
Practicing the "Loess Spirit" to Build Dreams in The Youth Years- The trainees of Fujian Police College have completed their internship experience

author:Fujian Rule of Law News

Fujian Rule of Law Daily-Strait Rule of Law Online October 26, 20 days ago, after 14 days of isolation and preparation and 28 days of closed duty, 20 trainees from the Fujian Police College successfully completed their internship tasks in Wuyishan Prison. They have deeply studied and practiced the "loess spirit" of bearing hardships and standing hard work, starting a business with hard work, being loyal to their duties, and being willing to dedicate themselves, accumulating a lot of work experience in their internships, and making many good leaders and good brothers. Before leaving, Qiu Chunjian, deputy secretary of the prison party committee and political commissar, Jiang Wendong, member of the prison party committee, and leaders of some science and technology supervision districts had cordial discussions with the students, hoping that after they returned home, they would firmly take a political stand, strengthen their study, and continue to carry forward and practice the "loess spirit." Zhu Xiaoli, a teacher who led the police academy, also attended the forum. At the symposium, the young police academy cadets left many touching and sincere words -

Practicing the "Loess Spirit" to Build Dreams in The Youth Years- The trainees of Fujian Police College have completed their internship experience

Student Huang Xiao:

Unconsciously, the internship task to Wuyishan Prison has also reached the final stage. In just 28 days, I gained a lot and felt how difficult it is to work in prison. The daily life of prison police may not always be thrilling, but it is precisely the hardship that lies in the ordinary daily life, not simple is to repeat simple things all the time. Hopefully, I can have the opportunity to become a prison police officer.

Trainee Chen Yuwei:

The first realization of my internship is that the value of the internship depends on my own enthusiasm. During my 28-day internship at Wuyishan Prison, I learned the daily management of the production squadron, met a master who took the initiative to teach me, and a group of lovely and capable and down-to-earth brothers and brothers, whose trust in me made me complete my work more meticulously. It is hoped that Wuyishan Prison will get better and better, and the work of all civilian police officers will also get better and better.

Student Huang Wenxing:

Thanks to this internship, I have had a happy internship in the prison, worked hard, is the only unforgettable experience in this life, and spent my twenty-second birthday in the second prison district, which is of great significance. Thanks to my masters, let me become a reserve prison people's policeman who can do something about everything.

Student Zhou Chenhao:

During the 28 days in prison, I deeply felt the difficulty of working and living in prison. Stepping on the morning light to the moon star, I deeply admire every conscientious and responsible prison grassroots policeman, they are our eternal role model.

Practicing the "Loess Spirit" to Build Dreams in The Youth Years- The trainees of Fujian Police College have completed their internship experience

Student Yang Huaxi:

After the 28-day internship, I felt a lot of feelings and harvested a lot, further understood the development and implementation of the grass-roots criminal punishment enforcement work, put the theory into practice, and personally experienced the daily work of the grass-roots police. There is no gunfire and bullets here, but in exchange for every ordinary responsibility and responsibility. The grass-roots people's police are practicing the "loess spirit" in a down-to-earth manner, which has always infected me and strengthened my determination to join the police.

Trainee Lin Jianlong:

During the 28 days of internship at Wuyishan Prison, the brothers and brothers taught me a lot of knowledge that I could not learn in the classroom, and also learned how to deal with emergencies. Let me understand that only by strengthening the study of my own professional knowledge and improving my own ability can I lay the foundation for doing this work in the future.

Student Shen Weipeng:

After 28 days of prison internship, it cannot be said that I have mastered all the prison work, but I have a general study and understanding of prison work. Here, I met a lot of teachers and brothers, who taught me a lot of experience. I went to Wuyishan Prison for internship and did not waste this trip.

Student Liu Xiping:

Theory is always to fall into practice, and for the prison work theory studied in schools, it is necessary to practice at the grass-roots level of prisons before we can truly learn the truth, think of the truth, and use it in practice.

