
At the age of 20, she fell in love with a female neighbor and forced her parents to marry her, and the ending was too sweet

author:Chen Ruoyu who writes the story


When Li Yan said that he wanted to marry Zhang Yuzhen, everyone was very surprised.

After all, Zhang Yuzhen is a widow, and Li Yan is still a 20-year-old boy. Zhang Yuzhen married her husband at the age of 18, just a year after her arrival, her husband died unexpectedly, and her in-laws died in the war at an early age, and she could only be taken home by her parents.

Li Yan is Zhang Yuzhen's neighbor, the two have known each other since childhood, similar in age, Li Yan took good care of Zhang Yuzhen, and later gradually fell in love with her.

However, Zhang Yuzhen felt that she had married someone and began to hide from Li Yan.

But Li Yan said that he did not care, unless she did not marry, the relationship between the parents of the two sides had been not very harmonious because of the problem of the occupation of the house, and naturally refused to agree.

But later, they not only got married, but also stayed together for nearly 70 years.

In 2019, the white-haired Li Yan and Zhang Yuzhen were on the front page of the local news.

Their stories are also known to the world.


In the early summer of 1951, Zhang Yuzhen was 21 years old, and Li Yan was only 20 years old in the autumn.

Although the two of them had known each other since childhood, they did not have much contact because their parents were not in harmony, and they would see each other almost every day, but since the age of fifteen or sixteen, they had hardly spoken.

However, because there was only a wall apart, Li Yan knew everything about Zhang Yuzhen, and even knew what year and month of her first menarche was, because that time, when he was digging bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest behind, he just happened to hear Zhang Yuzhen's mother and Zhang Yuzhen's private conversation.

At the age of 15, he blushed and beat his heart.

Of course, he also knew that she was married, had seen her dead husband many times, knew that he had beaten her with his hands, and knew that her husband had died, and she had to go back to her mother's house.

Zhang Yuzhen experienced the death of her husband, and the whole person lost a circle and looked haggard. Once, when she was planting seedlings in the field, she fainted in the rice field, and Li Yan, who was picking seedlings on the shore, flew over and pulled her up.

Zhang Yuzhen was covered in mud, she went to the river to clean, Li Yan picked up seedlings, and also came to the river to wash her feet, and the two naturally talked.

Chatting and chatting, Zhang Yuzhen saw that Li Yan suddenly blushed.

She looked down to find that the button on her chest had broken open at some point.

Zhang Yuzhen immediately turned her back to button the button, blushing to the root of her neck, fortunately Li Yan had already left with interest.

Li Yan is 20 years old, and it is reasonable to say that he should also get married, and someone has arranged a blind date for Li Yan, but Li Yan's mother, with her son's tall stature and good looks, pick and choose.

Therefore, Li Yan has not yet been able to get a daughter-in-law.


With the last rescue, Zhang Yuzhen and Li Yan became familiar with each other a lot at once.

But because of the parents of both sides, they rarely interacted openly and honestly, and only occasionally chatted when they worked.

That spring rain was strong, and there were many bamboo shoots, and the two always appeared on the mountain at the same time, and the dense bamboo forest was blown by the spring wind.

Zhang Yuzhen was tired of digging, so she sat down to rest, and Li Yan also dug up a little bit, and when he came to her side, he said, This day is so hot.

Then, sitting next to her, the two of them ate sweet potatoes while chatting.

There were many mosquitoes in the bamboo forest, and Zhang Yuzhen's ankle was bitten by several bags in a short while, and Li Yan took out cool oil from his pants pocket and handed it to her.

When Zhang Yuzhen took over, the two looked at each other.

Young men and women, once they have feelings, a look will understand.

After Zhang Yuzhen got married, she was almost never treated gently by her husband, and several times she was beaten back to her mother's house to cry, and Li Yan was really gentle and considerate, and Zhang Yuzhen's heart was loosened a little.

After that, the two always went to the bamboo forest to dig bamboo shoots, or go to the tea mountain to pick tea, in fact, both of them kept a distance, but they were still noticed by people with hearts.

As a result, rumors about them soon spread.

Zhang Yuzhen's father also has an honest personality, but Zhang Yuzhen's mother is a pungent, scolding Sang Huai in the courtyard and educating Zhang Yuzhen, but saying that Li Yan hooked up with her daughter.

