
【Book Recommendation List】Tribute to David Bowie: Challenge to read David Bowie's Hundred Books David Bowie's Favorite Hundred Books, the book list is as follows:

author:Life is full of scenery
【Book Recommendation List】Tribute to David Bowie: Challenge to read David Bowie's Hundred Books David Bowie's Favorite Hundred Books, the book list is as follows:

Two years after British rock musician David Bowie left Earth, his son Duncan Jones invited fans to read a book that David Bowie loved every month and remember the legendary musician with a reading marathon.

January 8, 2018, the 71st birthday of David Bowie, is also the day of his death two years and two days, commemorating the coverage and activities of David Bowie, including HBO's documentary "David Bowie: The Last Five Years", documenting his creative journey to produce "The Next Day" and "Blackstar" albums, as well as the musical "Lazarus".

Duncan Jones said his father was a beast of a reader, and he felt responsible for initiating a reading marathon to pay tribute to his father. David Bowie collaborated with the museum in 2013 to exhibit his collection and also published a list of his favorite 100 books, from which Duncan Jones chose books.

The first book Duncan Jones chose was Hawksmoor, a mystery novel by British writer Peter Ackroyd in 1985, and it was agreed that he would publish the next book after reading it on February 1. Duncan Jones spoke several times to boost morale, and he even mentioned that his appetite for reading had long been ruined while studying in graduate school, but he encouraged everyone to pick it up and look at it.

He said that he hoped to use this book to entertain his brain before actually reading some heavyweight books, but it still caused a cry from his pushers, and he had to promise that the next book would be simpler. However, looking through David Bowie's book list, he has a wide range of covers cultural criticism, music history, history, religion, politics, society, art, psychology, literature, etc., but none of them are light essays.

As can be seen from the list of books, David Bowie loves to read children's comics, but he is also fascinated by Classics such as Homer's Epic, Dante's Divine Comedy, etc., he loves the works of Artists and Writers of the Harlem Renaissance Movement in the United States, the exposition of British Vortex painters, but also pays attention to the Russian October Revolution, criticizes Works such as Kissingi, and many of his selected books are deeply concerned about the real society. This list of books may not be directly translated into album creation, but it is a nourishment for his thinking and creativity.

In fact, there is already a David Bowie book club on the Internet, which is a private drinking party and small talk between two friends, they saw the news of David Bowie's death in January 2016 and decided to launch a book club on the Internet, also in the form of a monthly copy, to remember their favorite singer. Coincidentally, the 2018 book list they have released also chose Hawksmoor.

【Book Recommendation List】Tribute to David Bowie: Challenge to read David Bowie's Hundred Books David Bowie's Favorite Hundred Books, the book list is as follows:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > David Bowie's favorite hundred books, and the list of books is as follows:</h1>

Circus Night, by English author Angela. Carter, 1984 (Pedestrian, 2007)

The Master and Margaret, Russian magic realist Bulgakov, 1967 (exactly, 2009)

Mr. Berlin's Last Train Norris Changes Trains), author Christopher M. Isherwood, 1935 (One Man Press, 2013)

"Clockwork Orange", by writer Anthony M. Burgess, 1962 (Facebook, 2011)

Madame Bovary, writer Flaubert, 1856 (Shang Zhou, Xiao Zhi Tang, Li Cun, Gao Bao, etc.)

Homer's Epic – Iliad, by Homer (Commercial Press, People's Literature, Shanghai People, etc.)

"When I Die", writer Faulkner, 1930 (Chongqing University Press, 2015)

The Divided Self: A Study of The Survival theory of Soundness and Madness, by André M. Lian En, 1960 (Adrian Laing) (Guizhou Publishing House, 1994)

The Stranger, by Camus, 1942 (Mai Tian, Zhiwen, Xiao zhitang, etc.)

