
The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

author:Lotte Bunno Yamato

#生活有温度 #

These days the mood is quite good, several colleagues, friends have sent me books, sent books, neatly stacked on the desk, at a glance feel that the weather is endless, rich. At the same time, it is inevitable that there will be a little shame: a person with ordinary talent, who wants to soak in the works of others, is more and more compared with his own lack of knowledge and mediocre talent, and he has shouted for a long time to publish a book, and even the title of the book has been asked by famous people, and it is still a "soft egg". The more I thought about it, the more I felt like Zhang Ailing said that she had met her beloved, her head was lowered inch by inch, down, all the way down to the dust, and then a flower called inferiority blossomed.

I had to take out the "Mulberry Yu Evening Sun" by Mr. Li Wenzhong, the father of Ms. Hongyan, vice chairman of the county federation of literary and art circles, and the title page was self-titled: Let the afterglow of the sunset leave me with a back. This feeling of shame is even deeper. In the epilogue of this book, Ms. Hongyan has this to say, "My father has never eaten official grain, and he is an authentic farmer." "Although it is not uncommon for farmers to publish books, it is rare for farmers in their old age to publish books.

The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

I opened the volume to explore the source, found that Mr. Li wrote a book, is filial piety daughter for him to prescribe a dose of painkiller "The death of the mother hit his father very hard, just 71 years old he picked up the crutch, the body is also very weak, lonely, lonely, lonely, thinking about him, so that his health deteriorated, we as children can not help a little, then I thought, if you can let the father pick up the pen, to write down what he thinks in his heart, there is a channel that can talk freely, perhaps can alleviate the pain of the father. I gave my father a few pens and several pieces of manuscript paper, and my father began his writing journey. ”

Admittedly, no old and tired body can trap an interesting and unwilling soul. Mr. Li Lao's beginning from "experiencing the taste of life", a simple and unpretentious language, rough look at the nagging and disorderly, in fact, social changes in the world cold and warm a pot, life is huge and small life cool and hot eyes closed, open, is a sentimental raw memory, a slowly passing rural river, even make you tearful eyes, can't stop, raw to suck people in, can't get out.

I remember Haruki Murakami said: Although everyone is unique, in the great river of history, each person is like a drop of rain; the more I write, the more I feel that I am gradually becoming transparent. He wrote in "My Wife's Life and Death" that "During chemotherapy, she fell out of bed in shock twice at night. She smiled and said to me that it was like flying, and it was my blessing to be able to walk like this.

At that time, her appetite was not good, I saw in the market that she had not eaten fresh food, a food called chicken fillet she had not eaten, I bought it for her, she ate it and thought it was delicious, asked me how much I had, I said two or three yuan, she said how much, I said 3 yuan, actually each portion is 6 yuan, so three servings a day for several days. "Mr. Li combines the wisdom and humor of life and life into words, and he presents the real wife and his own sad helplessness like a waterfall through clichés, an ancient brain in front of us."

He said in "A Letter to My Wife": "My wife, my good wife: your departure makes both of us feel uncomfortable, but there is no way, this year has been so slow and slow, it is really like a year." I often cry when no one is there, sometimes I feel too sad, sitting alone in the desert and crying, facing my friends and peers I have to force a smile, there is no way, there is really no way. But when I saw Haotian (Mr. Li Lao's grandson), my heart came.

The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

Once When Haotian wanted to see you, I held him in front of your portrait for a long time, and after putting him down, he took my hand and walked all the way to the hygienic and said, "Grandma hurts!" Opened the door and looked at it without you, we walked back, on the way home, I couldn't help but cry, the little thing saw me crying, but he smiled. From the text, I can imagine that he still stares at the corner of his mouth for a long time in front of the portrait of his wife, as if he is about to cry, and his throat moves slightly, as if there are a thousand words choked there. In the end, he still didn't say a word, holding the photo tightly, afraid that the person in the shadow would fly away.

"Asking what is the world and what is love, only teaching life and death to be promised?" The sky is south and the north are double flyers, and the old wings have been cold and hot several times. Rejoice in fun, parting from suffering, there are even more idiot children. The Jin Dynasty literary scholar Yuan Haowen wrote the Yanqiu Ci of "Touching the Fish", which has become a famous passage that people have been quoting for hundreds of years. Mr. Li Lao also can not escape this "robbery", these written in his book, are the voice of real people, is the colloquial language, they are repetitive, monotonous, but also vivid and simple, eyebrows flying dance, is the voice of the human and the voice of God intertwined, not more hurt by the literati, I like.

