s, Japan was in the position of the "leading boss" in the world of Go. In 1984, the China Weiqi Association, the Japan Chess Academy and the Chinese "New Sports" magazine jointly held the first Sino-Japanese Go Tournament, which had a great impact on the development of Chinese Go and even the world's Go.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

A poll released in Japan ahead of the inaugural China-Japan Go Tournament showed that almost no one was optimistic that the Chinese team would win. In China's vote, only 20% predicted that the Chinese team would win.

Because in terms of overall strength, the gap between Chinese Go and Japanese Go at that time was very obvious. Chinese chess players rarely won against several "super-first-class chess players" in the Japanese chess world at that time, even against ordinary Japanese players of the eighth and ninth dan, they won less and lost more. In this context, China can win one or two games of chess in the ring, and chess fans are satisfied.

The format of the Sino-Japanese Go Tournament is composed of several players from each side, and each side has a manager to decide the final victory or defeat in the form of a ring match. The game is played in order, with the winner sitting on the fence and the loser sending players in turn until one of the "managers" is defeated.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

Go is a strategic board game that originated in China, called "Yi" in ancient China, and is one of the four arts of qinqi calligraphy and painting. According to legend, Go was written by Emperor Yao, which can be said to be the originator of chess, and has a history of more than 4,000 years. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, it was introduced to Japan through Korea. Go contains the rich connotation of Chinese culture and is the embodiment of Chinese culture and civilization.

From the Tang Dynasty onwards, Go gradually spread to Japan and soon became popular in Japan. Japan sent emissaries to the Tang Dynasty many times to exchange Go, and the New Book of Tang records the tang Dynasty Go master Yang Jiying playing against Japanese players.

After the founding of New China, there have been direct exchanges between the Chinese and Japanese Go circles since 1960. The first Sino-Japanese Go Tournament held in 1984 officially set off a climax of Sino-Japanese Go exchanges. Nie Weiping's 11 consecutive victories in the first three tournaments also greatly encouraged the confidence of Chinese and promoted the popularity of Chinese Go.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the growth history of "chess sage"</h1>

Nie Weiping was born in 1952 in Hengshui City, Hebei Province, and began learning chess at the age of 9. Under the guidance of Zhang Futian, Lei Jihua, Guo Tisheng, Chen Zude, Wu Songsheng and other famous teachers and his own efforts, his chess skills have improved greatly, and he has emerged at a young age, winning the championship in the Beijing Children's Go Tournament at the age of 10.

Due to congenital heart disease, Nie Weiping could not exercise strenuously since he was a child, so he hardly participated in any physical education classes. It is for this reason that he is very interested in all intellectual projects, except for Go, bridge, arch pigs, landlords and even flying chess.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

When he was a child, Nie Weiping often ran to the Children's Palace to watch others play chess, and begged the teachers of the Children's Palace to teach him to play chess. Once, he played against several students who were older than him, and as a result, he swept through these "brothers" who had been learning chess for several years, and soon became the "little stars" of the Children's Palace.

This incident attracted Chen Yi's attention. During an inspection of the Children's Palace, he called Nie Weiping to his side and said to the 12-year-old Nie Weiping: The atomic bomb is equivalent to the "nine dan" of Go, And China has the atomic bomb, that is, it has the "nine dan", and Go does not have nine dan at present, and you will defeat the Japanese nine dan in the future.

Nie Weiping wrote in his autobiography: "The words of Mr. Chen made me understand in my young soul that playing Go is not simply playing, but is associated with national honor and glory for the country. "

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

During the Cultural Revolution, Nie Weiping was sent to Heilongjiang for 6 years. In the sparsely populated Northern Wilderness, Nie Weiping immersed himself in the study of chess and gradually understood the way of Go. In 1973, Nie Weiping was selected into the Go training team of the Chinese Chess Academy and started his Weiqi life.

In 1974, when a delegation from the Kansai Chess Academy of Japan visited China, Nie Weiping defeated the Japanese master Naoto Miyamoto and made his first appearance. In 1976, Nie Weiping defeated the super-first-class player Yoshio Ishida In Japan, breaking the myth of "super-first-class players are invincible" in Japan. At the same time, he also won most of the country's chess tournaments, and in 1981 he was promoted to nine dan.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Yangwei Sino-Japanese Go Tournament</h1>

In the first Sino-Japanese Go Tournament, Japan's super-first-class chess player Kobayashi Ichijiu Duan Lianke 6 Chinese players, the soldiers directly in front of the main general Nie Wei ping tent. On August 27, Nie Weiping, who fought backwaters, cut Kobayashi Koichi off his horse, and then defeated another Japanese super-first-class player, Masao Kato, to tie the score to 7-7.

In the final showdown with Hideyuki Fujisawa, the japanese general and the "chess saint" who won the "chess saint" war championship 6 times, he won the Japanese chess saint by a slight margin, won the ring for China, and achieved a major breakthrough in Chinese Go.

