
Look up to their timeless faith and feel the power of cultural revival

author:Beiqing Net
Look up to their timeless faith and feel the power of cultural revival

Fang Jixiao

Look up to their timeless faith and feel the power of cultural revival

"Favor" members and Fang Jixiao took a group photo at the entrance of the Tianqiao Impression Museum

Look up to their timeless faith and feel the power of cultural revival

Guo Moruo to Zhu Renrui Shuzha

Look up to their timeless faith and feel the power of cultural revival

Xu Guangyao sent a message to Fang Jixiao confirming that the first draft of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" was completed in Beijing

Look up to their timeless faith and feel the power of cultural revival

Mei Lanfang sent a letter to the Peking Opera Workers Federation

Look up to their timeless faith and feel the power of cultural revival

Liu Chi's commemorative cover of "Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art" was inscribed

On the morning of May 29, favored members gathered in front of the Tianqiao Impression Museum to visit the exhibition "Handwriting of 100 CCP Members in literary and art circles". The keynote speaker this time is Fang Jixiao, a well-known scholar of literature and history and a connoisseur, and all the manuscripts in this exhibition are also provided by Teacher Fang.

At the beginning of the activity, everyone followed Teacher Fang Jixiao into the theme exhibition hall of "Red Streamers of the Central Axis - Eternal Faith and Cultural Rejuvenation". In the red exhibition hall, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ding Ling, Mei Lanfang, Zhao Shuli, Cao Yu and other dazzling names shine brightly and are admirable.

Fang Jixiao said before the visit began, "After collecting for more than 30 years, this time combing out 100 authentic manuscripts of a hundred CPC members in the literary and art circles, each of which has a sense of intimacy, such as seeing his face and hearing his voice." In these handwritings, they also read their original intentions, feelings and ethics. ”

The handwriting reflects their professionalism and noble character

Referring to the original intention of this theme exhibition, as a cultural celebrity in Xicheng District, Fang Jixiao said with some emotion that in 2019, in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, the Propaganda Department of the Xicheng District Party Committee hosted the "Cultural Celebrity Handwriting Exhibition Under the Red Wall" at the Tianqiao Art Center, which was relatively large in scale and influence. This year, he received the "task" again, in coordination with the Tianqiao Impression Museum to prepare for the centenary exhibition of the founding of the party, "I feel that it is an unshirkable duty to do our best to set up such a base for the education of the party for the masses from all walks of life and all units."

What is the red streamer of the central axis? Fang Jixiao's statement is that the starting point of the central axis of Beijing is at the Yongdingmen City Tower and the end point is the Bell Tower. Historically, from the New Culture Movement in 1919, to the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921, to the founding of New China in 1949, many outstanding Communist Party members in the cultural and artistic circles have worked, lived and lived in the area covered on both sides of the central axis. Based on this, the theme of "Red Streamers on the Central Axis" was determined.

After the theme was determined, from the end of 2020, Fang Jixiao selected and sorted out the exhibits from thousands of collections, and after discussion, it was finally determined that "the handwriting of 100 CCP members in the literary and art circles" was the main line of the exhibition to welcome the centenary of the founding of the party.

In the tense time, Fang Jixiao delineated three conditions for how to screen the exhibits, "First, I refer to the "Dictionary of Chinese Communist Names", "Chinese Modern Names Dictionary", "Chinese Writers Dictionary" and other reference books, from the literary and art circles to find out the 100 cultural people, they must be members of the Communist Party of China, this is a hard condition. Therefore, some familiar people do not appear in the exhibition, such as Ba Jin, such as Hou Baolin of the Democratic League; the second must have lived in Beijing for a long time or a short time; the third is more demanding, they have to work or live on both sides of the central axis."

Will there be damage to the display of so many original exhibits? Fang Jixiao said with a smile, "The exhibits in my many exhibitions are originals, and there should be some damage, but in order to let the audience see the originals of celebrity handwriting, increase the sense of intimacy, and insist on the original exhibits while minimizing damage."