Speaking of liking, it is not just words, but also a fate with Mr. Li's eldest son. He mentions Hongji in a passage in the book, which evokes my memories of nearly 40 years. My hometown is not far from Mr. Li Lao's village. In the early 1980s, in a neighboring village not far from home, I served as the director of teaching junior high school and class teacher in an eight-year school. The school is an old temple renovation, the classroom is an adobe wooden frame structure, there is no ceiling ceiling, through the beam tripod, you can see the roof of the purlin, rafters, reed curtains, some places can also see the roof tiles.

The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

I remember that near the third year of junior high school, a few students suddenly came to the class, saying that their village junior high school was dissolved, and they needed to borrow a year, and saw one of the boys, with a dark face, bulging cheeks, thin lips, a pair of curious eyes, and the curtains flickered. I learned about the situation one by one and learned that his name was Hongji. Without saying a word, they were immediately arranged to enter the class. At that time, the school was managed by the village, the teachers were missing, the economy was poor, and the salaries of private teachers or temporary substitute teachers were subsidized by the village or the school. After the school knew about it, it proposed to charge some tuition. But within two days, Hongji was gone.

At that time, due to a variety of reasons, the school had a serious loss of students in various classes, and during the home visit, I gradually learned that family difficulties were one of the main reasons why students were out of school. At that time, the average family, the children went to junior high school, no matter the busy farming, they all wanted to find a way to make money. During the home visit, they learned that their village is mainly based on processing sweet potato noodles. During the visit, it was found that in the small workshop of less than 9 square meters, the adults sweated and put the mixed sweet potato starch in the wood carved big horse scoop, one hand holding the horse scoop, standing next to the boiling water cauldron, the other hand hammering the starch in the horse scoop with their fists, and the children standing sweating next to the cauldron, busy, they can all come in handy.

The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

When I heard from others that their family did not do this work, I was directed to the house by someone. The first thing that catches your eye is a small courtyard, three holes sitting in a cave from west to east, and there are almost no decorations in the home, but it is also clean and clean. His mother's mother's family is the village where I teach, she seems to know me well, and she knows what I have come to do without opening her mouth, she told me with an undisguised crying smile: It is not easy for you to come, I also want Hongji to finish junior high school, but his father is often absent, and the child can also add a handle to me at home...

Although she felt helpless, she could see that there was no complaint or regret. A weak woman who serves the elderly and the young, and fully supports the family, I am not in awe. I didn't want to inquire about the whereabouts of the child's father, but I was full of emotions and said: Let the child not forget to turn over the textbook when he is free. After returning to school, I communicated this situation with the principal in a factual manner, and with the consent of Mr. Li Lao, the eldest son of Mr. Li successfully completed junior high school without paying the tuition. Later, the county transferred me to work in the Education Bureau, and I had the impression that Hongji had something to look for me, and he didn't care about the past, so he hurried away. As for his situation later, I am at a loss.

From the book, I learned that Hongji later started bean sprouts, has established a family, is a responsible and responsible good child, although he has not met for many years, he is also quite pleased. In Mr. Li Lao's "It is also a kind of happiness to have a good dream", I saw him praising the Hongji brothers in the happy meeting with his wife in the dream, which included the words "I said alone, she just laughed, at this time I was already washing my face with tears, she sometimes nodded, as if asking me something, I said to her again: I am very grateful that you gave me so many good children, this is the wealth of our family, this is the basis of our happiness, after you left Hongji once said to me: You have a disease in the future, I will take care of you without doing anything." Hongyao also said: If you don't spend it, don't easily reach out to them for money. They can all pass, and Hongyao can earn more than a hundred yuan a day. It can be seen that Mr. Li does not have any luxury for happiness, as long as he can have a good dream with his wife and have a few children who understand filial piety, he will be satisfied. In fact, all the past is a story for the onlooker, but it is happy and sad for the witness.

The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

After reading half a book, I sighed a lot. Ma Weidu once said: "I have respected intellectuals since I was a child, because our generation did not have the opportunity to enter school in the era when they should have studied, they all went to the mountains and went to the countryside, and the knowledge they learned was all taken from the east and the chopsticks and the west spoon, not systematic or solid, so far I do not consider myself an intellectual, and envy those who can take a salary and study tirelessly in the academic unit." "Although Mr. Li is not an office worker who pays a salary in an academic unit, he is a person who tirelessly loves to learn.

