
Feng County has solidly promoted the upgrading of "backward" and "two new" party organizations

author:China Jiangsu Net

Xu Bao Rong Media Reporter Cai Sixiang Correspondent Dong Huajing Wang Qing

"Before, we carried out relatively few party building activities, but now under the guidance of counties and towns, the party building work has been grasped, party members and workers have twisted into a rope, and the production efficiency has also gone up." It turned out that party building was done well and had such a great effect on the development of enterprises. Zhang Zongzheng, secretary of the party branch of Xuzhou Fulang Wood Industry Co., Ltd. in Zhaozhuang Town, sighed.

Since the beginning of this year, Feng County has carried out in-depth special actions of "expanding the scope and improving quality and increasing efficiency" of the "two new" organization party organizations, taking the "four degrees" work method of "investigating and laying out problems with great accuracy, classifying and implementing policies in depth, ensuring progress in a multi-pronged manner, and supervising and accepting with strength" as the starting point, and solidly promoting the rectification and transformation of "backward" and "two new" party organizations. By the end of October, the county's 16 "backward" and "two new" organization party organizations had achieved "dynamic clearance".

It has been learned that at the stage of investigating and settling problems, Feng County conscientiously formulated special evaluation rules, issued a circular on the centralized rectification of the "two new" organization party organizations in the county, and clarified the time limit for tasks and the requirements for rectification and reform goals. Members of the leading bodies of each town (street) went deep into the production line of the enterprise to conduct on-site research, checked the problems item by item, required rectification within a time limit, and found a total of 97 large and small problems.

In order to ensure that the problems to be investigated and sorted out are "eliminated by medicine to the disease", Feng County has implemented different measures, and in accordance with the principle of "one department and one countermeasure", it has established a "three ones" rectification and reform work mechanism of "one list of problems, one set of rectification plans, and one link between the leadership of party members at the town level", and formulated rectification plans and made 154 suggestions in different categories for different problems.

Feng County has also taken measures such as standardizing work procedures, providing benchmarking templates, and setting up 3 special acceptance teams to help party affairs workers clarify their work ideas. Each town (subdistrict) held a special training meeting on the party building work of the "two new" organizations, and equipped 15 full-time "two new" party building instructors to support the rectification and reform work in an all-round way.

While strengthening the classification of policies and precise advancement, Feng County has also strengthened the construction of work mechanisms, firmly grasped the "four joint construction", and made it clear that the "two new" working committees of the county party committee will contact and guide, the member units and industry competent departments will jointly supervise and supervise, the local party (work) committees will be linked and integrated, and the party building instructors and party branch secretaries will jointly implement to jointly solve the difficult problems encountered in the process of rectification and reform. Select 26 advanced "two new" organizations with effective governance, good development, and strong cohesion of the team, establish a pairing and support mechanism between advanced and backward, and 16 groups of "two new" organizations have carried out more than 60 activities such as on-site observation, experience exchange, and resource sharing, creating a good atmosphere of catching up with and surpassing the study.

Supervision and supervision is an effective guarantee for grasping the rectification of problems. Feng County has established a regular scheduling and supervision system, and through the "trinity" evaluation mechanism of monthly feedback, quarterly supervision, and annual debriefing, the "backward" and "two new" organizational party organization rectification will be included in the annual assessment of the leading body of the party (work) committee, and the acceptance and cancellation numbers will be continuously tracked and the blank spots will be cleared one by one.

Letting the party's work truly take root in the "two new" organizations and enhancing the targeted effectiveness of party building work is one of the key points for FengXian to strengthen the construction of the party's grass-roots organizations. In the next step, Feng County will continue to play a key role in the "two new" party organizations and party members, and continue to promote the "two new" party building work to lead the high-quality development of the "two new" organizations.

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