Lolita by Vladimir. Nabokov, 1955 (Sancai, 2011)

"The Lands of Song", by Bruce. Chatwin, 1986 (Nanjing University Press, 2011)

Billy the Liar, by Keith. Keith Waterhouse, 1959 (no Chinese translation, adapted into a TV series and movie of the same name)

"The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" by Mollière Muriel Spark, 1961 (no Chinese translation, adapted into the film Spring Wind Does Not Turn Into Rain, 1969)

"Oscar. Vao's wonderful and short life", by Juno. Junot Diaz, 2007 (Translated Forest, 2016)

The Black Child, by African-American writer Richard. Richard Wright, 1945 (Translated Forest, 2016)

"The Tycoon's Biography", by Scott. Fizgerro, 1925 (New Classic Culture, 2012)

"Afternoon Trailing", by Yukio Mishima, 1963 (Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 2010)

The Darkness of High Noon, by the British-Hungarian author Arthur M. Kosler, 1980 (Facebook, 2006)

The Wasteland, by the English poet T. T. S. Elliot, 1922 (People's Literature Publishing House, 2016)

Money – Book of Doom, by Martin S. Martin Amis, 1984 (Shanghai Translation, 2014)

Nineteen Eighty-Four, by the British writer George W. Bush. Orwell, 1949 (Savage, Kochido, Yuanliu, Zhiwen, Easy To Read, etc.)

An Interview with Bacon, by David M. David Sylvester, 1980 (Far Stream, 1995)

A Dictionary of Western Art, by James M. Hall, 1975 (Jiangsu Education Press, 2005)

"Hersog", by writer Saul. Bellow, 1964 (Shanghai Translation, 2006)

"Locust Day", by Nathannier. West, 1939 (Wheat Field, 2010)

"White Noise", by Tang. Derrillo, 1985 (Aquarius, 2009)

"Silence", by John M. Kaiji, 1961 (Lijiang Publishing, 2013)

A History of the American People, by Howard M. Zinn, 1980 (Wunan, 2013)

"City of Thorns" by Susan. Walters, 2002 (Kochido, 2012) (adapted into the film series Finger Craftsman's Pick)

Forty-two Degrees North Latitude, by John M. Doss. Pazos, 1938 (Shanghai Translation, 1988)

"Cold Blood", by Truman. Capoti, 1965 (Yuanliu, 2009) (Reporting Literature, Tracing the Bloody Murder of a Small Town in the United States for Six Years, Deeply Analyzing the Psychology of Two Death Row Inmates, The Original Book was Adapted into a Film of the Same Name, and His Journey to Writing the Book was Adapted into the Film Copodti. Confession in Cold Blood")

"Lady Chatterley's Lover", by DH Lawrence, 1928 (Shang Zhou, Kochido, Good Reading, Mingtian, Xidai, etc.)

Flaubert's Parrot, by Julian. Barnes, 1984 (Translation Publishing, 2016)

"On the Road", by Jack. Kerouac, 1957 (Wanderer Culture, 2012) (adapted into the film The Wandering Generation)

The Song of Mardoro, by Lottreamon (pen name), 1869 (Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2008)

"Leopard", Italian author Giuseppe. Tomasi. advance. Lampedusa, 1958 (Foreign Literature, 1986)

Divine Comedy – Hell, by Dante. Alighyeri, 1307-1321 (Nine Songs, 2003)

"Between the Beds", by Ian M. McEwan, 1978 (Shanghai Translation, 2015)

McTiger: The Greatest Naturalistic Creation of Modern America! Norris, 1899 (Tachimura Culture, 2014)

Works that do not yet have a Chinese translation:

Hawksmoor, Peter Ackroyd (1985) (detective mystery novel)

City of Night, John Rechy (1965) (gay literature)

Berlin Alexanderplatz, Alfred Döblin (1929) (novel)

Infants of the Spring, Wallace Thurman (1932) (A close observation by African-American writer Tuman on artists and authors of the Harlem Renaissance movement in the 1920s)

Passing, Nella Larsen (1929) (Writer of the Harlem Renaissance Movement, novel)

The Quest For Christa T, Christa Wolf (1968) (German writer Gillista. Ulph's second book, which was banned in East Germany at the time, describes how women with conscience struggled to survive in totalitarian states)

Room at the Top, John Braine (1957) (小说)

Puckoon, Spike Milligan (1963) (novel, adapted into film of the same name)

A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole (1980)

The Outsider, Colin Wilson (1956) (nonfiction)

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes(1976) (心理学)

Strange people, Frank Edwards (1961)

The Street, Ann Petry (1946) (novel, African-American writer)

Wonder Boys, Michael Chabon (1955) (novel, adapted into the film Genius Successor, African-American writer)

Last Exit to Brooklyn, Hubert Selby Jr (1964) (novel, adaptation into the film Brooklyn Black Street)

Metropolitan Life, Fran Lebowitz (1978) (essay collection)

The Coast of Utopia, Tom Stoppard (2002)(剧本)

The Bridge, Hart Crane (1930)(诗)