With so many handwriting, how can you see the doorway from it? Teacher Fang Jixiao pointed out the highlights of the handwriting exhibition: first of all, look at the character profiles, many of them are the founders of the new Chinese cultural cause. It is no exaggeration to say that there are at least a hundred firsts, such as Guo Moruo as the first chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Mao Dun as the first minister of culture, Zhou Yang as the first secretary of the party group of the Writers Association, Ding Ling as the first famous female writer to Yan'an, and so on; second, behind each handwriting there is a story, or records a historical fragment of a period, or reflects his work, life, and creation, as well as reflects their professionalism and noble character. For example, Xiao San and zhu Ziqi, a comrade-in-arms in the Yan'an period, reviewed the "New Poetry Movement in Yan'an" in their letters; Mao Dun's "Propaganda Collection" postscript expounded the dedication and achievements of the people he saw in the process of the 10th anniversary of the founding of New China and the rapid progress of socialist construction; third, look at the beauty of handwriting. When visiting, you must pay attention to the fact that these hundred authors all have a good handwriting. Guo and Mao themselves are recognized calligraphers, such as Xie Tian's "Upside Down Book", Zhong Ling's Kai Li, Yao Xueyu and Xiao Jun's calligraphy, each with its own beauty. We are much more enjoyable to see such an exhibition than to see a simple "calligraphy exhibition"; fourth, by reading the exhibits, we can also learn the form of letters and the etiquette of letters.

The first draft of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", which has influenced generations, was born in Beijing

Entering the exhibition hall, on the west side is a commemorative poster of Xu Guangyao's creation of "The 60th Anniversary of Little Soldier Zhang Ga". "Another thing this year is the sixtieth anniversary of the publication of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga". I knew the story of 'Gazi' as soon as I was a child, and the original author of the novel is Mr. Xu Guangyao, who is 96 years old this year." Fang Jixiao introduced with a smile. Writer Xu Guangyao, born in 1925, pen name Yuefeng, joined the Eighth Route Army at the age of 13, personally experienced the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and his rich revolutionary experience provided him with an endless source of creation. "His novel "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" and the film of the same name, which he created against the background of the heroic resistance of the people of Baiyangdian, have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have endured for a long time, becoming a red classic that has influenced generations."

Teacher Fang also recalled a story of his interaction with Xu Guangyao 30 years ago, "When I was young, I was a literary youth, and by chance, I bought a file with Xu Guangyao's handwriting, and in the file, in addition to a few letters written by Mr. Xu Guangyao, there were also letters from Ding Ling, Chen Qixia and others." Therefore, Fang Jixiao wrote to Mr. Xu Guangyao, who was then the chairman of the Hebei Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature, to inform him of this matter, but he did not expect to receive a reply soon, "He asked, 'Can you send this thing over and let me see it, I have forgotten it'." Fang Jixiao immediately sent the original. "As a result, the old man sent it back after reading it, and sent me a calligraphy with the letter, which was written in italics, which was very beautiful." During the preparation of the exhibition, as soon as the commemorative poster for the sixtieth anniversary of the publication of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" came out, he signed it in his own handwriting and asked his friends to send it to me. You can take a closer look, and each one has Xu Lao's signature."

Some members asked that Mr. Xu lao basically lives in Hebei, why did this theme exhibition put him in the focus of the beginning? Fang Jixiao smiled slightly, and said slightly mysteriously, "In the literary world, the birthplace of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" is generally believed to be Baoding, Hebei, which Mr. Xu Guangyao did not explicitly say. So, where was "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" born? Seeing everyone looking at each other, Fang Jixiao smiled and said, "This time let me solve this mystery."

Fang Jixiao continued to reveal, "There are two sentences in Xu Lao's 1958 diary that caught my attention, 'From today onwards, start writing the novella Li Gude'er'--'GuDe'er' is what we mean in Beijing dialect of 'old knot' and 'old son'. The diary was originally called 'Li Gude'er', and later changed to 'Zhang Gude'er'. And the last sentence of the diary is 'The story of Zhang Gude'er has been completed'."

However, later, the story of Zhang Gude'er disappeared, "At that time, Xu Lao was sent back to his hometown in Hebei", Fang Jixiao found that in the autumn of 1961, Mr. Xu Lao signed a publishing contract with the Beijing Children's Publishing House, and later the China Children's Publishing House solemnly launched "Little Soldier Zhang Ga". So, was "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" created by Xu Lao when he was working in Beijing, or did he return to Hebei to write it? When Fang Jixiao studied "Xu Guangyao's Diary", he found that the first draft of the novel "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" was completed by Xu Guangyao in 1958 when he was a creative studio member of the Creation Office of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army of the Chinese, at No. 15, Da'er Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing. "At that time, Xu Guangyao was married there, and Zhang Gude'er wrote there. Finally, the old man confirmed through memories: "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" was created on January 23, 1958, and more than three months later, the novel was completed together with the film script, both of which were born in Beijing. No. 15 Da'er Hutong, next to Yanshou temple street, I used to look for this alley, and now it is a large courtyard. At that time, xu lao lived with the playwrights Hu Ke and Du Feng, and the three of them lived in a small courtyard. ”

In Fang Jixiao's view, Xu Lao's literary creation involves a very wide range, in addition to novels, there are poetry, prose, documentary literature, dramas, as well as film literary scripts, essays, literary theories and criticisms, "like "Plain Fire" is full of emotions, "Last Night's West Wind withered Bishu" is rational and deep, diverse in style, and touching in writing, and it is worth reading today."