Li Yan's mother was also not a vegetarian, and scolded her with her throat, saying that Zhang Yuzhen was a little widow, but she did not abide by the way of women and seduced her son who did not understand things.

Since then, Zhang Yuzhen and Li Yan have not even dared to fight each other.

Both families are anxious to find a marriage partner for them, but neither of them can look up, Zhang Yuzhen has suffered from marriage, and is not willing to marry someone again.

Li Yan had Zhang Yuzhen in his heart, and no big girl could look at it.

The two never spoke again, but occasionally glanced across the yard.

Two years later, Li Yan's parents began to be anxious, forcing Li Yan to associate with a girl in the next village.

The girl liked Li Yan very much, he went hard, and as a result, the next day, the girl was looking for someone to talk to, and the girl was suddenly unwilling.

It wasn't until later, after Li Yan married Zhang Yuzhen, that Zhang Yuzhen didn't know what was going on.


In the summer of 1954, the area around Guangdong was ravaged by typhoons, and the coastal area of Fujian was also severely damaged.

On the night of the fiercest typhoon, Li Yan quietly climbed over the wall and came to Zhang Yuzhen's room, where she was so frightened that she almost screamed.

He asked, "Do you want to marry me?" ”

Zhang Yuzhen was stunned for a moment and nodded with tears in her eyes, and then Li Yan took Zhang Yuzhen to the small temple in the mountains.

There was a log cabin next to the temple, and they sat in it for one night, and the next day the typhoon stopped, and they came down from the mountain, and everything was natural.

Of course, Li Yan did nothing that night, but after a blatant night with a woman, no one believed that nothing had happened.

Li Yan's mother was half dead, and Zhang Yuzhen's mother, on the surface, scolded Li Yan shamelessly, but in her heart she was not so hateful.

Zhang Yuzhen is a widow, and it is a good home to marry Li Yan.

In fact, Li Yan's mother also knows that in this way, which girl is willing to come to their home as a daughter-in-law, Although Zhang Yuzhen has been married, but she has grown up watching from a young age, she is not as spicy as her mother, her personality is much gentler, and it is not bad to be a daughter-in-law.

The two mothers had their own concerns, and after a few days of awkwardness, they sent two fathers to sit down and talk about marriage.

Finally, before the Spring Festival in the winter of 1954, Li Yan married Zhang Yuzhen.

Zhang Yuzhen was at odds with her mother-in-law, but her father-in-law was also good to her, and Li Yan did not mention it, it was simply good enough to make people envious of her.

Li Yan's family also has a grandmother, who has always been a large landlord, who has been a landlord miss for most of her life, and has also read books for several years, and even Li Yan's name was also taken by her grandmother.

This grandmother likes Zhang Yuzhen very much, and sometimes, when Li Yan's mother is looking for a daughter-in-law's stubble, Grandma Li Yan jumps out to help.

Li Yan's mother had a poisonous mouth and scolded her little widow.

Li Yan's grandmother said unhurriedly: "What's wrong with the widow, I am also a widow, and now she is your daughter-in-law, you are cursing my grandson." ”

Li Yan's mother did not dare to speak, and she no longer dared to scold the little widow.


In 1955, Li Yan was assigned by the village to see the reservoir.

Zhang Yuzhen went down to work with the women, did not see each other during the day, and hugged each other when they met at night, as if they had not seen each other for a long time.

In 1956, Zhang Yuzhen became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, and Li Yan was very happy.

In 1959, Zhang Yuzhen gave birth to a son, and a son and a daughter were all together.

Since then, Li Yan and Zhang Yuzhen have lived a smooth and proper life, like many ordinary people, but happier than many people.

Li Yan's sister married to Nanyang many years ago, and after the 70s, she heard that she made a lot of money there, and every year she sent a large amount of money back to help her brother.

Li Yan took the money to build the house, and then built a new house for Zhang Yuzhen's mother's family, Zhang Yuzhen was moved to tears, she often felt that marrying Li Yan was the greatest blessing in her life.

Of course, the husband and wife did not quarrel, but no matter how quarrelsome, Li Yan never touched a finger of hers, or even said a heavy word.

Zhang Yuzhen asked why Li Yan looked up to her.

Li Yan said, I don't know, anyway, I just think, you have to.