After losing the first Sino-Japanese Go Tournament, the Japanese player felt a disgrace and was determined to save face in the second tournament.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

In this competition, Japan's Kudan Kobayashi Jue first won consecutive victories over five Major Generals of China, Qian Yuping, Shao Zhenzhong, Cao Dayuan, Jiang Zhujiu and Liu Xiaoguang; Satoshi Kataoka, who was behind him, knocked the Chinese deputy marshal Ma Xiaochun out of the ring, leaving only one light pole commander, Nie Weiping, on the Chinese side.

In front of Nie Weiping, there were five Japanese generals: Satoshi Kataoka, Hiroshi Yamashiro, Makoto Sakai, Masaki Takemiya, and Hero Otake. Japanese public opinion believes that the Japanese side has won the game, and the domestic outlook for the ring is also full of pessimism.

Nie Weiping calmly and calmly defeated Satoshi Kataoka. Next, take on Hiroshi Yamashiro, the "leader of the future chess world" in Japan. When the two strong men met, Nie Weiping was unusually calm, while Yamashiro Hiroshi looked very nervous, and the hand holding the chess piece was trembling slightly. The difference in psychological state caused a gap in the strength comparison between the two sides, and Nie Weiping won the game very smoothly.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

After defeating Sakai, known as the "nemesis of Chinese chess players", Nie Weiping ushered in a decisive battle with masaki, the military attache of the "Cosmic Stream".

Military attaché Masaki's chess style is different. With a huge "cosmic stream", Masaki Takemiya was one of the most popular chess players in the chess world at that time. In the 1980s and 1990s, Masaki Takemiya won two consecutive championships in the Fujitsu Cup, four consecutive championships in the Asian Cup, four consecutive championships in Honinfang, and three consecutive championships in ten paragraphs, and was a unique super-first-class player.

Nie Weiping once wrote in the book:

"Although my preparation at this time is not as wasted as it was for Kobayashi Hikaru in the first ring, my brain has not been idle. I didn't sleep or forget to eat, not because I thought Masaki Takemiya was easier to deal with than Kobayashi Koichi, and it wasn't because three consecutive wins had saved face.

On the contrary, this game of chess I very much want to win, similar to koichi Kobayashi before, or even more intense. Because, if I can win Masaki Takemiya this time, then the top three figures in Japan will all become the losers under my command in the official confrontation between China and Japan!

And the victory of the second tournament will also go to China for the most part. Because the current chess strength of the Hero of The Great Bamboo is not as good as that of Masaki Takemiya. ”

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

On March 31, 1987, a match between Nie Weiping and Masaki Wugong was held at the Beijing Gymnasium. Before the match, 2,000 tickets were sold out in an instant, and CCTV broadcast the game for 5 and a half hours.

As a result, just as Nie Weiping expected, the black Wugong Masaki did not hesitate to pose a three-star formation, and Nie Weiping's thinking was also very clear, trying his best to curb the "cosmic flow" of Wugong Masaki. Under Nie Weiping's purposeful targeting, Wugong Masaki eventually lost to Nie Weiping in the middle.

On April 30, 1987, Nie Weiping defeated Yu Wei of Masaki Takemiya, and won the black 2-and-a-half-eye victory over the Hero of Otake - the myth of the ring continues!

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

The Japanese were completely convinced, and had to admit that Nie Weiping was a chess player who could see the truth the more decisive battles he was, and he already had the strength of a "super first-class" chess player.

In 1987, Nie Weiping defeated Japanese team player Masao Kato in the third Sino-Japanese Go Tournament, and the Chinese team won the "three consecutive victories" in the ring, becoming a legendary hero in the chess world, and his personal reputation also reached its peak.

Driven by the three Sino-Japanese Go Tournaments, China set off a "Go fever", and a large number of young players came into contact with Go from this time. On March 22, 1988, in recognition of Nie Weiping's outstanding contributions to the cause of Go, the State Sports Commission and the China Weiqi Association awarded him the title of "Chess Saint".

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Nie Weiping who walked down the altar</h1>

There is no always victorious general in the world, and there is no undefeated "chess saint". Since the first Ying Cup final in 1989 lost a good game and lost the championship, Nie Weiping has gradually gone downhill due to his age and body. Although he has since reached the final of the Fujitsu Cup and the Toyo Securities Cup, he has never won the championship.

After 1995, Nie Weiping, who had already passed the peak of his chess strength, never reached the final of the World Series.

With the passage of time, Nie Weiping's popularity gradually decreased, and he even criticized and questioned some of his remarks. However, the gap in this situation did not arouse Nie Weiping's concern. In his view, the "grace and grace" of the past belonged to the specific things of that era, and today's people have rich lives and should have more diversified choices.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

For him, no matter how the times change and how the circumstances change, national honor and glory for the country are still the complex in his heart and have never changed.

Nie Weiping, who gradually faded out of the front line of the chess game, did not idle. He believes that the goal of Go promotion is not to cultivate a few professional chess players, but to cultivate a hobby, because professional chess players are a minority after all. The culture of Go is broad and profound, and it is not like basketball, football and other intuitive projects, everyone can watch and play.

