
Who is the Wavemaker? Of course, it is those Internet giants who have stepped on the wave of the Internet

author:Yi Xing watches movies

Wen 丨 Yi Xiaoxing

I have read a very interesting book in the past few days, that is, "The Wave Maker", I read it refreshed, and I think that the next time I chat and brag, I will be able to win again and come out on top! Haha, just kidding, is this book told us a lot of Internet big guys they did not tell us almost all the things are here, you say for curiosity, to be precise, is it a book that can meet the needs of readers?

Who is the Wavemaker? Of course, it is those Internet giants who have stepped on the wave of the Internet

The book "The WaveMaker" is a collection of popular, historical and interesting Internet character biographies. Internet technology has changed the development trajectory of the entire world, and behind this, there are countless maverick, paranoid, fanatical, eccentric, strange thinking, grotesque and even funny technology "gods", who quietly created a new world based on the Internet in their own unusual pursuits and choices.

For example, do you know? The basis for the WiFi you can't live without every day now comes from a beautiful Hollywood movie actress, Heidi Rama?

Who is the Wavemaker? Of course, it is those Internet giants who have stepped on the wave of the Internet

Hedy Lamarr (born November 9, 1914 in Vienna, Austria) is an American film and television actress. In 1931, Heidi Rama made her first film, Money on the Street. In 1933, the film "Flame of Desire" was also translated into "Haunted" and premiered in Czechoslovakia, and Heidi became the world's first actor to appear naked. There is a scene in the film where she runs through a forest without a wisp, and she has been famous ever since.

Who is the Wavemaker? Of course, it is those Internet giants who have stepped on the wave of the Internet

In 1937, he successfully entered Hollywood at the recommendation of Louis Meyer, including the stage name "Heidi Rama". In 1938 Heidi began starring at MGM, where she collaborated with Robert Taylor on the romance film Lady of the Tropics. In 1939, Heidi collaborated with Clark Gable on 25 works, including the comedy "A Comrade" and the adventure film "Emerging City".

In 1941, Heidi borrowed the principle of musician George Antyre playing the piano synchronously to invent the "frequency hopping technology", laying the foundation for CDMA, Wi-Fi and other technologies. In 1942, Heidi obtained a patent for "frequency hopping technology" issued by the United States. In 1949 Heidi co-starred with George Sanders as Cecil Sauers. B. Demir directed the romance film "Overlord Demon".

Who is the Wavemaker? Of course, it is those Internet giants who have stepped on the wave of the Internet

Heidi became a U.S. citizen in 1953. In 1966 Heidi published a controversial autobiographical novel exposing privacy. In 1997 Heidi was awarded the Pioneer Award of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Heidi Lamar died in Florida on January 19, 2000, at the age of 85. In 2014, she was inducted into the U.S. Inventors Hall of Fame.

Isn't it a very interesting and thought-provoking life? Heidi is the darling of heaven who is talented and white-skinned, and her wisdom has made her make her own unique contribution to the development of the Internet, which is also too remarkable, obviously she can rely on her appearance to eat, but she has to rely on talent to become famous again, which is really remarkable.

Who is the Wavemaker? Of course, it is those Internet giants who have stepped on the wave of the Internet

The book "Wavemaker" is based on the development of micro-circuits - operating systems - the World Wide Web - the Internet as the context, with the new media humor and humorous language style to tell the influential, legendary characters, and in a lively and simple way to introduce the Knowledge of Internet technology, so that readers can understand the Internet world they are in in a relaxed and pleasant reading.

Who is the Wavemaker? Of course, it is those Internet giants who have stepped on the wave of the Internet

The characters selected in the book are all big names, super interesting, you can see the table of contents why I recommend you also take a look at this book:

Waste genius "William Shockley": Named the most important person of the 20th century, he was notorious for "ethnographic research"

Silicon Valley Mayor "Robert Neuss": College pig stealing was suspended, missed two Nobel Prizes, and the whole of Silicon Valley had to call him "Daddy"

Paranoid "Andy Grove": 996 grandfather, the godfather of Silicon Valley CEOs

The Silent Giant "Dennis Ritchie": Jobs stood on his shoulder to create the Apple, but he was forgotten

Two-Faced Life "Heidi Lama": Can shoot nude scenes in Hollywood, but also enter the Inventors Hall of Fame

Prodigal player "Nolan Bushnell": The first person to make a fortune by playing games, almost 80 years old and still playing

The great "Bill Gates": the first half of his life crazy money to become the world's richest man, the second half of his life to spend money to become a charity tycoon

Internet Baron "Berners-Lee": The Soviet-American nuclear race and his laziness brought the Internet to the world

Dragon Slayer Jim Clark: Want to get rich overnight? Go a treasure hunt on the Internet!

The father of optical fiber, "Kao Kun": from a fool's dream to changing the world with glass filament

Hero programmer "Philip Katz": He is like a magician, making the whole world smaller

Internet gangster "John McAfee": A programmer suspected of murder, drug trafficking, and running for president of the United States

The familiar stranger "Larry Ellison": just one mouth makes people all over the world inseparable from him

"Aaron Swartz", the son of the Internet: A genius teenager mourned by the whole network, who was forced to die by the government for knowledge sharing

Era icon "Steve Jobs": second-rate craftsman, first-class businessman and great "thief"

Silicon Valley tough guy "Huang Jenxun": The highest-ranking Chinese in Silicon Valley, who studies things more powerful than nuclear bombs

Player's Friend "Gabe Newell": Let a man lose, just G fat enough to be the leader of the Hermit "Larry Page": The tyrant does not understand, and any questions can be found in him

Jeff Bezos, the strongest businessman on the surface: The more the company loses, the more he earns

Number One Hacker "Kevin Mitnick": Hacked into the Pentagon, wanted by the FBI, how computer hackers are made

The ultimate geek, "Andy Rubin": He doesn't hear anything out of the window and is obsessed with being a tech guy

Adventure King "Elon Musk": Heaven and earth, but also to take humans to Move to Mars

Who is the Wavemaker? Of course, it is those Internet giants who have stepped on the wave of the Internet

In general, this book can meet our psychological needs of curiosity, I personally think it is very good, to understand these for the development of the network we can not do now and the same as the weather vane of the characters, for us to recognize our dreams, grateful life also has a good role.

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