
In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

author:The rest of your life is very expensive 8 happy to live well

Among the various animals, cattle are extremely closely related to humans. In the fields of agricultural production, transportation, sacrifice, diet, art and folk culture, cattle have made a considerable contribution to human beings. But do we really know about cattle? In fact, the family of cattle is very large, and it is also interesting to know all kinds of cattle.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, scalper</h1>

Over the course of time, humans have domesticated native cattle, and cattle are an important member of the domestic cattle.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Scalper | wikimedia commons/Ikiwaner

Cattle are docile, gregarious, easy to manage, and have important economic value to humans. Archaeological discoveries of many cattle skeletons suggest that long ago, cattle were a major source of meat in some ancient cities. In addition, in ancient times, agricultural production was a major event that was valued by successive dynasties, and cattle cultivation was the most important animal in agricultural production activities. Most of the cattle in the north are cattle, while the cattle in the south are mostly buffalo. A cultivating cow is often the most important property of a family, and it is also the existence of partners. People's feelings for cattle are established in the process of long-term relationships.

The Palace Museum has a collection of Tang Dynasty painter Han Di's "Five Bulls", which depicts five yellow cows with different postures. Two of them were chosen as the back of the 1985 Chinese Gold and Silver Commemorative Coin for the Year of the Ugly (Bull).

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Zhang Daqian has also painted scalpers, two of which are "Yellow Bull Diagram" and "Guimu Tu", which are selected as 5-ounce gold and silver coins in the year of Ding Ugly (Niu) in China in 1997 and Zhang Daqian, a master of modern Chinese painting in modern Chinese painting, 1/2 ounces of rectangular gold coins.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison
In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > two, cows</h1>

Dairy cows are an important member of domestic cattle and one of the most familiar cattle breeds for humans. Most cows are hybrid breeds, including Holstein cattle, Juanshan cattle, Gengsai cattle, etc.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Holstein Cow | wikimedia commons/Keith Wellerr

The natural lifespan of cattle is 20 years, but the lifespan of cows is greatly shortened by repeated production and frequent milk production. The dedication of the cows, human beings remember.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

1992 Guernsey 2p circulating coin

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, tumor cattle</h1>

The tumor cow, as the name suggests, is a cattle with a long "tumor", which is a subspecies of cattle in the genus Bovine, native to India. It is said that the "tumor" on the tumor cow acts like the camel's hump. Because tumor cattle are disease-resistant and heat-resistant, many countries use tumor cattle to cross with other breeds of cattle to breed excellent new breeds of cattle.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

瘤牛|wikimedia commons/Scott Bauer

It is also found on the circulating coins of some countries, such as Madagascar and Botswana. In Madagascar, tumor cattle are common and are indispensable animals for agricultural production and transportation.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

1958 Madagascar-1 franc aluminium circulating coin

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

1999 Botswana-25 Tebbe nickel-plated steel circulating coins

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > iv</h1>

The bullfighting show originated from ancient hunting and major celebrations, and later became a folk entertainment in Spain, Portugal, and Latin American countries.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Bullfighting show | wikimedia commons/Manuel González Olaechea

Bullfighting is a member of the domestic bull and is a hybridized "bull warrior". In the face of them, the matadors may not be able to retreat completely, and there are often injuries or even deaths in the game.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

1994 Spain - Culture and Nature Parasol Commemorative Silver Coin with bullfighting on the back

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > five, yak</h1>

Yaks are bovine animals found on the Tibetan Plateau, Mongolia and Siberia. Yaks are both domestically raised and wild, and wild yaks are vulnerable species and belong to China's first-class protected animals.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Yak | wikimedia commons/travelwayoflife

The yak is known as the "boat of the snow" and has been closely associated with the Tibetan people in history. This kind of cattle is gentle and provides people with the material source they need to live and produce under difficult living conditions. To this day, the historical customs of yak totem worship are still reflected in the cultural life of Tibetan folk.

