
The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?


Everyone has heard the cross-talk of "The Name of the Dish", "I invite you to eat, steamed lamb, steamed bear paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicks, roasted goose, ..., braised lentils, edamame beans, plus pickled amaranth blue silk." "I'm hungry every time I hear this crosstalk. It is rumored that the 246 dishes that appear in this passage are the Full Table of Manchus, but is there really a Full Table of Manchus?

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Feels like you can eat for a year |

I want to cross back and eat the whole table

Does the full table really exist?

On this issue, there has always been a controversy in the academic community. According to Zhao Rongguang, the founder of Chinese food science, "Examination of the Origin of the Manchu Han Dynasty", the Manchu Han Dynasty existed in history, but the details may not be as beautiful as in the legend.

Since the 23rd year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Manchu and Han dynasties have gone through three stages, accompanying the Qing Empire from prosperity to decline to overthrow for more than three hundred years.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Foodie Kangxi | wikipedia

As a political power established by an ethnic minority, the Qing Dynasty had obvious national characteristics at the beginning of its establishment, and there were great differences with the Han nationality in terms of living habits, customs, policies, and social systems. Therefore, the Kangxi Emperor set up a ceremonial food system of "full seat - Han seat" to eat separate seats: Manchu ministers ate full seats, some said that they were feasts, some said barbecue banquets, and there were many opinions; and Han ministers ate Han seats, which was more of our common stir-fry. However, with the trend of Manchu-Han intermarriage and Sinicization, eating separate seats has gradually become a "Manchu-Han mat" meal.

In the later period of Qianlong's reign, the Qianlong Emperor demanded that local officials pay tribute to local famous and valuable specialties every year. As a result, the court's "Manchu Han Table" meal has become a big show of mountain treasures and seafood; the cooking methods involved include grilling, boiling, steaming, frying, stir-frying, etc., which are also extremely complex and can be done, and it is tiring to listen to.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

There's nothing wrong with loving good food, but please say no shark fin | Figureworm creative

The emperor was actually quite miserable

I couldn't even eat hot food

Above we introduced the full table of the Manchu Han Dynasty, the emperor ate a huge pomp, there must be some people who said, so many mountains and treasures of the sea, so envious! Stop for a moment, believe me, when the emperor eats really not as good as you.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

There are great rivers and mountains, but they can't eat hot meals| Figureworm creative

It is reasonable to say that the Imperial Tea Dining Room, which was controlled by the Qing Dynasty Ministry of Internal Affairs, should represent the highest level of cuisine in the dynasty, with meat bureaus, vegetarian bureaus, dim sum bureaus, meal bureaus, hanging stove bureaus, and so on. However, with dozens of stoves and so many imperial chefs cooking at the same time, just think of the cooperation of seven hands and eight feet, the smoky environment and the shuttle of people, you know how "lively".

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Figure |

And trapped by the casting level and heating method at that time, the kitchen equipment should not be able to keep up. The fire in the stove is not strong enough, the wok is bulky, the frying and frying are laborious, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the things made are not necessarily delicious. It is said that the taste of the meals puyi ate was almost indistinguishable from that of the Kangxi Emperor, and the recipe of the dishes in the imperial dining room would not change, and it was difficult to eat the same taste every day.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Friends who have eaten old Beijing pastries can talk about their feelings? | Figureworm creative

Thinking about it again, let's not talk about hundreds of dishes that can't be eaten, in fact, the emperor's meal was already cold when it was served on the table. It is said that the imperial meal has a very cumbersome process: the extra dining room and the inner dining room, the outer meal makes the dishes almost completely, transfers to the inner dining room, heats, and then serves it on the table. But even if it is so tossed, it is impossible to control the fire, even if the mountain treasures and seafood are boiled and cool, it is difficult to eat.

Ninety-five supreme, can't even eat hot food, think about it is painful.

Although there is no need to do a full table

But the tools that should be prepared should not be less

Back to modern times, although no one will do a full table at home now, the pursuit of food is always there. Mushrooms from Yunnan, sea cucumbers from Liaoning, ham from Spain, caviar from Russia, and lobster from Australia are constantly transported to the doorstep, and the cooking tricks are also renovated layer by layer - stir-frying, frying, frying, stewing, steaming of Chinese food; baking, braising, baking of Western food... Between the square inches of the kitchen, it is still very lively.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Figure | Figureworm creative

Fortunately, however, everyone's kitchen is not the imperial dining room of a hundred years ago. In the modern kitchen, reasonable moving line design, ergonomic kitchen equipment, a variety of modern cooking equipment: gas stoves, hoods, ovens, steaming boxes, microwave ovens, etc. have moved in, and have turned "full of Han" into "a piece of cake". All that is needed is time and space in the kitchen.

