
Zhejiang's special snacks that can only be tasted when you come to the local area are not famous, but the taste is not bad at all

author:The story of Zheli

Each place has its own famous local specialties that are promoted and are flocked to by every passerby. However, the so-called niche is that there is little publicity, few people know, but they have a fixed audience. Next, Xiaobian will introduce a few niche foods that zhejiang locals know about, delicious and not expensive.

Zhejiang's special snacks that can only be tasted when you come to the local area are not famous, but the taste is not bad at all

Huzhou big wontons

Wontons are available everywhere, but Huzhou wontons are classics in the classics! Unlike wontons in other places, only meat stuffing skin buns, Huzhou wontons are chopped with sesame seeds, chopped green onions and fine seasonal bamboo shoots, and then served with fine pigs raised locally in Huzhou between mountains and lakes, only take pork leg meat, kneaded with sesame oil and rice wine made of filling, wrapped wontons. The boiled ravioli is put into the boiled big bone soup, the wonton skin is thin, the meat is fragrant, the soup is pure, the color and aroma are complete, and the simple language cannot be expressed, only a taste can know.

Zhejiang's special snacks that can only be tasted when you come to the local area are not famous, but the taste is not bad at all

Shaoxing stinky tofu

Different from changsha's stinky tofu, Shaoxing's stinky tofu is simply synonymous with Zhejiang people's food essence. Square square small pieces, quickly superheated oil, control the skin of the appearance is just crisp, there is tenderness inside, quickly fish it up, dry it, put it on the plate, no less material, at most prepare some spicy soy sauce, or sweet and spicy sauce dipped in it. This dish, with the chaoshan Puning fried tofu, Cixi that year, delicious this bite.

Zhejiang's special snacks that can only be tasted when you come to the local area are not famous, but the taste is not bad at all

Lantern cake

If you think of lantern cake as a sweet such as a cake, it will be laughable and generous. This is a traditional dish in Wenzhou, which is ground with rice and soybeans, turned into a thick pulp, then added flour and shredded radish, and the two bottoms are quickly fried. It has a crisp and soft texture, of course, if you like to eat meat, add some lean meat to the filling, and add some winter shoots or green onions and garlic, which has a different flavor.

Zhejiang's special snacks that can only be tasted when you come to the local area are not famous, but the taste is not bad at all

Zhoushan seafood noodles

Zhoushan is a good place, the sea and sky are colorful, and it is a rare archipelago in Zhejiang. Here you can not only experience the scenery of the sea, try to live the life of a fisherman, but also eat enough seafood. The seafood here highlights one word - cheap! Zhoushan seafood noodles, in fact, the most basic broth with noodles, pork bone chicken rack boiled into a clear soup, and then blanch a portion of noodles, soaked in cold water to maintain toughness, and then the time-cooked live skin shrimp, crab, sea shrimp, clams, etc., together in this bowl of Zhoushan seafood noodles. Needless to say, the taste has reached the heart.

Zhejiang's special snacks that can only be tasted when you come to the local area are not famous, but the taste is not bad at all

There are delicacies everywhere, and Zhejiang is like a gourmet forest, full of "gem mines" waiting to be excavated. Although these niche foods are not very famous, this does not affect its taste, and if you go to the local area, you must not miss these foods.