
Four years of grinding a drama and struggling to perform the style

author:Look at Xianyang
Four years of grinding a drama and struggling to perform the style
Four years of grinding a drama and struggling to perform the style

After four years of polishing, the poverty alleviation inspirational movie "Wingsless Flight", which is based on realistic themes, was recently premiered. This is the film debut of my colleague Zhang Weijun, the protagonist of the film is a news figure who has been reported, he went to visit the class during filming, and the premiere was arranged at the Xianyang Daqin Theater next to the unit, and I never felt that a film was so close to me.

On the day of the premiere, I received teachers and friends of the Provincial Filmmakers Association, and at the beginning, I went to the secluded second floor to watch the film quietly, and Wei Jun then touched it and sat in the front row of me. The debut work is like the first appearance of their own children on the social stage, avoiding the noise, quietly in a corner, watching from a distance, timidly watching its repercussions, and tasting the hardships and joys at the time of conception, which is not a good choice.

Four years of grinding a drama and struggling to perform the style

The movie "Wingsless Flight" is based on real people and real events in the tide of poverty alleviation in the Weibei Plateau, and the protagonist is Liu Bin, a disabled poor household in Chunhua County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, who won the "National Poverty Alleviation And Endeavor Award". More than ten years ago, Liu Bin, who had joined the woman's side, lost both arms due to an accident, was abandoned by his wife, and returned to his parents with his son, who was less than one year old. Suffering from this disaster for no reason, losing the ability to work, and even losing the most basic ability to live independently and the dignity of being a human being, In the confusion and wandering, Liu Bin almost wanted to take his own life. The intimate care and encouragement from poverty alleviation cadres at all levels has rekindled his confidence in life. "I'm crippled, but I can't be destroyed!" Liu Bin, who fought back against the Jedi, first practiced from the small things of eating and drinking Lhasa, and then later found ways to participate in labor, relying on sheep raising to get rid of poverty, and founded a cooperative to lead the villagers to get rid of poverty and become rich. The film focuses on the theme of rural poverty alleviation in the new era, focuses on the development of the cause of contemporary disabled people, and embodies the spirit of indomitable, striving upwards, fighting against fate, and pursuing a better life, with distinct characteristics of the times.

The story is easy to say, and it takes a lot of twists and turns to bring it to the screen. First of all, the screenwriter needs to have the ability to refine stones into gold. After in-depth experience, meticulous polishing, and guidance by masters such as Reed and Hu Kun, the film structure, storyline, and creation of contradictions and conflicts can be described as exquisitely designed. The opening paragraph is a special arrest, the wasteland path, Liu Bin carries the child back to his hometown, the mouth bites the cake to feed the child, the cake suddenly falls to the ground, but also smashes on the audience's heart; the next scene is the cave door, the deaf and dumb mother sees her son return, from joy to surprise to sorrow, the desolate Banhu music together, enough to earn the audience's tears of empathy.

Because it is based on a typical story in real life, the screenwriter including the actor has a deep understanding of the life archetype, which is reflected in the film, that is, the plot design and dialogue lines are very suitable for the character characteristics, the real grounding, the actors are "human words", and they are never deliberately elevated because of the care for the big theme. Even the best script has to be interpreted by the actors, it can be said that the success of "Wingless Flight", the actor selection is quite accurate and in place. First of all, Liu Bin starred in his true colors, restoring his past experience, real and natural, and the irreplaceable performance was remarkable and widely recognized. Playing with the prototype of the protagonist, other actors consciously try their best to move closer to the most authentic positioning of the role, because of the in-depth experience, so when interpreting the plot, the traces of the actor's performance are almost invisible, and the true feelings are integrated and solidly interpreted, just like restoring the real experience of the protagonist in the past. Li Baoan, the actor of Liu Wenwu's father, said: "It feels like a family has not been reunited for a long time", and Liu Bin, who "entered the play", still manages the actor played by his parents as "my father and my mother", and he and tie zheng, the actor of the first secretary, have become brothers, saying that "98% of the things that the first secretary Wang Qi has done have been performed by Tie Zheng". Screenwriter Su Yunmeng said: "Each actor adds 100 points to the role." Because of this, many of the plots in the film left a deep impression on the audience.

In order to shape the character image and show the inner waves of the characters by creating conflicts, the director can be described as ingenious in plot design. The lines of the whole film are condensed, to be flashy and cumbersome, in line with the character characteristics. For example, Liu Bin's father belongs to the typical old farmer in Guanzhong, after his son encountered a change, he only said a faint sentence "it is good to come back", and when his son refused to accept the pity and rescue of others, hid in a broken cave, and was in a period of pain, he only said a meaningful sentence: "If you can't walk out now, you can't come out for a lifetime", and the deep father's love is expressed in the action of silently scrubbing his son's body and experimenting with hand-untiing appliances.

Four years of grinding a drama and struggling to perform the style

The film twice compared people and animals in the plot design, adding interest and playing an unexpected good effect. Once, in the scene where Liu Wenwu returned home for dinner the next day, he repeatedly tried to put his mouth into the bowl to eat noodles, but saw a puppy in the courtyard sticking its mouth into the stone trough to eat, this metaphorical scene could not help but make him depressed, collapsed, kicked over the table and stool, profoundly interpreted the inner emotions of the characters, and guided the audience to think about human dignity and the value of survival. The other person's attachment to the sheep leaves the audience with a warm and pleasant emotion. The director here more or less with the help of anthropomorphic techniques, giving the sheep a spirituality, Liu Wenwu the first time to herd sheep fell into the valley, it was the sheep accompanied by him and woke him up, giving Liu Wenwu, who was at the trough of life, with inspiration and strength, and then people and sheep communicated through "opposite top" many times, this quite spiritual sheep was named "iron head" by Liu Wenwu, which was particularly valued.

Liu Bin's inspirational story has long been widely known through extensive media publicity. However, the energy and appeal of news publicity are limited after all, after artistic processing, Liu Bin's inspirational story has become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has brought more people to inspire and inspire in the tide of poverty alleviation, and the film's performance method is undoubtedly better.

To borrow a sentence from Fang Jiangshan, deputy editor-in-chief of People's Daily, in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Silk Road Film Festival: "Movies pin people's warm memories and beautiful emotions, affect people's ideological concepts and behaviors, and interpret the diversified ecology of human civilization." ”

After years of grinding a drama, bitterly acting style. Happiness is a struggle! This sentence applies to Liu Bin, the protagonist of the struggle to realize the dream, and also to the creative team of the movie "Wingless Flight", whose dream is to inspire more people to lift their spirits through high-quality films, plug in the wings of faith, and realize their dreams through hard work.

(Author: Zhou Qin, Xianyang Radio and Television Station)

(Responsible editor: Li Lu Review and issuance: Su Gang)

Four years of grinding a drama and struggling to perform the style