
A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"

author:Tang with Tong Guoxue
A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"

"Those who know the scriptures do not harm my way with foreign objects, and those who know power do not worry about ordinary people" This is the language of Liu Zongyuan's "Theory of Breaking Punishment".

This means that those who know the Way will not be confused by strange things, and those who know power will not abolish their maverick behavior because of common sense.

A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"

Before the 1840s, Chinese history could practice this saying, follow the way of the unity of heaven and man, adhere to the principle of farming, restrain private elites, strengthen unification, and put the people first. However, in the face of Western aggression, they did not know their power, and they were in a hurry, and they regarded strange forces and chaos as common. And only the Westerners are constant, but do you not know that everything in the Westerners is the end? The universal way is still in china.

A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"

Science is a partial and a virtual world, and my generation is dazzled, thinking that science is the whole, is the norm of nature, and science is not a way to understand things from a certain perspective. Its conclusions are not conclusive, still less comprehensive and three-dimensional, and will soon be rejected by new scientific assertions.

A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"

It is true that science is used for military purposes, the strong guns of the past, and the nuclear weapons of today, which are really powerful, but this science must be material, unintentional, undesirable, immoral, and its strength is greater than that of compassion. The users of scientific tools are still human beings, and those who use this weapon to harm others, whose hearts are not good, and whose nature is contrary to their own nature, will not last long if they talk about violating morality and self-nature in terms of the common sense of Confucianism and Taoism. From the perspective of the relationship between mind and matter, the power of the mind is beyond matter. Chairman Mao Zedong's "The Power of the Heart" expounds this truth. Zeng Wenzheng also said in his book with his brother that spiritual unity is far better than the sophistication of weapons.

A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"

Moreover, those who know the power of the common sense, in the face of scientific aggression, will also use their human skills to treat their bodies and use nuclear weapons to oppose nuclear weapons.

Today, we mistakenly believe that science is the common way, turn against the natural way of the unity of heaven and man, regard the virtual as real, take the number of currency symbols as the size of the value of life, and take a path that violates the classics and violates the common way.

A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"

Replacing natural agriculture with genetically modified agriculture and chemical agriculture, replacing natural materials with chemical materials, and replacing labor with robots is not excessive if it is used as an expedient need. However, it is a big fallacy to regard this as a universal norm of life.

A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"
A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"

Liu Zongyuan was an outstanding person of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and his writings were famous for their extremely philosophical writings. For today's Chinese, it is not to abandon the road of the unity of heaven and man with the strangeness of science and technology. At the same time, with the principle of "those who know the power do not think of ordinary people", we will keep pace with the times, treat their human bodies with their human skills, keep the way and strain, and never deviate from the way, and use the same body!

The constant, the consistent. The right one, the one who should also adapt to change, the last one, the user. The enemy changes, I change, and when I change, there will be the unchanging, the unchanging, and the constant.

Lei was originally in Xiyu Garden

A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"
A Brief Discussion on "Scripture" and "Right"