In 1999, Nie Weiping created the Go Dojo, where more than 100,000 young players have learned chess, trained 23 world champions and national champions such as Ke Jie, 285 professional chess players, and formed 2 men's first-class teams and 1 men's second-class team to compete in the Weijia League.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

In addition to Go, Nie Weiping also loves to play bridge. Regarding his card skills, it is rumored that "bridge is the most powerful in the world of Go, and the most superb in the world of bridge". He has partnered with many people, including Deng Gong. In the 10 years from 1984 to 1993, Nie Weiping accompanied Deng Gong to play bridge many times.

Nie Weiping recalled that Deng Gong's bridge level was very high, much better than his own card skills. Deng Gong often said that bridge is a mental work. Playing bridge can train intelligence, insight and resilience, as well as enhance memory. He often said: "I can swim, which means that my body is OK; I can play bridge, which means that my brain is OK. ”

Nie Weiping admitted that as Deng Gong's opponent, it was difficult to win him. Deng Gong played cards tightly, attacked fiercely, shouted accurately, played steadily, whether he was leading or lagging behind, he was very personable. Sometimes he made a mistake and when others unceremoniously criticized him, Deng Gong would listen humbly. If someone else makes a mistake, Deng Gong will unceremoniously "accuse".

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > bad habit of "chess sage"</h1>

Nie Weiping is a very open-minded person, informal in life, with many "bad habits". After he developed rectal cancer, he also reflected on the cause of his cancer.

All along, Nie Weiping's addiction to smoking is very large, especially in the game, he likes to smoke while playing chess. Nie Weiping himself admitted that at most, he had smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day. In addition to smoking, Nie Weiping also likes to drink. He has a nickname called "Four Jin Brother", although it is a bit exaggerated, but it can be seen that Nie Weiping can drink and loves to drink.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

Nie Weiping's smoking began in heilongjiang when he was a young man. At that time, from the bustling capital to the desolate Northern Wilderness, he felt that the future was uncertain, and he did not know whether he could return to his hometown in the future. In addition to these, he was even more distressed that there was no one to accompany him to play chess in the Northern Wilderness. In the midst of bitterness, Nie Weiping learned to smoke.

In the early years, the Go arena was not non-smoking, and after Nie Weiping returned to the national Go team, he often lit a cigarette at the beginning of the game and played while smoking.

Later, it was stipulated that smoking could not be smoked in the arena, but Nie Weiping's decades of habits could not be changed, but he faced junior chess players, and everyone let him. Therefore, nie Weiping's competition table can often be seen on the field, and the organizers must prepare an ashtray for him in advance.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

At that time, there were many professional chess players who smoked. In the fourth game of the first Ying's Cup final in 1989, Nie Weiping was reversed by Cao Xuanxuan under the advantage, which indirectly changed the trend of Chinese and Korean Go and even the world chess world. It is said that on the day of the game, Nie Weiping was catching a cold, and Cao Xuanxuan's cigarettes were one after another, and the smoke that came from his face made Nie Weiping cough endlessly, so this was a good situation.

Nie Weiping not only loves to smoke and drink, but also likes to eat crabs, and it is said that half a kilogram of crabs can eat 13 crabs in one go.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

Crab is a high-protein food, the intake of excessive high-protein food is easy to induce constipation, so that the protein in the intestine can not be completely decomposed, resulting in a large number of toxins accumulated in the intestine. When the toxin accumulates to a certain amount, it will enter the blood through the intestinal wall, and as the blood circulation endangers the whole body, over time, the intestinal wall cells will develop inflammation and gradually develop into bowel cancer.

As a professional chess player, Nie Weiping's work and rest are irregular all year round, and he likes to stay up late for a long time, which also greatly increases his risk of getting sick.

Staying up late will affect the level of endocrine hormones in the body, resulting in disorders in hormone levels, cells can not divide normally, and it is very easy to produce mutations, increasing the risk of cancer.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 61-year-old "anti-cancer hero"</h1>

It is admirable that since the diagnosis of colon cancer at the age of 61, Nie Weiping has fought rectal cancer with unparalleled courage and perseverance and become an "anti-cancer hero".

Speaking of which, Nie Weiping's anti-cancer secret is not complicated. One is to change unhealthy living habits, quit smoking and alcohol, and participate in more sports; the second is to maintain a good attitude and actively cooperate with doctors for treatment; the third is to get the care and care of family members, and establish confidence that the fight against cancer will be victorious.

Nie Weiping admits that cancer has changed him a lot. Today, he checks his body on time, eats and lives reasonably, and welcomes back to his healthy self.

Reflections of "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping after suffering from cancer: Away from cancer, take me as a warning "Hero of the Times" Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Growth Shi Yangwei China-Japan Go Tournament Walking Off the Altar Of Nie Weiping "Chess Saint" Bad Habits 61-year-old "Anti-Cancer Hero"

He wants to tell everyone who has had a similar experience with him: Don't learn the unhealthy lifestyle of your previous self, and hope that everyone will "stay away from cancer and take me as a warning." Cancer is terrible, but there is no need to "talk about cancer discoloration", even if unfortunately suffering from cancer, we must build confidence and actively treat it.

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