
Speaking of the five thousand years, the trajectory of China's historical development begins with China's five thousand years of history

author:Pandas talk about history

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It may sound a little confusing, but the five-thousand-year-old Chinese civilization, which has always made the famous Chinese people proud, will even be questioned. Yes, it has been claimed for many years that this argument is academically inconclusive, because the hallmark of the age of civilization is determined by the emergence of the state. Even if we want to take the earliest dynasty in Chinese history and the establishment of the Xia Dynasty as the beginning of the era of Chinese civilization, then we only have a history of civilization of 4,000 years from the Xia Dynasty to the present.

Before that, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors and the like were only legends, which could only be attributed to the advanced stage of the barbaric era, and could not be classified into the era of civilization. As for all the written history, it is only about three thousand years. However, as descendants of Yan Huang, we still have to take into account the historical heart of the famous Chinese people and the ancient mythological system, saying that we have a history of three thousand years does not prevent us from saying that there is a civilization of five thousand years, since we can attribute the legends such as the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the advanced stage of the barbaric era, then why can't we attribute it to the primary stage of the civilization era?

In fact, long before the establishment of the Xia Dynasty, ancient Chinese society had entered the Neolithic from the Paleolithic Age. The Neolithic era was the era of the development and prosperity of the secular system, and it was also the transition period when human social life began to move from barbarism to civilization. In fact, during this transitional period, Chinese history went through a long period of matrilineal and patrilineal clans, and although not much written records have been preserved, historians and archaeologists have discovered many historical sites and artifacts about antiquity. What cannot be ignored is that the legends and myths about ancient civilization that still sound beautiful and fascinate us today, from Pangu to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, whether these heroes of ancient China have their own personal affairs, although it is unknown, but the moving myths and stories they are rich in are an important heritage in the treasure house of classical Chinese culture.

What is a myth? This is a not easy to answer question, since ancient times the word myth is not seen in the Chinese classics, he is a foreign word, from foreign countries to China, the word myth sometimes looks very confusing, this is because it does contain a kind of mythical and magical factors, most people think that the so-called myth is actually unrelated to real life, but from the human mind to think of things, in fact, this statement is very wrong, Myth is not false, created by the increasingly intelligent minds of man developed from labor, but more importantly he is a reaction to the inferior productivity of primitive society.

In ancient times, the specific meaning and connotation contained in the myths of each period can not be separated from the real life labor and struggle of human beings at that time, it can be said that myths are the products of human childhood, flashing extremely charming colors, people living in the ancient times of China, in order to survive and do a long-term struggle with nature, in the process of struggle with nature, they sang with passion and excitement of the tune of praise for labor and praise heroes, they sang the pangu who opened up the world with axes, Nuwa, who created mankind and trained the five-colored stone to make up for the heavens, the father who dared to race against the sun, the descendant who shot arrows for nine days for the people to eliminate harm, since ancient times, people have not only revered these heroes who dared to conquer nature and actively improve the living conditions of mankind, but also passed on their deeds by word of mouth, and the myth of the Chinese nation has been passed down from ancient times to the present, from oral transmission to books, which has indeed made the myth and ancient Chinese history integrated.

In a sense, China's ancient mythology can be regarded as an interpretation of China's ancient history, and the appearance of characters in ancient legends such as Shennong Yandi, Xuanyuan Emperor, Fuxi Taihao, and Xingtian Xuan Youqua Father has undergone a long process of historical development, and the names of these figures are actually not like the names we use now, but only as code names to distinguish between people. They are not specific people, it is likely to refer specifically to a certain clan or tribe, their appearance is actually experienced from man to god in the evolution process from god to man, that is, in the late primitive society, the ancestors of some clans and tribes were first mythologized and evolved into ancestor gods, and in the process of later mythological historicization, these ancestral gods were reduced to the leaders of a certain clan and tribe or some wise monarchs.

After some scholars' research, the ancestors or chiefs of the clan tribes that actually existed at the end of the primitive society did not actually have names, only surnames that reflected blood relations, and the names of the characters in ancient Chinese legends were actually produced in the process of mythology. Archaeological discoveries now prove that the earliest monarchs we already know of who used names only began with kings in the late Shang Dynasty. It is obvious that the heroes and monarchs of the ancient period did not have their own exclusive names, but with the development of history, the myths gave them names with divine colors, and for the legendary heroes, only the names were not enough to show their virtues and martial arts, and when the myth gave the legendary figures a clear name, it also established a clear genus and clan for these figures.

For example, who were the ancestors of the Zhou Dynasty? There is no record in history at all, but in mythology there is a legend that gods and men combine to give birth to children. According to the earliest collection of poems in China, the ancestor of the Zhou people, Jiang Yuan, the mother of "abandonment" because she stepped on the footprints of the gods in the wild, was soon pregnant and abandoned, and the legendary Jiang Yuan was the wife of Emperor Zhao, one of the Five Emperors. In fact, it is telling us that renunciation is not only divine, but also the son of the emperor in the folk imperial lineage, so the ancestors of the Zhou clan can be traced back to the era of the Five Emperors, once the legendary characters have a clear clan and clan lineage, and then the descendants will give these processed and transformed deeds to those actually existing clan ancestors and leaders, the historical nature of the myth is particularly prominent, people are not satisfied enough, and they are not matched with the vigorous Wenzhi martial arts, so that the image of these ancient kings and heroes looks more plump, More energetic, but also make the epic and myth in the history of the singing more vivid and memorable, it is undeniable that the myth attached to the ancient hero condensed the crystallization of history and culture, people created myths and integrated him into history to form ancient legends.

As some people have said, myth is the trace of the past by the Mihe Rupture, and it is also the persistent exploration of finding and confirming one's ancestors from the irreproducible ancient times, and it is a vivid embodiment of mankind's great creative spirit and root-seeking consciousness, which is also the beginning of our history.

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