In the words of his daughter, "Although my family was poor since childhood, there is one thing that makes us proud, and that is that I have a lot of books in my family." In the countryside, no one has so many books as our family, and even high-end literary magazines such as "People's Literature" and "Selected Novellas" have them. "There is no doubt that Mr. Li is a person who loves culture, especially in that era, not to mention an ordinary peasant family, even some families with better conditions rarely have these high-end literary publications, which is undoubtedly a subtle influence on children." In the world, only those who work tirelessly and diligently in the cultural kingdom can sow seeds in the vast cultural classics. Mr. Li Lao practiced unremitting efforts with his own practical actions, and finally took a solid and gratifying step.

After reading "Mulberry Evening Sunshine", there is a feeling that is particularly prominent. In the following chapters, he writes about his haunted hometown, not only limited to the memory of a certain person, "from the initial nostalgia for his wife, to the memories of the past years, as well as the local culture in his memory, his travels, his thoughts and thoughts, etc." from time to time, he solicited quotations from time to time, appropriately added classic historical materials, increased the capacity of the work, and left the author's innermost beautiful feelings between the lines, making the article more readable and informative.

The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

Mr. Li's narrative style is so kind and simple, the pen and ink are so concise, and the feelings expressed are so sincere and true. Although he is not a professional writer, nor does he take dancing and ink as a profession, he has the potential of a certain professional writer to engage in writing. From the structure of the whole book, the arrangement of the title, the highlighting of the focus, the storytelling of the narrative, and the ordinariness of the characters, it is not difficult to see that the author has devoted a lot of effort and made full preparations for this, and has made considerable efforts. Can't help but be impressive.

I remember years ago in a pure literary journal, I saw a writer who said that he stopped reading books written by other writers after the age of 40. I read the article he wrote and thought he was arrogant, and I had always looked down on people who didn't know the sky and the earth, even if he was as red as the sun, so I didn't bother to remember his name. Now, I understand him a little, he must also be oppressed by the works of the ancient and modern sages, and increasingly feel that the self-confidence in writing is constantly losing, so he simply vows not to read other people's books.

In fact, in the real world, more people, in the eternal daily life, are those trees and flowers that grow at will, they are endless, facing dust and exhaust gases, and surviving in polluted water and sandstorms. Humble or prominent, it is a gesture of life. Especially now that we are in an era of great change, where ideas collide fiercely and new ideas sprung up. Examining the development context of the times, thinking about the country's major political strategies, and recording the waves of the times with a broader and more cutting-edge vision is the mission that creators should undertake.

I think we should learn from Mr. Li lao and make a fuss about the 3 basic conditions. One is to live a long life, the second is to be diligent and diligent, and the third is to have a good attitude. First, Li Laoxian lived until he was 80 years old and had a book that he published. Second, mr. Li's recollections recorded many events and deaths, and even the details of the time and place are clearly remembered, relying on his intelligence and studiousness. Third, Mr. Li Lao's personality is sophisticated and harmonious, adjusting his mentality, high and high, low and low, can come out of grief and write with peace of mind. His wife passed away many years ago, and at the age of 80, he hid his love deeply for the rest of his life. No wonder his name is Wen Zhong, which can really be described as "Wen Yun's great love, loyalty and heart." ”

The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

So, I think "Mulberry Elm Evening Sunshine" is a living thing, like a wild plant, vigorous, tenacious, it pulls its own joints, grows according to its own appearance, and no one can prune it. In reading, you have to change from excessively active to restrained passivity, merging the freedom of the self with the freedom of others. This kind of writing made me read a countryside with flesh and blood, wind and rain, happiness and pain, not only with a wet and clear outline, but also a little faint soul, surging with thick nostalgia and faint nostalgia, very soft, very delicate, very warm, very simple, there is a local fine, there is also an overall open-mindedness, the words flow like flowing water. It is no secret that this is the most simple, realistic, colloquial, most related to the pain of the world, and the most interesting work I have read.

Thinking like this, it is appropriate in my heart, but I just feel good. If you don't feel as good as I think, I still feel good. Because every evening you will always see the red and big sunset outside the window sinking in the distance as expected. This is the last glory of the day, and the afterglow of the sunset makes me lose my nameless humility and leaves a beautiful back for Mr. Wenzhong.

The afterglow of the sunset left him with a back shadow - reading Mr. Li Wenzhong's "Mulberry Yu Evening Sunshine"

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