
Season Love Light Comedy Overlord Reservation! The "Changing Doll Falls in Love" anime PV released

author:Orange Heart Lady

The Ark of Tomorrow animation is coming! The ultimate secret may be unlocked! Is the rabbit's tail long?

Season Love Light Comedy Overlord Reservation! The "Changing Doll Falls in Love" anime PV released

Recently, the TV version of the anime "Ark of Tomorrow", which has been expected by fans for a long time, finally announced the production decision, and at the same time released the PV of the first season of "Pre-Dawn". The animation will be produced by Yosei. However, although the animated PV has been released, it should be said that it is still difficult for everyone to get too much information from this honey PV. The specific performance of the animation may still refer to some activities of "Blue Route Speed Forward" and "Ark of Tomorrow" to promote PV. In addition, "Ark of Tomorrow" recently released the 2.5th anniversary of the "Long Night Pro" animation PV, the effect is also very good. In particular, the 3D animation battle scenes, with their rhythm and action, definitely belong to the excellent cases in this type of 3D animation. Therefore, judging from the various animation clips released so far by "Ark of Tomorrow", we still have reason to have enough expectations for it. Well...... Perhaps the most worrying thing is the question raised by a netizen. The anime will not continue to use the riddle man's lines for everyone to guess, right? Before watching the big teacher and Xue Nai they said riddles have been quite hard to guess, if "Ark of Tomorrow" also let people guess... Is that to exhaust me to inherit my flowers?

Season Love Light Comedy Overlord Reservation! "Changing Dolls Fall in Love" Anime PV Released Burn Money!

Season Love Light Comedy Overlord Reservation! The "Changing Doll Falls in Love" anime PV released

Recently, "Changing Dolls Fall in Love" finally released an animation PV, which made people determine the quality of the animation! Previously, we were a little worried about whether the investment in this work of love light comedy would be sufficient, and now it is certain that this will definitely be a fairly good work, if there is no accident, when the love sugar hegemony is in January next year! The original work of this work we have brushed twice, from this PV point of view, the picture restoration is very in place, whether it is the heroine Haimeng or the male protagonist of the new dish, giving people the feeling of the original work is exactly the same, and even the male protagonist is slightly younger than the original feeling is more in line with the identity of the high school student, the subtle performance is very in place. Friends who like to love light comedy must not be missed, it is a masterpiece that will definitely satisfy you

There are no small balls in "Cherry Pills"? What magical stage dramatization?

Season Love Light Comedy Overlord Reservation! The "Changing Doll Falls in Love" anime PV released

When I first saw "Cherry Pills" say that I want to start the stage drama planning, I understand, after all, although this work is not very familiar with the current MengXin, but when it comes to our childhood, who has not seen two episodes of Small Pills? This is also a national work in Japan! There must be a deck. As the content of the 35th anniversary of the series, it is normal to have a stage play, but the problem is... The theme of this stage play is obviously "Cherry Pills THE STAGE", but the story is "about the high school life of boys in 3 years and 4 groups"? Excusemi? Beef ramen is not in beef, magical girl Ilia is not in Ilia, and now even cherry balls are not in small balls? So what is this all about? What does it have to do with the little pills? Even if you say that it is the story of Maruko's boyfriend, I recognize it! Can tell the high school life of a class of boys, shouldn't this be the stage play of "The Daily Life of a Male High School Student"? It's amazing, is there a little friend who knows the inside story to answer it?

Lily Girl Golf? Are you optimistic about the theme animation envisioned by Kengo Sagito?

Season Love Light Comedy Overlord Reservation! The "Changing Doll Falls in Love" anime PV released

In addition to the anime of "Ark of Tomorrow", Yusho seems to want to double open, and at the same time there is an original anime about beautiful girls playing golf, called "Kushise ユーティリティ", which is said to be the idea of Kengo Saito. It should be said that if it is only the pictures of the beautiful girls who play golf painted by Kengo Saito, it is still very attractive, and even those who do not understand golf at all can feel the looming temptation of the beautiful girls. However, as far as animation is concerned, it feels like it is likely to be a pit! That animated poster is different from Kengo Saito's painting style! Moreover, the distance between this theme and the world of A-house is too far, and there is more than one beautiful girl in the middle, and I always feel that it is difficult to catch fire. Having said that now the japanese manga has reached the point where everything can be a beautiful girl? What to do pottery, fishing, golf, obviously in reality are mainly middle-aged and elderly men playing, but it is hard to let the two-dimensional beautiful girls to show. Can it really make young people like these things? Then there is no money to play...

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