
Every child needs a ZZ

author:Aunt Yuzu

Last night, the second brother asked his father to take a bath with him. Dad had just showered a little earlier yesterday, so he said no. But he didn't give up and asked many times, and once when she asked, Dad lost his mind and said "OK", so she was very happy and did not ask again.

When it was time to start washing, he saw that his father had not moved and said, "Didn't you say yes?" Dad said, "I didn't say yes!" He said, "You promise!" Your words don't count! So I was very unhappy. Dad said, "Then brush your teeth first!" She brushed her teeth, but lying on the floor of the bathroom, I said, "You're not afraid to swallow toothpaste into your mouth." She said: "I just want to lie down and brush because I'm not happy that my dad doesn't bathe with me." ”

I watched her as she twisted on the ground and foamed at the mouth of her toothbrush, crying and laughing. So my brain started thinking:

How can this be done?

Do you want to force your father to wash with him? But Dad really just washed it!

Is there any other way out of this predicament?

Then inertia turns on logic mom reasoning mode:

You see Dad has already washed it, isn't it a waste of water to wash it again?

I don't care! Dad said yes!

You see you two wash together, you can't wash easily, and it's easy to be cold, isn't it?

I'm not cold!

So to the second step, the bitter "constructive advice" model:

If you wash it, let your father accompany you outside, you will be across the glass door, and your father will wash it with you, okay?

No way!

If you don't wash up today and go to bed and tell one more story, okay?

What to do when you see that all understanding has been denied?

At this point I took a deep breath and thought of an important person, maybe she could save me and My Dad.

This important person is ZZ!

Who is ZZ? It's a little fox plush toy, it's Yidi's daughter, calling him Daddy, calling me Grandma, Calling Daddy Grandpa.

Every child needs a ZZ

ZZ has a well-behaved personality, that is, he is very "good" to the second brother, and he is very "zhang" to me and my father.

The basic logic of ZZ's life is that her father is the best in the world, the smartest, the most capable, the most loving her, always right. And Grandma and Grandpa are stupid, stupid, always making mistakes. Of course, most of ZZ's actions and language are played by my friendship, and the second son is the director.

So I said, "Well, I'll get ZZ and ask her to scold grandma, okay?" ”

The second man, who was lying on the tile floor with a mouth of white foam, suddenly stopped and muttered, "Mm-hmm, this can be!" ”

But where is ZZ? At this time, the second elder began to grunt and said in a shrill voice, "Stupid grandma! You've forgotten me again! You always forget! I'm at the door! ”

So I quickly ran out of the bathroom and said respectfully, "Don't be angry, Grandma is coming!" ”

When ZZ came in, it must have been angry with Grandma, but when I saw My Father, I was extremely happy, and I don't know how this complicated emotion was vividly expressed, it should be a shadow potential. Anyway, the second brother was very happy, a rudder climbed up, spit out the toothpaste, and hugged ZZ over.

Then ZZ began to complain: "Grandma, Grandpa obviously agreed to take a bath with his mother, but he didn't admit it, which is called rebellion, unforgivable!" How can you do this to Daddy, it's not okay! Unacceptable! "When I was dubbing passionately, the second brother took one of ZZ's arms and pointed at me, perfectly matched.

"But my dad, my dad, she's the bravest, washes one person and washes one person, what's scary, ahem!"

Finally relieved and moved on to the next game.

That's when ZZ said, "I'm going to turn on the lights (there's a light in the bathroom)!" ZZ also had kung fu when she turned on the lights, and she shouted, "Look at my super whirlwind dance... shadow...... leg! The second man took her to do a 720-degree air flip, then a plush leg, straight to the light switch:

- !!! ——

Kicked the lights off.

Then the wise and mighty "Daddy" went in to take a bath, and a crisis was finally resolved.

I also breathed a sigh of relief and patted myself, this one is a good performance! You can take a break, take a box lunch, and wait for the next one.

You see, is it thanks to ZZ?

I suddenly realized that in fact, every child needs a ZZ.

The most important role of ZZ is to give children negative emotions, an exaggerated and reasonable outlet.

"Exaggeration" here is important, first of all because exaggeration is funny and funny. But the second reason, and more importantly, is that for children, there are 150% forms to express 100% of emotions, and if there is only 100% forms, only 75% of emotions can be expressed (the number is not precise, just understand what I mean). Through exaggeration, the child knows that "you really understand my emotions" and can "let go".

Reasonable, because the child is not unaware that sometimes her own requests are "unreasonable" (well, I know this sentence is a bit roundabout), but if you say that she is unreasonable, then she can never admit it (don't talk about children, aren't we the same?). )。 So by saying it through a "unreasonable" "character" like ZZ, everything is reasonable—

"Daddy" is glorious, great, and right; ZZ can speak out and tell the truth; "Daddy" will occasionally advise ZZ: "Oh, Grandpa and Grandpa are not so bad!" ”

So you say, doesn't every child need a ZZ?

Feel like here should bring a ZZ purchase link haha. In fact, any toy or item that any child in your family likes can be given such an identity.

Every child needs a ZZ