
Looking at Kai Kai's grandmother's comments on Xu Min's brother's beating, Xiong Lei's original family education turned out to be like this

author:The Nine-Square Fish Theory

The original view of the Nine-Square Fish Theory, refuse to copy

On October 23, Xu Min's brother was scratched by a certain fruit, and another person in his company was beheaded in front of the police. This indicates that after the besieged You Xiaofeng, the people on Ms. Du's side have shifted the Internet storm from online to offline.

There is a basis for this. A certain fruit recently said that she was going to Jiujiang, going to the Third Yuan, looking for Xu Min, and said that she was ready to die with her life. Xu Min had to call the police and was told that it needed to be solved locally, and only then did Xu Min's brother visit Hangzhou.

Looking at Kai Kai's grandmother's comments on Xu Min's brother's beating, Xiong Lei's original family education turned out to be like this

On the way

In Ms. Du's words, the matter of two eight is a family affair. Therefore, Xu Min's brother went to Hangzhou for family affairs and solved them through formal channels. But Kai Kai's grandmother actually said that this thing was black and that would! Look at his comments, black that would be too rampant.

Looking at Kai Kai's grandmother's comments on Xu Min's brother's beating, Xiong Lei's original family education turned out to be like this

Kai Kai's grandmother concluded

Xu Min's brother was only because the police suggested that he find out the certain fruit, and for safety, he went with several anchors to find a certain fruit in Four Seasons Qing, and he persuaded her to go to the police together. As a result, a certain fruit actually scratched and scratched and injured Xu Min's brother. Kai Kai Actually thought that these people were black and that would!

If there are many people, there will be no black, there are many people with certain fruits, and there are shopping mall security guards. Why does Grandma Kai think that more than ten people are tearing up a certain fruit?

So on July 31, Ms. Du and a group of 10 people went to surround the normal live broadcast of the poor you Xiaofeng and snatched his mobile phone, how come Kai Kai Grandma did not think that the 10 or so people were black that will? She also specifically told Yao Ce's cousin to pay attention to safety! How should the uncle who has been beaten head characterize the husband of a certain fruit?

Looking at Kai Kai's grandmother's comments on Xu Min's brother's beating, Xiong Lei's original family education turned out to be like this

The uncle who was beaten

Kai Kai's grandmother has such a peculiar three views, you can see why Xiong Lei can write such a fierce little composition, it turns out that she received a native family education.

What is even more vigilant is that Xu Min seeks the truth for the specific circumstances of the child being replaced, so that future mothers do not have to worry about the child being stolen and replaced, and there is no thief in the world. However, ms. Du, Xiong Lei, Yao Cetang's sister-in-law, Kai Kai's grandmother, what chun and what are more, are all trying to elevate it to a more serious problem. The concept of stealing the truth is to undermine unity and stability. The heart that wants to buckle the big hat is obvious.

Looking at Kai Kai's grandmother's comments on Xu Min's brother's beating, Xiong Lei's original family education turned out to be like this


Maybe realize that your hat is too big. Grandma Kai deleted the video of the black what would be replaced by the video where Ms. Du seemed to be crying. This kind of misery is not strange. The video deleted by Kai Kai's grandmother was sent by other Du Fan screenshots.

Looking at Kai Kai's grandmother's comments on Xu Min's brother's beating, Xiong Lei's original family education turned out to be like this


After paying attention to Erba for so long, it became clearer and clearer that it was Xu Min's family who took family affairs as family affairs and internal contradictions to seek; it was Ms. Du's side who tried to raise family affairs to what would unite and affect greater contradictions.

Their intentions, obviously. Don't say it directly, you understand everything you understand. Xu Minzhi's search for the truth, how not difficult!

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement must be deleted)

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