It was also at this time that Zhang Yuzhen asked about the girl Meng Lan who was going to marry Li Yan and asked him why, and Meng Lan was suddenly unwilling.

Li Yan, who is in his 40s, smiled and said, "I told her that I had a crush on you." She said, then I am not as good as a widow? I said, yes, not as well. She ran away and told her family that she would not marry me when she died. ”

Zhang Yuzhen was stunned, blaming him for speaking too bluntly and hurtfully, no wonder for so many years, accidentally met Meng Lan on the street, the two have already had their own families, Meng Lan still did not give her a good face.

Li Yan said, "Well, if you don't like it, you have to make it clear, my grandmother said, my grandmother said, before she liked a long worker, but she was broken up by her father and drove the long worker away, and she was reading the long worker until she died." Later, I introduced many to my grandmother, and she didn't like them until she met my grandfather. ”

Zhang Yuzhen remembered That Li Yan's grandmother, who always helped her, had also been dead for more than ten years.

Time is really fast, and it is half a lifetime.


By the 1990s, Zhang Yuzhen and Li Yan were in their 60s, becoming grandparents, and their parents' generation had died for many years.

The children circled the two families, built a building, and every New Year's Festival, the children and grandchildren came back, full of family members, lively and lively.

The son and daughter, very capable, open a company, engage in freight freight, they are both accustomed to saving and do not want to live in the city.

He guarded a large house, planted vegetables, and went up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots. When it comes to digging bamboo shoots, the first days seem to be in front of you.

Only once, Zhang Yuzhen's foot was stabbed by a bamboo stake, and Li Yan, 62, could carry Zhang Yuzhen down the mountain, and then found someone to borrow a cart and send her to the health center.

Zhang Yuzhen was on Li Yan's back, looking at the mountains and rivers in front of her, and only felt infinite tenderness in her heart.

Zhang Yuzhen's foot was injured for more than a month, and Li Yan pushed the scooter every day to send her to change the medicine.

When Zhang Yuzhen's feet were well, he suddenly said that he wanted to see his grandson.

Li Yan did not want to trouble his children, so he took Zhang Yuzhen to Quanzhou by car.

Both of them are in good health, there is nothing wrong with it, but the city is developing too fast, they have not come for many years, the two are forced to get lost in the city, the important thing is that they do not speak Mandarin, communication is inconvenient.

Zhang Yuzhen laughed at him, old.

Li Yan said in a tone of disbelief, "If the heart is not old, people are not old." ”

In the end, I called my son to pick them up.

In a flash, and many years have passed, Zhang Yuzhen and Li Yan have been aged by time a little, but they still have no major problems, they can eat, sleep and run, and live a trivial life in the countryside.

After more than 70 years old, Zhang Yuzhen became sad, because the old people around her, one by one, died, life and death, although she also looked down, but there was always a trace of fear in her heart.

She said to Li Yan, "Don't go before me, I'm going to go ahead of you." ”

Li Yan said, "Rest assured, we can live to 99 and go together when the time comes." ”

Zhang Yuzhen smiled, she looked at the sunset and thought, how can time be so fast, those young years, obviously remember, how a flash, they have reached this age.

The old objects in the family are decreasing little by little, and the familiar people around them are getting fewer and fewer, obviously remembering who in the village gave birth to a girl, looking back, I don't know when I became a grandmother.

Li Yan said, we still have a long time.


It's like Li Yan said, the time is still long.

By 2019, they have been married for nearly 70 years, longer than many people's lives, and they are still well together, but there are small problems brought about by the aging of the body.

The news media in their hometown held an event, they were the longest married couple in the local area, and they also took a group photo of Li Yan and Zhang Yuzhen and put it in the newspaper.

Zhang Yuzhen and Li Yan remembered that they had not had a wedding photo for so many years, so they cut out the group photo in the newspaper and pasted it on the wall.

In the winter of 2020, Li Yan and Zhang Yuzhen, two elderly people, passed away one after another within a month, and their ashes were enshrined in the temple by their children.

Although he didn't live to 99, it was pretty much the same.

Looking back on their lives, there is actually no earth-shattering story, but they have been with each other for a lifetime in the small days.

However, it was lucky enough.

Author: Chen Ruoyu Starter: Chen Ruoyu

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