
More stimulating taste than eating directly Magic transformation - KFC sucks the original chicken stew

author:Trembling giant pandas

Japan's KFC fan devil transformed KFC stew and set off a big wave of craze on SNS.

The earliest renovation was Madea, a Japanese netizen living in London, who had to cook at home because of the lockdown, restaurants and shops were closed. After doing it for a long time, I am tired of doing it myself, and when I see my friends doing this, I try to do it, which is really good.

More stimulating taste than eating directly Magic transformation - KFC sucks the original chicken stew

Sucking on the spices of the original chicken is more satisfying than eating it directly and making it into a stew. You can take advantage of the magical spices of sucking finger original chicken skin.

Maya's recipe goes like this: 2 hemi (Japanese volumetric units, each equal to 0.180 kg, ten into one liter, I think two people eat the same amount, the taste is a little thicker than the rice, a little lighter is more), KFC sucks the original chicken (with bone) 2 large, soy sauce 1 tsp, Chinese sauce 0.5 ~ 1 tsp (this is no big problem). That's it, very, very simple.

More stimulating taste than eating directly Magic transformation - KFC sucks the original chicken stew
More stimulating taste than eating directly Magic transformation - KFC sucks the original chicken stew
More stimulating taste than eating directly Magic transformation - KFC sucks the original chicken stew

After cooking, remember to stir and crush the original chicken to allow the chicken to melt into the rice.

Maya also recommends putting a small amount of black pepper on top of the rice before cooking, cutting some shallots after cooking, or adding butter, so that the taste will be layered.