The main pattern on the back of the 25th anniversary commemorative gold coin of the World Wildlife Fund issued by China in 1986 is a yak. In addition, the yak as a coin element also appeared on the back of the 1-ounce silver coin issued in 2006 for the entire line of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > six, Indian bison</h1>

The largest surviving member of the cattle family is the Indian bison, the adult male Indian bison weighs up to 1500 kilograms, and the domesticated Indian bison is also called the large-fronted bull.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Indian bison | wikimedia commons/Yathin SK

Indian bison are generally active in the morning and evening, and male bison like to be alone and fierce. Female bison live in groups with their cubs. They can be found in places like Yunnan and Tibet, China.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

1976 Malaysia-Indian Bison Commemorative Silver Coin

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > seven, buffalo</h1>

Buffalo refers broadly to buffalo species in the bovine family, and in a narrow sense to buffalo species in the genus Bovine, also known as "Asian buffalo". The people of Asia have long domesticated buffalo, making them an important helper in agricultural production activities.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Asian buffalo | wikimedia commons/pixel.fabian

Buffalo also has an important place in folk culture, and temple fairs in some areas have traditional programs where performers pretend to be buffaloes fight each other. Scenes of children riding buffaloes are also often seen in Chinese paintings or New Year paintings, which reflect the close relationship between buffalo and people.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Ming and Qing dynasty fan painting commemorative silver coin 1 ounce silver coin - cattle herding figure

There is also a buffalo element in the 1997 and 2009 Year of the Ox precious metal commemorative coins.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >8, Mindoro buffalo</h1>

The Mindoro buffalo is a buffalo animal named after the Island of Mindoro, Philippines, also known as the "Philippine Buffalo". The horns of this buffalo are "Y" shaped, unlike common buffaloes.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

Mindoro Buffalo | wikimedia commons/Gregg Yan

In the 20th century, the population of mindoro buffalo declined dramatically with human activity, and today they are critically endangered animals.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

1987 Philippines - WWF Commemorative Silver Coin

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > nine, African buffalo</h1>

Although the African buffalo also has "buffalo" in its name, it is not a buffalo animal, but an African buffalo animal. The horns of African buffalo are strangely shaped and highly recognizable.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

African buffalo | wikimedia commons/Ikiwaner

African buffalo are social animals and live in a "matriarchal society", headed by the strongest female buffalo. They are the kind of animals that know "not good" when they look at them, they have never been domesticated by humans, and they are fierce and dangerous. A group of united African buffalo, even lions do not dare to easily provoke.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

2018 Tanzania African Buffalo Commemorative Silver Coin

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >0, bison</h1>

There are two extant species in the genus Bison (or "American Bison"): the American Bison and the European Bison.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

American Bison | wikimedia commons/Jack Dykinga

From the appearance point of view, the European bison is more "beautiful" than the American bison, and the hair on the neck, head and front half is relatively short.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

European bison | wikimedia commons/Michael Gäbler

The American bison is one of the largest mammals in North America, not to mention their large size, but they are not slow at all, reaching speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour. American bison are social animals, but the "grouping" method is quite interesting, often with male bison forming a bachelor group, and female bison and cubs forming another group. European bison mostly live like this.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

1990 Cook Islands - Endangered World Wildlife American Bison Commemorative Silver Coin

Both the American bison and the European bison have been severely affected by human activities. Today, the American bison is a near-threatened animal, and the European bison is a vulnerable animal.

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

2012 Togo - European Bison Commemorative Silver Coin

In the commemorative coin, Niu I, Scalper II, Dairy Cow III, Neo Bull IV, BullFighting V, Yak VI, Indian Bison VII, Buffalo VIII, Mindoro Buffalo 9, African Buffalo X, Bison Bison

2013 Polish-European Bison Commemorative Coin

About the cattle family, I will introduce it here today. Which cattle have you been exposed to? You can share interesting things with you in the "Write a Message" at the end of the article. (Transferred from China Gold Coin APP)