
Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

author:Japanese drama department

In this season's Japanese drama "Can't Write Out", Ikuta Doujin played a family man, and today Buya Jun recommended a movie he made in 2017,"Life Is Tight", a very warm movie, Ikuta Doujin said ,"This is the hardest role in my life.".

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Starring: Toshin Ikuta Co-stars: Kenta Kiritani / Reika Kakihara / Rie Mimura / Ryoko Koike / Makimu Koike / Misako Tanaka / Ryoji Kashiwabara / Ryoji Takamasa / Akira Shinagawa / Tokiko Eguchi / Sho Korie

In China's film censorship mechanism, "The Tight Seam of Life" is a sensitive subject that cannot be released, and it tells the life of LGBT people.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

The film is cut from the LGBT topic, discussing human physiology and gender, family and blood and other issues, the film won many overseas honors such as the best work at the Tel Aviv LGBT International Film Festival, and was also selected as the "Top Ten Films of the Year" of the Film Journal.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

The handsome-looking Ikuta Dou is really a popular actor of Janis, who has starred in works such as "Flower Jun", "Infernal Double Dragon", "Human Disqualification", "Brain Man" and so on.

In this "Life Is Tight", he plays the heroine.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Ikuta Doujin plays the protagonist, Lunzi, whose original name is Ryutaro, who was born as a male and hopes to become a girl from an early age. Medically known as "gender cognitive disorders", it belongs to the "T" in "LGBT" - "transgender/transgender".

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Although she is a boy, Lunzi has felt that she is a woman since she was a child, worried about her own incongruity with real life, and her escape from male sports has also made her ridiculed by her classmates.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

She cried and told her mother that she wanted to have breasts, and her mother was first surprised, and then gently said to him, "Of course, because you are a girl." ”

His mother also knitted a pair of breasts for him out of yarn. Under such a parent-child relationship, Rinko also became a gentle and unsympathetic nurse lady when she grew up.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

She also meets her favorite boy, Makio, and the two begin to live together as lovers, along with Makio's nephew's girlfriend, who is in the fifth grade of elementary school.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Although Tomoko thinks the sister is weird, Rinko cooks, does housework, braids her, plays games with her, and the three of them live together like a family.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Lunzi is no different from ordinary girls, she is full of feminine power

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"
Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Can weave

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Will braid

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"
Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Knows how to cook

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Very caring and caring

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

There is also the beauty that makes the shepherd man fall in love at first sight

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Of course, it is inevitable that the world will look at It with a different eye, and the world will still look at Lunzi with colored glasses and a mentality full of curiosity and prejudice.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, Lunzi is an "outlier", from the support of her mother and boyfriend, she has gained a calm, firm and strong heart, so that she has the ability to pass on love to others.

Whenever Lunzi has troubles, he does not let them accumulate in the heart, weaves a woolen sleeve in the shape of a male genitalia, weaves his own uneasiness and anxiety into it, and is determined to accumulate 108, burn them off, and change the household registration to female.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

As a delicate female director, Naoko Ogiue has always been good at using small details to add color to the film: food and tableware in "Seagull Canteen", glasses and radio exercises in "Glasses", toilet in "Toilet", cats and tricycles in "Rental Cat"...

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"
Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"
Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

In this film, the yarn organs that symbolize gender blur the boundaries of gender with their gentle touch. (The Chinese of this film is literally translated as "When They Start Knitting", and Bunya Jun feels that the paraphrasing "Life Is Tight" is better)

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

The experience of studying in the United States has given Naoko Hagiue a broad vision and tolerance of crossing borders, and her works "Seagull Canteen", "Glasses" and "Toilet" all have the theme of cross-cultural exchange, and during her time in the United States, she has come into contact with many gay and transgender people.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

"The Tight Seam of Life" was inspired by a news story Naoko Hagiue saw in 2013.

A mother who made fake milk for her child with gender identity disorder was reported, who was inspired and personally created the original screenplay for the film.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

The reason why Ikuta Dou Allah to act, the director said, "Out of selfishness, I also want to find a beautiful man to play this beautiful female role." ”。

Another reason is that I hope to make popular idols drive the audience, and this kind of niche film can be more popular and let more people see the LGBT community, the director said, "If it fails, Ikuta Jun's popularity will be affected, and I will never make a movie again." So it has to be successful. ”

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

In the interview, Naoko Ogiue also said that Ikuta Doumamoto is a very masculine personality and walks in a completely masculine way.

In order to play this role well, Ikuta Douzhen also spent a lot of effort practicing. First of all, he started with the most basic way of walking, carrying bags, the position of his hands, and even worked hard to make the lines of his fingers and calves softer, and often asked the women and transgender people around him for advice. He said it was "the hardest role of his life."

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

The recommendation of this movie by The House of Lords is not to promote LGBT, but simply to recommend a very beautiful movie, regardless of race, skin color, sexual orientation, gender and so on.

If there is a little idea that is not simple, it is to hope that everyone can be more tolerant of different people, and our world is colorful.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

Movies are artistic carriers that can cross the boundaries of language, country, gender, and age, so that different people can experience similarities or different moods, and the Shibuya District Education Committee, the first in Japan to recognize gay marriage, listed "The Secret Seams of Life" as a recommended work.

At that time, the film was screened at international film festivals in Beijing and Shanghai, which was a difficult situation to find, and it was very hoped that LGBT-themed films could be released in China.

Ikuta Doujin breaks through to play a woman in women's clothing: "The hardest role in my life"

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