Selected Poems, Frank O'Hara(1974)(诗)

Zanoni, Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1842) (novel)

A Grave for a Dolphin, Alberto Denti di Pirajno (1956)(诗)

The Insult, Rupert Thomson(1996)(小说)

All The Emperor's Horses, David Kidd (1960)

Earthly Powers, Anthony Burgess (1980) (novel, another pinnacle of clockwork)

Tales of Beatnik Glory, Ed Saunders (1975)(小说)

The Bird Artist, Howard Norman (1994)(小说)

Vile Bodies, Evelyn Waugh (1930) (novel, adapted into the film Bright Young Things)

The Life and Times of Little Richard, Charles White (1985) (Autobiography of 1960s singer Richard Jr.)

Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom: The Golden Age of Rock, Nik Cohn (1968) (Nonfiction, first rock journalist Cohen's rock review, tease out the history of rock and roll)

Mystery Train : Images of America in rock Rock 'n' Roll Music, Greil Marcus (1975) (美国摇滚乐史)

Sweet Soul Music: Rhythm and Blues and the Southern Dream of Freedom, Peter Guralnick (1986)(蓝调与灵魂乐手故事)

The Sound of the City: The Rise of Rock and Roll, Charlie Gillete (1972)

Nowhere To Run: The Story of Soul Music (1984)(音乐)

In Bluebeard's Castle: Some Notes Towards the Redefinition of Culture, George Steiner (1971)(文化评论)

On Having No Head : Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious, Douglass Harding (1961)

Kafka Was The Rage : A Greenwich Village Memoir, Anatole Broyard (1993)

The Complete Tadanori Yokoo , Tadanori Yokoo (1973) has a Chinese translation of Life in the Sea! Autobiography of Tadanoshi Yokoo" by Tadanori Yokoo (Facebook, 2013)

David Bomberg, Richard Cork (1988) (Art historian Kirk introduces the English vortex painter Bloomberg)

Blast, Wyndham Lewis (1914–15) (literary magazine founded by Lewis, the founding painter and writer of the British Vortex School)

Beyond the Brillo Box: The Visual Arts in Post-Historical Perspective, Arthur C. Danto (1992)

English Journey, JB Priestley s (1934) (non-fiction, observing the social problems of the time in England, including the discrimination of Irish immigrants in the UK)

Inside the Whale and Other Essays, George Orwell (1962)(散文)

Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews, Edited by Malcolm Cowley (1977)

Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s, Otto Friedrich (1972)

Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson, Camille Paglia (2001)(艺术)

The American Way of Death, Jessica Mitford (1963)

Teenage: The Creation of Youth 1875-1945, Jon Savage (2007)

Octobriana and the Russian Underground, Peter Sadecky (1971)

The Age of American Unreason, Susan Jacoby (2008)(历史)

The Hidden Persuaders, Vance Packard (1957)

The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin (1963)(散文集)

The Trial of Henry Kissinger, Christopher Hitchens (2001) (Columnist and journalist Hitchins, collecting historical archives and criticizing Tysingi's war crimes in Cambodia, Vietnam, Chile and other countries, produced by the BBC and adapted into a documentary of the same name)

Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonders, Lawrence Weschler (1995)

Transcendental Magic, Its Doctine and Ritual, Eliphas Lévi (1855) (first book by a French magician of the 19th century)

The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels (1979) (revisiting the doctrine and spirit of Christianity from a 1945 papyrus text discovered in Nagomadi, Upper Egypt)

A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924, Orlando Figes (1996)

Journey into the Whirlwind, Eugenia Ginzburg (1967) (Russian poetess Günz-Bauer recalls her eighteen years in a Siberian prison)

Viz Comic Magazine (1979–present)

Private Eye (1961–present) (british veteran magazine that exposes scandals and satirizes celebrities)

The Beano, British Children's Comics (1938–present)

Raw, Graphic Comic Magazine (1981-1990)

Source: Radiox, David, Deep Perfect Morning Crossover Saga: Forty years ago, young David Bowie said: I'm going to turn Nineteen Eighty-Four into a musical! "I have only one hero in my heart, and that's David Bowie." Neil Gaiman writes idols as the protagonists of novels! The way singers pay homage to literature is by creating

Extended reading: Camus the Stranger

【Book Recommendation List】Tribute to David Bowie: Challenge to read David Bowie's Hundred Books David Bowie's Favorite Hundred Books, the book list is as follows:

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