But at last week's 2019 Fangtai Happiness Conference, Fangtai launched a "new species in the kitchen", known as "36 cooking methods, all in 1 square meter", and "30 minutes, 6 dishes and 1 soup on the table", so that the 2019 Manchurian whole table seems to have a new solution.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Compared with the 246 dishes in the "Name of the Dish", it can be seen at a glance from the names of these dishes that they have not escaped from the above 36 cooking methods, and even a lot worse.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

It's time to test your eyesight

First of all, the existence of gas stoves has actually brought almost all possibilities. As the most basic way of cooking, open flame heating can adapt to a very wide range of needs: the amount of oil used and the frequency of turning are different from frying, frying, frying; after the cage drawer is put on the shelf, it becomes steaming; and the use of radiant heat cooking at different temperatures brings baking and roasting...

But our commonly used gas stove often has only two stoves, and according to the family 6 dishes and 1 soup to calculate, but also need to use at least 7 times the stove, encounter complex dishes also need shabu-shabu, back to the pot and so on. When the seventh course is ready, the first course is almost cold, if you go back and start the hot dish... It is easy to fall into a "Mobius cooking circle".

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Like when you're cooking, you |

Therefore, in Fangtai's newly launched "New Species" integrated cooking center, the presence of the steaming oven can liberate the heavy load of the stove to a higher extent. After all, a balanced meal will not be all stir-fried, a set of integrated cooking center of the stove steaming system can be divided into their own divisions, so that stir-frying, soup, steaming, cooking can be carried out at the same time.

And although it is defined as a steaming oven, this does not mean that it is only suitable for steaming and grilling. The large area, high power of the third generation steam generator and dense heating pipe configuration does make steaming a strong point, but the different cooking methods are not completely independent, by adjusting the temperature and the amount of water added to the ingredients, braised, stewed, baked, baked, baked and even soup, etc., can also be done here. Even if you don't have so many skills, the FIKS smart living home system equipped with the integrated cooking center can also let you become a chef with one click through the smart recipes built into the app.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

The interior of the Fangtai Integrated Cooking Center steaming oven has a total of four layers, a large volume of 42L, and a single layer is more than enough to put 1-2 large dishes, which means that up to about 8 large dishes can be put in. Two stove heads + four layers of large-volume steaming oven, up and down synchronous work, cooking efficiency also increased exponentially, 30 minutes 6 dishes 1 soup is still no pressure.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Fangtai integrated cooking center steaming oven interior | Fangtai

But whether it is done more or done quickly, as long as the fire is fired, the fumes cannot be avoided, and the Fangtai Integrated Cooking Center can also give a one-stop solution. The integrated low-suction upper row hood allows the fumes to be quickly sucked away without passing through the human face and respiratory tract, creating a comfortable and healthy "creative" environment for each chef.

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

Therefore, one stop to solve the problem of where the food comes from and where the oil smoke goes, the Fangtai Integrated Cooking Center can cope with the challenge of "full han seat" in the square inch. Want to eat roast duck and roast goose? This is too low a requirement!

Click to read the original article and start your full chef journey!


Integration of Oriental Culture: The Manchu and Han Dynasties All Seats Are Examined

Review and Historical Review of Chinese Food Culture Research Process, Zhou Hongcheng

Conceptual connotation and disciplinary attributes of food science, Yang Jiehong

From "Food Culture" to "Food Science"——A Preliminary Study of Mr. Zhao Rongguang's Ideas on the Construction of Food Disciplines, Zhou Hongcheng

Zhao Rongguang's Analysis of the Development of Food Science Thought, He Hong

Manchu Han Full Seat Shi Shi, Wu Zhengge

Cultural Characteristics and Evolution Trends of Chinese Cuisine, Zhao Rongguang

The embodiment of Manchu-Han fusion in the qing court cuisine, Wu Qiong

The rules of the "imperial dining room" and the imperial meal of the Qing Emperor

The full table of Man Han is not necessarily true, but my roasted duck roast goose still has a fall, right?

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