
I'm right at home! Jiangxi's 16-year-old adopted daughter supported the broken home and touched the neighbors

author:User 3441820818

At the age of 16, it is the age of ignorance but longing for the future, and the girl who is like the flower season is the most beautiful season in life.

In Dongxiang, Fuzhou, Jiangxi, 16-year-old Qiu Yanfang, at the age of this flower season, has suffered the misfortune of both her grandfather and father, but she still laughs at life, and her grandmother, who cannot take care of herself after a stroke, lives with her two people. "This home, I'm at home!" With determination and strength in her childish voice, this 16-year-old flower girl is using her strong filial piety to support this broken home. The filial piety of this flower season girl is condensing into a huge positive energy, which has been praised by countless neighbors.

The bitter girl was abandoned by her birth parents just after birth

In the eyes of many people, Qiu Yanfang has been unfortunate since she was a child, and was abandoned by her birth parents just after birth. But in the past 16 years, Qiu Yanfang has always felt that she is happy.

On February 10, 1998, Qiu Pingjin was on the way home when he heard a baby crying, and when he looked closer, he found that it was a beautiful baby girl. Although Qiu Pingjin himself suffered from polio, he still resolutely decided to adopt this baby girl and named her Yanfang, hoping that this daughter would be as bright and fragrant as a flower.

Qiu Yanfang's childhood is happy, looking at Xiao Yanfang, who grows up day by day, Qiu Pingjin likes this daughter in his heart, especially loves, and saves money to let Xiao Yanfang grow up healthily.

In memory, in addition to her father Qiu Pingjin, in Xiao Yanfang's heart, her grandfather is the big tree and dependence on her growth. Because he suffered from polio since childhood, Qiu Pingjin's family is very poor, mainly by planting land and vegetables for a living, every time grandpa goes to the street to sell vegetables, he will always take Xiao Yanfang, as soon as he has money, he will buy beautiful clothes and snacks for Xiao Yanfang, and he has never suffered from Xiao Yanfang.