
Russian Regulatory Center: Terrorists are preparing to fake the scene of a "chemical attack" in northern Syria

The situation in northern Syria continues to escalate, and Russia has warned that the idlib militants will "repeat the same technique". According to the Russian Satellite News Agency reported on October 8, Vadim Kuliti, deputy director of the Russian Mediation Center for all parties to the conflict in Syria, said that idlib terrorists are preparing to fake the scene of the "chemical attack" at the Kangsavra and Kedura settlements on the northern Syrian contact line to smear the Syrian government forces.

Russian Regulatory Center: Terrorists are preparing to fake the scene of a "chemical attack" in northern Syria

White Helmets post photos in Eastern Ghouta accusing Russia and Syria of using so-called "chemical weapons" Image source: Russian Satellite News Agency

At a press conference, Kulij revealed that various sources of information had reported to the centre for a month that the armed elements of the Al-Nusra Front (HTS) terrorist group were preparing to launch provocative activities using toxic substances in the idlib de-escalation zone. "Available intelligence indicates that terrorists plan to fake the scene of the 'chemical attack' at the Konsavra and Kedura settlements on the Syrian line of contact and to try to invite pseudo-humanitarian organizations such as the White Helmets and local media to pose for photos to accuse Syrian government forces of using toxic substances to attack civilians," Kuliti said. ”

Idlib is the last area in Syria still occupied by armed opposition forces. Since mid-last month, Syrian government forces and Russian air and space forces have continued to bomb the Idlib region, and tensions in northern Syria have continued.

On September 29, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a summit in Sochi, Russia, where the two sides discussed the crisis situation in the Idlib region of northwestern Syria. The Turkish side complained that Russia continued to escalate the situation in the Idlib region.

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