
Brackish water yellowfin pomfret into the pit manual, the agile little clever ghost in the fish tank

author:Pet home aquarium world

Today we introduce a small fish that is more beautiful: the yellowfin pomfret. Some aquarists have not heard of its name, because this fish is a soda fish, not suitable for raising in acid water, and it is more difficult to transfer water, so the audience is limited.

Brackish water yellowfin pomfret into the pit manual, the agile little clever ghost in the fish tank

Photography 丨 glitter squid

Yellowfin pomfret juveniles have an abdominal fin, two black bands on the head, and the front of the fin is also black, and the abdominal fin and black line of the adult fish have disappeared, and the body size has become relatively longer.

Domestic data say that the yellowfin pomfret is famous for the eye silver pomfret, but in some taxonomies, it can be found that there are several fish such as the big-eyed silver pomfret and the yellowfin pomfret under the big-eyed silver pomfret family, so these two fish are probably not the same fish in the strict sense.

Brackish water yellowfin pomfret into the pit manual, the agile little clever ghost in the fish tank

Yellowfin pomfret lives in the offshore areas of Southeast Asia and is a soda fish, so there are certain requirements for the salinity of water and the pH of water, basically can not survive in pure fresh water, and can live normally in soda and seawater.

If the water transfer is not considered, and the yellowfin pomfret is the main fish, the salinity of 1.005-1.025 needs to be guaranteed; The pH is 7.5-8.4, and the temperature can be controlled between 20-28 °C. Since adults are generally less than 25 cm, it is best not to polyculture with larger fish when polyculture.

Brackish water yellowfin pomfret into the pit manual, the agile little clever ghost in the fish tank

Photography 丨 Hit Water 271

When it is used as a secondary fish to set off other ornamental fish, consider turning the water and polyculturing with some popular ornamental fish. Some people like to think of it as a side fish for Arowana. However, Arowana is larger and is likely to eat yellowfin pomfret. When the dragon does not eat yellowfin pomfret, the latter may bite the whiskers of the arowana.

Although the data says that this small fish is relatively mild, the facts are not always the case. It is inherently aggressive, and during the time of mixing with colorful immortals or flounder, it can always find opportunities to bully each other.

Brackish water yellowfin pomfret into the pit manual, the agile little clever ghost in the fish tank

Photography 丨 pan beads big wet

The yellowfin pomfret has a somewhat strange personality, it is not like a cichlid that fights as soon as it enters the tank, but is affected by its timid and sensitive personality, and it is particularly nervous in the early stage of entering the tank. For this reason, fish merchants like to add a little anesthetic to the water during transportation to relieve its tension.

But when we buy yellowfin pomfret and put it in a new tank, there is no anesthetic inhibition, and it is easy to have some adverse reactions. However, most common phenomena are not due to tension, but to stress caused by poor water quality.

Brackish water yellowfin pomfret into the pit manual, the agile little clever ghost in the fish tank

Photography 丨 Nut Bomb

If the water quality does not meet the survival standards of yellowfin pomfrets, symptoms such as black body, refusal to eat, shrinking fins, and blindfolding will occur.

Under these signs, those who still do not adjust the water quality will face the situation of dead fish. At the same time, the yellowfin pomfret likes hyperoxia and should maintain oxygen every day to provide it with a good living environment.

Brackish water yellowfin pomfret into the pit manual, the agile little clever ghost in the fish tank

Yellowfin pomfret is a carnivorous fish that can usually feed red worms, earthworms and so on. Artificial feed and flakes can also be used as daily food, but make sure that the artificial feed is not too hard, otherwise it will cause indigestion.

It is best to avoid acidic water quality during water change. Coral bones can be added directly to the filter tank or coral sand to the bottom sand.

Yellowfin pomfret is lively and active, suitable for polyculture with medium and large fish tanks, after the state is still quite good-looking, it is flexible in the fish tank swimming, to the home life to bring vitality and vitality, is the modern fast-paced material life is more lacking.

The article is original by YIPAI's [YEE Aquarium World], please contact the author for reprinting

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