There is a moving story behind every letter

Turn a corner and enter the literature-themed exhibition hall. The first thing that caught the eye was Guo Moruo's letter to Zhu Renrui of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and Fang Jixiao pointed out the key to the letter, "Only more than sixty words, but concisely and concisely gave zhu Shi's book "Overturning the Case for King Yin" and gave an affirmation and high evaluation."

Turning around, Fang Jixiao pointed to the letter from Liu Shaotang to Du Qiang in the display cabinet and read, "Registered to send the briefing notes of "Pu Liu Ren Ren Jia" and "Xiao He Cai Shows Sharp Horns". Scholars and critics consider these two novels to be my masterpieces of vernacular literature, one writing about the past and the other writing about reality." He went on to say, "Liu Shaotang joined the Communist Party of China in 1952. In October 1949, he published his debut miniature novel "Tai Baolin Changed" in beijing youth daily, and began to create literature from then on. In 1950, he wrote more than 20 novels, which attracted the attention of the literary world after being published in many publications. His short story "Green Branches and Green Leaves" was selected for the middle school Chinese textbook. His representative works include "Jingmen Face", "Puliu People's Home", "Green Branches and Green Leaves", etc., and he is a local literary writer I like very much."

Another display case showed Zhao Shuli's suggestions for the revision of the new drum lyric "Zhu Maichen's Divorce", and Fang Jixiao unveiled the story behind it, "Zhao Shuli, who is famous for "Xiao Erhei Marriage" and "Li Youcai's Board Words" and became the founder of the 'Yam Egg' school of literature, has hosted work in publications such as "Workers' Daily", "Rap Singing", and "Quyi". At that time, Zhao Shuli found that there were some vulgar and feudal things in the published works of music and art, and in order to create works that were national and expressed the new style of the new era, he successively visited Zhou Yang, head of the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Li Bozhao, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, to report on the idea of advocating writers to create new drum words. In Fang Jixiao's view, today's people should look at the historical contributions made by the older generation of artists with integrity and seeking truth from facts, "Our generation is not qualified to judge the predecessors, or we must seriously study."

The "many firsts" in the field of music and theater

Entering the exhibition hall of the art world, the first thing to visit is the area of dramatists and party members, "there are many firsts in the literary world, and there are also many firsts in the art world in New China", Fang Jixiao led everyone to count up: Li Bozhao is one of the founders of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Literary and Art Group; An Bo is the founder and first president of the China Conservatory of Music; Yu Yixuan is one of the main pioneers and founders of China's first new Chinese vocal music industry, who founded the Vocal Music Department of the Central Conservatory of Music; Lu Ji is one of the founders of the Lu Xun Art Academy Zhong Ling was the arranger of the Tiananmen square venue of the founding ceremony; He Luting was the creator of "Guerrilla Song"; Zhou Weizhi was the creator of "Battle Song of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army"; Xue Enhou was one of the founders of the China Critics Theater...

Teacher Fang first stopped in front of Li Bozhao's photo and said: "Li Bozhao may not be familiar to everyone, she is a famous playwright, literary and art activist, and the founder of our Chinese People's Liberation Army literary and art group." A native of Chongqing, Li Bozhao joined the Communist Party of China in 1931 and joined the Long March in October 1934. During the Long March, because Li Bozhao participated in the establishment of the Military Drama Club in the Red Army, it had a great encouraging effect on the troops, and after that, the number of cultural and industrial troupes in the troops gradually increased. She also has an identity that you may not know, she is Yang Shangkun's wife, she also founded the Chinese Opera Academy, and was the party secretary at that time. The manuscript on display this time is the first page of Li Bozhao's manuscript "Red and Specialized" written in 1961, which is the manuscript when speaking to the freshmen of the China Academy of Drama.

Fang Jixiao also specifically mentioned Yu Yixuan, a famous vocal educator in New China, and the famous singer Wu Yanze was Yu Yixuan's student. The manuscript collection on display this time is Yu Yixuan's book to the famous translator and literary scholar Zhao Luorui, and Fang Jixiao said: "Yu Yixuan and Chen Mengjia's wife Zhao Luorui are very good, two years older than Zhao Luorui. ”

Then, everyone walked up to the photo of Cheng Yin, the famous director, screenwriter and director of the movie "Southern Expedition and Northern War", and Fang Jixiao directed everyone's attention to a form that was already somewhat yellowed, which Cheng Yin personally filled out. "This is the registration form for the delegates of the first congress of the New China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, which was held in July 1949, three months before the founding of New China, which also reflects the importance our country attaches to the cultural and artistic circles." Fang Jixiao said.