Student Liao Yiyang:

In these 28 days, it was not as simple as imagined, and the hands-on teaching of the police allowed me to learn a lot of practical knowledge that was different from textbooks, and let me better understand prison work.

Student Yang Jiahan:

Getting to know and integrate into the team of Wuyishan Prison has always been a requirement for me this month. During this period, under the guidance of leaders and colleagues, learn knowledge from the industry and ask for experience from predecessors, it is in this process that they recognize their weaknesses and deficiencies, and also deeply appreciate the strength and charm of their team.

Student Yang Zhenyu:

Through the internship, I fully understood the one-day work norms of the police and the difficulty of performing duties under the epidemic mode. It is the full understanding of the work of the prison police that further strengthens their choice of this profession!

Trainee Lai Jinhong:

In Wuyishan Prison, I met many lovely brothers and sisters, lived and worked together, were very happy, had many good memories, and added new colors to my life in the later stages of college.

Trainee Lin Yongchang:

During the internship, the most intuitive feeling for me was that the working hours of the police in one day were too long. I learned a lot from my master and met all kinds of inmates, which I couldn't learn from school books. In just 28 days, the lessons learned will benefit you for a lifetime.

Trainee Lin Kunwei:

The prison police get up at six o'clock every morning and finish their work at nine o'clock in the evening, which makes me deeply appreciate the hardships of prison work and the difficulties of prison people's police. The most profound experience for me in this internship is to ensure the safety of prisons. No matter where you are in the prison, safety must always come first, and the string of security must always be tightened. In this internship, I gained a lot of experience, not only familiar with the daily work process of prison police, but also experienced the intensity of prison work, as well as the application of some theories and methods of prison supervision in practice.

Student Zheng Shiwen:

After this internship at Wuyishan Prison, I learned something different from the books. Learn new knowledge in practice and master new abilities in the course of study. The life of the prison people's police is not as easy as imagined, and it is necessary to always increase vigilance, ensure the safety of supervision, ensure personal safety, and ensure labor reform. I also have new inspiration for my future work.

Student Wu Zehang:

I gained a lot from this internship. On the one hand, I learned a lot of professional knowledge and the application of knowledge that I had not learned before; On the other hand, it has also improved the ability to do projects by hand. This practical training is a further exercise of oneself, but also a kind of test, the harvest is quite a lot, is very valuable and meaningful.

Student Fan Youzhuo:

Through the 28-day internship, I gained a lot, realized a lot, and realized the mission and responsibility of the prison people's police under the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Student Shi Yanhui:

In this internship, I learned a lot, such as the daily work, especially through learning daily management, I have a deeper understanding of prison work. By learning the ways and methods of my brothers and masters in dealing with people, I have a broader thinking and more methods.

Student Huang Dun:

The 28-day internship passed quickly. In Wuyishan Prison, I met all kinds of people, including amiable brothers and sisters, and prisoners with different sentences. My master taught me hand in hand, taught me all the basic work in prison, taught me how to face prisoners, and taught me a lot of life ethics, which benefited me a lot.

Student Xu Rongcan:

During this 28-day internship, I learned a lot of things, and I also experienced the responsibility and responsibility of the prison people's police. I profoundly realized that only by doing every little thing well and doing it carefully in the course of work can we ensure the safety and stability of prisons and fulfill the duties of a prison people's policeman.

Before the completion of the internship period, the prison also assigned Zhang Ning, chief of the prison administration section, to hold a lecture with the theme of "stressing politics and ensuring safety" for all the trainees. In light of the current situation of supervision and reform, Chief Zhang expounded in detail the basic qualities and work requirements of a prison people's policeman from seven aspects, including "stressing politics, strictly enforcing discipline, clarifying duties, rectifying identity, adjusting mentality, strengthening consciousness, and ensuring safety." It has played a positive role in promoting the trainees to firmly establish the awareness of safety first and take the police road well.

(Chen Ping)

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