
Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

author:Daming's last killer

In China, there is a saying that "those who know the times are Junjie", which is not to teach people to be grass on the wall, but to judge the situation at key moments, make the right choices, and avoid unnecessary sacrifices. As long as it is not a matter of principle, not all persistence is correct.

And everyone's life tends to go through two important stages, the first stage is to "afford it", and the second stage is to "put it down". If you do nothing when it is time to fight and fight, it will inevitably usher in a failed life, and should not "put down" when the rapids retreat, and will also end up with a fish dead net, which is not worth the loss.

The former Soviet Union was a superpower before its dissolution, which was established through the efforts of Lenin, rose rapidly after Lenin overthrew the Tsarist rule, and gradually developed into the largest power in Europe.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

At that time, the Soviet Union was the second largest country in the world, second only to the United States in the world, and the strong industrial base of the former Soviet Union also gave it the strength to compete with the United States after World War II.

Including nuclear weapons, missile research and even the exploration of space and space, the United States has felt an unprecedented crisis. However, although all this objectively promoted the scientific and technological development of the former Soviet Union, the arms race with the United States for many years has seriously dragged down the Soviet economy.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

Pearl in front of Khrushchev

At that time, the glory of the Soviet Union was created by Lenin and Stalin, but the next Soviet leader, Khrushchev, was less welcomed. In order to deal with Khrushchev, Brezhnev even staged a coup d'état to force Khrushchev to step down.

However, in fact, Khrushchev already knew that someone would oust him from power, but Khrushchev did not choose to resist, which made people wonder.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

Once upon a time, the ambitious Khrushchev wanted to show everyone that he was capable of inheriting the mantle of two excellent leaders. In order to solve the existing food crisis in the Soviet Union, he hastily planted and promoted corn in the Soviet Union on a large scale without the conditions of ignoring the climate and light of the Soviet Union, but finally did not harvest anything.

Khrushchev's corn movement ultimately failed, casting a shadow over his political career and nearly becoming a laughingstock. Since Khrushchev's achievements did not satisfy the people, the coup d'état against Khrushchev was also proceeding in an orderly manner.

But despite the many people who opposed Khrushchev, Khrushchev still had many supporters and gave him more eyeliner. During Khrushchev's vacation to his villa on the Black Sea, he received three messages about "someone trying to impeach him."

You know, information like this is usually highly confidential, but Khrushchev can receive the message three times. It can be seen that he still had a certain influence on the political stage at that time.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

Spoiler ending in advance

The first source was Sergei, who at the time was a Soviet missile engineer and Khrushchev's son. He learned of the news from a bodyguard of a senior Soviet official who opposed Khrushchev and immediately told his father the news.

The second source was Khrushchev's daughter Rada. His daughter revealed the information on the other end of the phone, a woman, and said she wanted to talk to her. As a result, Rada refused to see the woman and did not believe that there was such a thing, until she heard about it again and realized that it was not out of thin air.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

The political winds were changing and the form was very subtle, and as a result, Khrushchev's son-in-law also received the news, and he was Rada's husband. He got news of Khrushchev's impeachment from a friend of his, another high-ranking government official. However, Khrushchev did not take any measures after receiving the three messages.

Because Khrushchev, after so long in the political whirlpool, has long been accustomed to the voice of opposition, and each time his supporters have cleared the way for him. Khrushchev thought the situation was the same as usual, so he did not take it to heart.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

Face change with openness

It was not until he was told that he had to go to an important meeting that Khrushchev was alert, but at Brezhnev's urging he had to travel to Moscow to attend the meeting. At this meeting, almost all the participants were reactionaries and neutrals, because all those who supported Khrushchev were secretly disposed of.

Thus, it became his last meeting in the name of the supreme leader of the Soviet Union. At this meeting, Khrushchev was also thoroughly aware of the collective conspiracy of these high-ranking Soviet officials.

But perhaps Khrushchev absolutely did not expect that Brezhnev, a "good subordinate" he had pulled up by his own hand, became the biggest behind-the-scenes promoter, and on Khrushchev's 70th birthday, Brezhnev also emotionally blessed Khrushchev.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

But Brezhnev, however, sat at the conference table and exposed Khrushchev's evil deeds. Everyone in the meeting talked unapologetically about the damage done to the Soviet Union during Khrushchev's administration.

However, Khrushchev did implement some policies that were detrimental to the economic development of the Soviet Union. So he couldn't refute these facts, and the accusations of these people made him understand that he had completely lost control of the situation and the ability to resist.

Even though his defection had been completed, Khrushchev seemed to have a hint of relief and relief, and he really wanted to throw away this hot potato as soon as possible. Thus, Khrushchev did not oppose the decision of all States members of the General Assembly to remove him from office.

After the meeting, Khrushchev applied to the Presidium for resignation on the grounds of age and health problems, officially ending his political career and giving himself a decent ending.

In the center of power, it is inevitable to feel tired, because falling into this huge whirlpool is bound to face too many conspiracies and struggles. If you are tired, you will naturally see through these.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

After the coup, Brezhnev was rightfully elected leader of the Soviet Union. He carried out a series of reforms, which were indeed conducive to the economic development of the Soviet Union and brought the national strength of the Soviet Union to the peak.

In the 1970s, the Soviet Union even suppressed the United States militarily. Economically, Brezhnev also took advantage of the "east wind" of rising international crude oil prices to improve the material living standards of the Soviet people.

Before Khrushchev stepped down, the 3 ways had been informed in advance, why didn't he resist?

brief summary:

It can be said that Khrushchev lived a relatively thorough life. He chose bold practice when he was supposed to do something, and he didn't covet power too much when he was supposed to abdicate. Unnecessary political struggles can only drag down the people and bring the country's development to a standstill.

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