The inscription on the first day cover flows with the feelings and original intentions of the artists

Fang Jixiao has the habit of collecting stamps, so in this exhibition, a large part of the inscriptions of representative figures in the literary and art circles on the first day cover of Fang Jixiao's collection are inscribed. "I have worked in the central government for many years and have had the opportunity to meet some cultural circles." Fang Jixiao talked about the origin of the first day cover of these inscriptions.

With that, everyone walked over to the photo of zhao Ziyue, a film performance artist. Zhao Ziyue was an old revolutionary, he joined the party in 1936, and after the "July 7 Incident", he went up the Taihang Mountain with many comrades of the underground party in Shijiazhuang and worked as an officer in the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Taihang District. Fang Jixiao introduced: "He was not a professional actor originally, once the film lacked the role of an old man, so he let him play, and after acting, he 'went to the sea' to become an actor." This time on display is Zhao Ziyue's 1991 first-day cover inscribed "Endeavor."

Then, Fang Jixiao stopped in front of the photo of the famous artist, filmmaker and cartoonist Zhong Ling. Zhong Ling was once Lin Boqu's secretary, and he was mainly responsible for arranging the Tiananmen venue for the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, and the slogans on both sides of Tiananmen Were also from his hand. Fang Jixiao said: "This person is very remarkable, the first set of rmb on the 'Chinese Bank' six words are written by him. He also participated in the design of the emblem of the Chinese Civil Affairs Association and the national emblem of our country, and the lyrics "Our Tomorrow Is Sweeter Than Honey" composed for the movie "Sweet Cause" were widely circulated. On display this time is the "Long live the motherland" he wrote on the first day cover.

After that, the crowd followed Fang Jixiao's footsteps to the booth of the musician category, and there appeared photos of two musicians who were familiar to everyone - the lyricists and composers of "Let's Swing the Oars", Qiao Yu and Liu Chi. Fang Jixiao went on to talk about Liu Chi's personal experience: "Liu Chi joined the Red Army at the age of 15 and then went to Lu Yixue to compose music, he was a student of Xian Xinghai. On display is a first day cover that Liu Chi wrote to Fang Jixiao at the age of 78, on which Liu Chi wrote: "It was the Yanhe River, the earth cave and the small rice that raised me, and it was the revolutionary melting pot that trained me to become a composer." ”

The songwriter of "Let's Swing the Oars" was inspired to create a song while playing in Beihai Park

Many well-known classic songs are from the hands of Qiao Yu and Liu Chi, such as "My Motherland" and "Hero Praise" composed by Liu Chi, "Unforgettable Tonight" and "Love Me China" composed by Qiao Yu, and the song "Let's Swing the Oars" that the two collaborated on has influenced generations and become a song that almost every child will sing on the way they grow up. The lyrics are catchy and the tune is beautiful and smooth, which is a common "childhood memory". Fang Jixiao also shared the story behind the song he knew. He revealed that the song was written first and then filled in, but both of them found creative inspiration while playing in Beihai Park.

"Let's Swing the Oars" is the theme song of the movie "Flowers of the Motherland". Filming began in 1958 and was completed in 1959, and was the first film to reflect the happy life of children in New China. The director team gave the lyrics task to Qiao Yu, who was only in his 20s at the time, and asked him to write the lyrics within three days. Qiao Yu took his girlfriend to the North Sea to row a boat, just in time to see a child singing and frolicking on the other side, rowing the boat over. The child could not avoid hitting his boat, he saw the child's embarrassment and embarrassment at that time, saw the wave pushed by the boat, and suddenly came inspiration. So he quickly went ashore with his girlfriend, sat on a rock and took out a small book, and immediately wrote 'Let's swing the oars, the boat pushes away the waves', which has become a classic. ”

After the words were written, the task went to the composer Liu Chi, and Fang Jixiao continued: "At that time, Liu Chi brought some children from the film crew to Beihai Park to experience life, he watched the children sing and dance, walked to the side of the stone of the rhinoceros looking at the moon, and suddenly had inspiration, quickly sat on a stone next to the rhinoceros looking at the moon, took a pen and made it. ”

Fang Jixiao led everyone to the end of the exhibition hall and said: "When I conceived this exhibition, I thought that the foundation of new Chinese culture should not only be literary artists, but also musicians and famous musicians, and it is these characters that together constitute the complete structure of our new Chinese culture. ”

Text/Reporter Li Zhe Lei Ruotong

Courtesy photo/Fang Jixiao