
White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

author:My pet net

Bird farming seems to be the patent of middle-aged and elderly people, but now many young people are beginning to try to raise birds. Compared with cats and dogs, the cost of raising birds is lower and the way of raising them is easier. The White Bird is a pet bird that is perfect for beginners to raise.

<h1>The White Bird is suitable for novice breeding</h1>

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

The Baiwen bird is not a native Chinese bird, but a pet bird bred in Japan. This bird is perfect for beginners who have never kept a bird before. It is a hand-playing bird, the kind of pet bird that allows the bird to stand on its fingers and play.

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

When the white bird was a child, it was gray-white back hair, and when it grew up, the color of the back hair would become pure white, which was very eye-catching. In addition to being well taken care of, he is a very close relative in personality and likes to play with humans.

<h1>This white bird cannot be bought</h1>

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

In the selection of white birds, the young birds born on the 15th of life are mainly young birds. Frequently come to you for food, and the birds that are very lively and chirping are the best. If it hides when it sees people, it must not choose to sleep in the corner and ignore people. This bird is very wary and very unsuitable for you to keep as a pet.

<h1>Breeding methods of white birds</h1>

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

The dry, warm and comfortable semi-enclosed balcony is ideal for breeding the white bird. The white bird is very close to people and is not afraid of people, so it is best to carry out feeding by special people, otherwise people will cause it not to recognize the Lord.

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

It is best to eat more than three foods. Shelled seeds, millet, washed vegetable leaves, etc. are very suitable for white birds. However, do not put too much at one time to avoid food spoiling and spoiling. In addition, the white bird likes to bathe, and can wash once or twice a week.

<h1>Feeding precautions</h1>

1. Do not bathe with warm water

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

Although the white bird likes to bathe, it should never be washed with hot water, even in winter. Hot water easily melts the fat in its feathers, and moisture penetrates into the skin and it is easy to have a cold and cough.

2. Do not trim the wings

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

The white bird is very lively, and some owners are afraid that it will run away, so they will trim their wings slightly, but in fact, this is not good. Trimmed wings can cause normal flight imbalance, fall to the ground, and easily cause blood in the chest cavity or fracture of the foot.

3, do not feed people to eat things

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

Bai Wen Bird likes to eat things with smell, and some owners give it what cooked rice and fried vegetables they like. Eat as much as you die fast. The salt content in these foods is simply not something that birds can bear.

4, do not indulge too much freedom

White bird is most suitable for beginners to raise, but there is such a move of the white bird can not buy white bird suitable for novice breeding this white bird can not buy white bird feeding method feeding precautions

The white bird is a hand play bird that can be played with by people. But after playing with it, be sure to keep it in a cage in time. Don't look cruel, the short life span of the white bird is mostly due to accidents or illnesses, and the owner needs more control.

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